My beginning to an end...

Where do I begin? Where do I belong? I'll start here and hope that I'm finally in the right place. I'll give you a chance to get the fat free popcorn popped and drink because this could be a long one...

A little about me...I am 29yrs old, married to my wonderful husband but 2 beautiful children. I will be married 3yrs on April 5th and my sons are 27months and 12months. I work full-time and recently put myself back in school (online) to get my BS: Business Management. So if you haven't guessed yes I am very busy and it's onlly going to get busier as my sons get older and into sports.

Diet & Exercise: This is the long name it and I've probably tried it. Of course nothing worked because I never stuck with it long enough. I get bored VERY easily. Let's start with diet. Monday thru Friday I do excellent with my diet. A typical day for me is Kashi Go Lean Crunch (1c) w. FF Milk (1/2c); Coffee Black w. Splenda (2); Almonds,Walnuts&Chocolate Covered Cranberries (1/4c); Thin N Trim Santa Fe Turkey Breast (2oz) & American Cheese (1oz) w. Light Mayo (1Tbsp) on Bulkie Roll; Tostitos (24) w. Salsa (1/2c); Dinner. Not bad right...then comes Friday evening until Sunday night when I destroy my entire week. I have NO control over myself and eat everything and anything. I eat even when I'm not hungry...and then I get discouraged when I see how much my stomach expanded in that short time so I eat some more because I'm depressed. It's a viscious cycle which I've been battling and I can not stop. Oh and I also have a SlimQuick Mix Berry Packet every morning with my water before the gym...this gives me a little extra kick in the gym. I get bored eating the same thing over and over but I also don't have the time to make something new everyday. I would love to make a salad everyday w. chicken but that's way too time consuming. I know I can premake everything but sometimes I waste food by preparing it and then I'm not in the mood for it. ARGH!!! Only if there was an easy way and there wasn't so much good food...and that's just it I love food so much. I know people say well eat more vegetables, fruits, do not eat packaged food...that's all the obvious and I know it but for some reason I can not do it. I've tried and then I gage as I eat it. Don't get me wrong I love fruit but when I'm trying to force myself to eat it I get sick.

Atkins, South Beach, Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, SlimQuick, etc. I been there, done that but I need to figure out what's going to work for me as a lifestyle change. As I said before I like (no I LOVE) food. I'm always going to want bread, rice, pasta. I need to find a happy medium for myself. The diet above has been my newest diet schedule for the past 3weeks and so far so good. I'll stick with it and just alternate lunch with soup so I don't get so bored.

Exercise: Currently I go to the gym 3-5times a week. My work has a gym so it's convenient for me to go during lunch. I also did Slim In 6 which I quit after 4 weeks. I lost no weight (actually gained 0.5lb) and lost about 3ins. I know it doesn't seem like alot but my clothes did feel better and the compliments I was receiving felt amazing. I just couldn't get through the last 2 weeks. It was painfully boring...I mean PAINFULLY boring!!! Last night I started Turbo Jam's Rip It Up Rotation. I'm excited about it and I'm going to push forward with it for the next 4 weeks. I took before pictures and measurements (see below) and I'm hoping to be a success story someday for all of you. I get bored with working out too but I think this rotation with keep things interesting for me. For workout DVD's I have: P90, Slim in 6, Booty Ballet, Turbo Jam & Zumba. I actually tried Zumba the other night. It seemed like alot of fun and I was laughing more then working out because I was all over the place. I was looking in the mirror as I did some of the moves which I thought I was a pro at...WOW!!! I hope I don't really look like that when I go out dancing YIKES! To back trak a little bit...I have never completed any of these programs that I have. I think I just keep these companies in business by buying products and letting them collect dust at my house.

SO here I am Day 2 of TJ Advanced Rip It Up Rotation:

Day 1:
Workout: CP3 - I had fun but lost foot coordination a few times. No biggy I'll get back on track next time.
Eating: HORRIBLE!!! (I am off of work today) Chocolate chip pancakes w. Lite Syrup; Coffee w. FF Milk & Splenda; Cheeseburger w. Mustard, Ketchup, Relish & Onions; Large French Fries & 1/2 Grilled Cheese; Wendy's Sour Cream & Chive Baked Potato & SIde Caesar Salad...and some M&Ms at some point today

