
alliebob27 Posts: 79
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I have these dvd's by "Leslie Sansone". If anyone has heard about her or even used her dvd's..do they actually work? "Walk away the pounds" is a popular one. I tried them in the past..but started another dvd. Was just wondering if those actually work?!

And what about walking on trails / track? Has anyone JUST walked as a exercise and seen results? My knee is really bad right now and can't do anything "hardcore"..so walking might be my best friend for awhile here..

Just trying to get helpful advice. Thanks!


  • if you have knee problems try swimming as does not starin the joints
  • I have the Leslie Sansone's 5 mile fat burning walk.. I've been doing it every day since Monday.... it includes 2 minutes of jogging at the end of each mile... it burns a good amount of calories for me about 430-525... and my legs are starting to be sore!

    I like the videos because on days I can't fit my other workouts in I still do this dvd.. but I plan on switching to anothre workout next week and only doing this dvd 1 or 2 days of the week... my body is already getting used to it
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I can't say whether they work or not because I gave up using them. The one thing that I did learn while I used them was to turn the volume off because her "walk,walk,walk," voice can get annoying after awhile.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi, ive been walking at least an hr a day for the last 2 weeks, and most days 30 mins in evening, have noticed huge difference, lost inches from thighes, cellulite hardly now visible, and 2 day have actually felt thigh muscles working, legs r def toning with all the walking:smile:
  • sapiers
    sapiers Posts: 14
    any exercise is better than none, generally if you keep your heart rate up for 30 plus minutes you will burn calories so it is good
  • also if you want to get cardio in but can't do too much cause of your knee... Jillian Michaels does a move in 1 of her workouts... she said it's great cardio if you have a lower body injury. Just doing punches..
  • Yes, walking is great exercise if you do it regularly. I walk outside when the weather allows, and I use the Leslie Sansone DVD's when I need to exercise indoors.
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    Never seen the DVD's but most of my weight loss (Heaviest was 245 lbs, now down to about 191 lbs) was from walking. That and eating less/better. Starting last Summer I would walk in the area of between 2.5 - 5 miles every day and have been having to do other exercises now for the winter. But for the first few months of my trying to lose weight my main exercise was walking. Try to get up to a brisk pace and it can actually be VERY good exercise
  • I do agree about her voice repeating over & over saying "walk walk walk!" is annoying! lol. But at this point I'm just trying to think of what I should do. I REALLY need to lose weight, and I'm NOT happy with myself at this point!

    And congrats missy1970eb..that's awesome!! Walking is great! :)
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    HeelsAndBoxingGloves Posts: 916 Member

    I found this article a week or so ago. I have just started the program so I don't know if it works or not but it definitely seems to have potential and changes the length of the walks and how fast you should do them which makes me think it could work. Oh! And I also have a pair of Reebok Toners that I wear when I walk and even just walking a little bit a day with them on has helped to tone my legs and butt :smile:
  • Heevenlee
    Heevenlee Posts: 35
    I have a bunch of Leslie Sansone videos.That is what I started with when I started my journey.You can lose weight with them as I did but at a slower pace.I am now doing other things and use her as a warm up.LS works different muscles than a normal stroll walking would do.Her walk slim seris useses boosted walking(jogging) at a good brisk pace.Hope that helps
  • Ohk so I'm not alone with the walking then :). So far it sounds like it really can give good results if you just keep up with it! Should I walk 5x's a wk? 6x's? Any suggestions?!

    And congrats patio1313 for losing the weight!! My BIGGEST part right now is portion control..I feel like I have NO control over food..it just takes over me..I HATE that I LOVE food so much!!

    Arsie: Thanks girl! That's awesome, I'm definitely going to check that out :)
  • Love her DVD's! She's definitely helped me along with my weight loss over the winter months when I couldn't get outside. She can have the most annoying voice in the world, she helped me keep my running stride despite 8 feet of snow outside, her voice sounds like angels to me.
  • Thanks Heevenlee, I'll have to look into that one :)
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i walk everyday but thats cause im doing 10k in july and part of it is to get my fitness levels up:smile: , i lost weight b4 though with swimming, also i do cycle and run
  • Mo120
    Mo120 Posts: 20
    I love her DVD's! I have 8 of them, I do at least 3 miles every morning. It's low impact, gets my heart rate up (as per my heart rate monitor!), makes me sweat, she always puts me in a good mood. I love it.
    That's all I've been doing, and it works very well! Some people like to loose weight faster with hardcore training, but I tend to quit when it's out of my fitness range, so I do the Leslie Sansone walking workouts, it's just easy to stick to. No complicated moves, just what I need.

    So, yes, works for me! :-)
  • babersbh
    babersbh Posts: 32
    Walking is awesome exercise and "YES" you will see results. I lost 120 pounds by watching what I ate and just walking 2 miles a day....12 years ago. Unfortunately, I quit doing it and alas, here I am again....Not quite where I started but am well on my way so here we go again.

    With a knee problem, which I have 2 of, my orthopedic surgeon has told me walking is awesome, but not on hard surfaces. The best place to walk is on grass. I have a cushioned track treadmill, which isn't too bad on my knees, but I can't go crazy on it, cause I pay for it later.

    Good luck! :)
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i actually did just walking after my first pregnancy, i would walk with my baby boy *who is now almost 4* for about 45 minutes a day, a fast brisk walk. i lost all of my baby weight that way, plus a few more pounds, and ate sensibly. this time around it hasnt been so simple though = / i am now busting my butt at the gym trying to get the weight off from my most recent pregnancy.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Swimming is amazing, if you're going to walk, push it hard and go fast up hills. It's low to no impact and you can still rock your heartrate :)
  • Thank you everyone so much for responding to this topic! I'm so desperate at this point to what really and truly works. I am going to nip it in the butt and start walking for sure! No'one but me can do it anyhow :).
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