I lose all motivation after 30 mins of cardio...

Pandabug93 Posts: 130 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise

i've been going to the gym and doing 30 minutes of cardio and then one or two machines and then leaving. I really want to get better at strength training, but after my thirty minutes of cardio I'm just so exhausted--sometimes it seems hard to push myself to keep going until I hit 30 minutes.

My question is this, how can I stay strong after cardio and really have enough energy to stick to the weights? I considered taking muscle milk, but I heard that will make you gain weight, and for someone who is almost 90 lbs overweight, I really don't want to be gaining any more fat.

Does anyone have any tips they use or any good exercises they can recommend? I really want to get better at going to the gym and staying 100% motivated, I just burn all my fuel during the first 30 mins and it frustrates me.

Thanks in advance for all the help!


  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Why don't you do your strength training first and your cardio afterwards?
  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member
    I do 10 minutes on the treadmill at a 3.5 pace to warm up, then work with the weights, then do my 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical.
  • take a B complex vitamin.
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    Try switching it up: Do a 7 minute cardio low intensity warm up; the hit the weights or whatever you use in the gym for toning; this should not be more than 45 minutes;; do not over train; end workout with 20 min of cardio like treadmill intervals and cool down with slow stretching on the mat.
  • What are you doing while you're working out? Listening to good music? Reading a book on the bike? I always do my cardio before strength because I feel like my muscles are warmed up and there's less chance of me pulling something. Maybe you have a mental block...you just have to push yourself a little more every day. How long have you been at this? It takes time to work up the endurance/stamina/strength, but you can do it. Stick with it!
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    Try switching it up: Do a 7 minute cardio low intensity warm up; the hit the weights or whatever you use in the gym for toning; this should not be more than 45 minutes;; do not over train; end workout with 20 min of cardio like treadmill intervals and cool down with slow stretching on the mat.
  • Is there anyone to go with you? I'm never as motivated alone as I am with other people...
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Generally when I plan on lifting and cardio, after my warm up I'll lift first and then hit whatever cardio I have planned.
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    per my trainer if you do your weights first and cardio after, you will burn more calories. To keep from getting tired will come with time. THe more you go to the gym and eat right the more energy you will have. I now can stay on the elliptical for an hour.

    And one thing my trainer tells me when I say NOT today because I am tired or just dont feel like it is this "Your body hears what your mind it thinking"

    if you think you cant, then you wont
  • Pandabug93
    Pandabug93 Posts: 130 Member
    per my trainer if you do your weights first and cardio after, you will burn more calories. To keep from getting tired will come with time. THe more you go to the gym and eat right the more energy you will have. I now can stay on the elliptical for an hour.

    And one thing my trainer tells me when I say NOT today because I am tired or just dont feel like it is this "Your body hears what your mind it thinking"

    if you think you cant, then you wont

    I love that quote! Psh my mind is such a bad influence on my body. I think I'll try doing a 10 minute warm up and then weights and such and then cardio like so many people suggested. Also, I just might have to try that B supplement and try and block out all those negative thoughts. I like to listen to music, it keeps me going and chewing gum--I always feel better when I have gum for some reason.

    Thank you all for the support and advice (:
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    Everyone's advice is awesome. But also try to find a workout partner... you will do the exercise while talking and it will fly by. But be sure to pick someone at the same level as you, otherwise one of you will leave the other behind... I learned that one the hard way.
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    Does your gym offer up any sort of consult with a trainer? The gym I used to go to offered that with your membership, and they would show you how to use the equipment and give you a weight training program. You can also look online or in women's magazines (like Fitness, Shape, or Women's Health - or even just check out their websites).

    You COULD try alternating days where you JUST do cardio and then do weights the other days? Then you don't have to worry about busting your butt on the cardio machines and then having to do weights? That's how I used to do it and it worked for me (as I don't like to spend too much time at the gym, but definitely want to maximize my time while I'm there).

    Or you could look into circuit training, which incorperates cardio and weight training (it's a lot of interval work that keeps your heart rate up and I find is an excellent workout).

    Anyway - just my suggestions - hope you find something that works for you!!!!

    Great job!!!
  • Break it up. I do cardio only some days and I don't always go to the gym-get outside! and leave the watch in the car. Its easier to stay motivated with a change of scenery. when I do cardio at the gym along with strength I do it last you burn more calories that way.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I would skip the cardio completely and go for a cardio strength training routine. It will burn more fat and generally they only run 25 minutes. This sort of training is called Metabolic Resistance Training, and it works well.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Do you have to exercise at the gym or can you go out running? I find working out in a gym really boring, and never last long, but when I set off for a run, there are things to see, you have to concentrate on where you are going and the terrain, so it doesn't get boring in the same way. Also I make sure I set off on a circular route that is slightly longer than I am comfortable with so that by the time I get tired it is quicker to finish the run than turn round and go back the other way.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    What works best for me is to spread them out. Have cardio 4 days a week and lift 3. get a burn going everyday and always have the energy!
  • I had the same problem. I have been on my weight loss journey for almost 1 year now. At first I just worked on cardio until I could master 30 minutes without getting tired. Then I moved to strength training. Now I do cardo for at least 1 hr 3 to 4 times a week. I did strength training the opposite days until recently when I was hit by a car and got a broken arm. I still work out just not upper body. Don't despair just keep moving no matter how small the progress. I'm a grandparent and never thought I would exercise unless it was going for ice cream. Now I bicycle, hike, swim and play with my grand kids. It's great! Just hang in there.
  • Pandabug93
    Pandabug93 Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you all, I go with my mom haha, she just started going and she absolutely hates the gym. I like the gym though because everyone is working out so it is a nice environment in my opinion (:

    I think I'll try a couple of different options and see which ones work best!!

    Another questions though is, if you take a muscle building product such as muscle milk or whatever, but you workout at least an hr a day, would that help or hurt your efforts? I'm not very good at this whole process just yet!
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    Hey can I share this is an opinion, when you are that over weight, I would focus completely on cardio and less on strength training, after you shed like 30 pounds it will be a lot easier to have the energy to do both! Remember this is just an opinion of someone who has been focused on Cardio programs that incorporate some strength training, and has just recently added a separate strength training routine.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I do my strength first and then do my cardio or whatever. If I had to do strength after I did the other stuff I'd likely just fall over :)
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