Day 2:
Workout: 3T - I really enjoyed this workout and it was only 30mins and not nearly as difficult at Slim in 6...nice easy workout tonight
Eating: HORRIBLE again!!! (Another day off work) Coffee w. FF Milk & Splenda; Glazed & Chocolate Munchkins (5); Clam Chowder w. Oyster Crackers, Diet Pepsi & Greek Salad w. Grilled Chicken; Fritos (snack size); Pepperoni Pizza, Side Garden Salad w. Italian dressing; Swedish Fish (2pieces); Edy's Slow Churned Neapolitan (1c)

I know my eating has been horrible...this is what happens I don't feel guilty as I'm eating it and then I am so upset with myself after I look at what I ate. I'm going to be posting what I eat and I'm going to be honest. I'm only human but if I keep seeing what I'm doing wrong then may be it'll give me a HUGE kick in the behind.

Here are my measurements:
Height: 5'3" Weight: 135.2
Chest: 37.5; Upper Waist: 31; @ Belly Button: 34.75; Lower Waist: 36; Hips: 37.5; Left&Right Thigh: 20.5; Left&Right Arm: 10.75; Left&Right Calf: 13.25

If you can't already tell I gain the most of my weight in my I think that means I have an apple shape. I would love to lose 10lbs and here are my goal measurements...lets see how long it takes me to get there.

1st Goal Measurements:
Height: 5'3" Weight: 125
Chest: 35; Upper Waist: 29; @ Belly Button: 32; Lower Waist: 34; Hips: 37.5; Left&Right Thigh: 19.5; Left&Right Arm: 9.5; Left&Right Calf: 12.5

Wish me luck....


  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    wow, that was a novel- I skipped to the end.

    Good Luck!
  • gidjet11
    gidjet11 Posts: 86
    I found that being honest about what I'm eating and what exercise I'm doing has helped me alot. I really just started using the site this week and already feel better everyday about what I'm eating and stuff. I think that your goals are great and attainable for sure! Best of luck to you, just think how proud you'll be for sticking with it and reaching your personal goals!:happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    I have the same problem! i eat good during the week, then the weekend and BAM! I'm eating ihop and pizza, plus having a few drinks...... no wonder i can lose these last 20 pounds! but you know what? we just have to keep trying, and eventually, we will do it right. sometimes it just takes a while. but i have faith, and i know we can do! Be strong!!!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    The whole thing is mental toughness. You can conquer it if you think you can. If you really, really want it you will overcome your cravings and as you eat better you will want better.
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    I laugh reading your post because it sounds just like me! I am for the most part pretty good during the week and once friday hits I'm horrible. What's worked for me is really just making small changes...I made it a point to eat 5-6 meals a day and it was hard at first but now I'm used to fact I get hungry after 2-3 hrs. This has helped me from binging on something super unhealthy for dinner. I don't buy things like donuts because I know I will eat them. Instead I buy gogurts for my son (I know they're not really good in sugar) and freeze them. I treat myself to one occasionally...see with donuts I'd take half and say I'd only eat half but somehow end up eating the other half plus another one. I don't do that with frozen yogurts :) I am like you I like my carbs and really have no intention of giving them up completely. Protein shakes or peanut butter on low cal toast keeps me full in between meals...I'm still working on getting my weekends under control... I hope this helps. Good luck.

    Oh n my the way I'm also 5'3 and started my fitness/weight loss journey close to the same weight...I am half way through P90X
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    jacque1109: It's just a chapter of a novel ;) Congrats on your loss so far...keep up the good work!

    gidjet11: I'm fairly new to the site too. I've been around here and there logging in my food/exercise but I never added to the community board. I'm hoping that I can find others here to keep me honest. I use to do WW online and I think MFP is a much better tool to use then WW. Best of luck to you!

    aabelein: You will succeed in losing these last 20lbs. Like me we just need to make mini changes. I think I'm going to try and eat healthy Friday night and eat healthy for breakfast/lunch Saturday and Sunday then both nights dinner I will leave open as "cheat" nights. That was I'll still be able to indulge and have a beer/glass of wine when I want. Good luck!

    LG61820: Couldn't agree with you more...

    kinsellae: P90X...good for you!!! That program scares me. How are you liking your results? I am up in the air about buying TurboFire and Chalean Extreme. We'll see when I get to that point. I've tried 5-6 meals a day and I then feel like all I do is think about food. I have to buckle down and think of something. It seems like a lot of people swear by this...may be I should try it again. Congrats on making it 1/2 to your goal.

    Well here's to another day of diet and exercise. I hope at the end of these 4 weeks I'll be able to see a little less of my mommy tummy.