How to recover from night of overeating?

I have been eating really well for the last few weeks...and then tonight my bf and I went out to dinner. It was nothing awful, just grilled artichokes, half a ceaser salad, sea bass, veggies, and some ginger brown rice. But I had psyched myself out during the day, and had planned on not eating very much, (which in turn backfired) and before dinner even came around I had already reached my daily calorie limit.

So...after a day of going over your calories, what is the best thing to eat the next 24hrs? My staple is old fashioned oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, but I read on a random fitness website to avoid carbs the next AM.
I plan on running tomorrow AM and will probably not be hungry till late AM, but what to eat to help my body recover?


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Drink lots of water, watch the sodium, and don't worry about it. A night 'off' is good for you once in awhile! It keeps your metabolism guessing. So as long as it's an 'occasional' thing and not a nightly thing, I'd drink a little extra water and avoid sodium and go back to my normal routine tomorrow and call it a day (er, night).
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    just start the new day fresh... sometimes its actually good to go over your limit.. but if you had a bad day dont sweat it, one day wont hurt its when one day becomes every day that youre in trouble.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I just move on and eat as usual. Up your water if you feel you over did it on sodium but nothing else needs to be done.
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    Eat a normal healthy day = the extra food was good and healthy and probaly boosted your metabolism - no harm done - a blow out meal once a week is no bad thing
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    In reality you don't need to DO anything, you can just go back to eating normally and be just fine. You don't need to 'recover' the over eating, your body will just store what it did not need and your normal days will more than make up for that storage.
  • joshort123
    All I can ever do is bust my *kitten* in the gym asap the next day. Wipe away the negative thoughts about the previous day and concentrate on what lies ahead. That's all we can do with just about any negative issue really.
  • healthyandthin
    healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
    One day of bad eating won't hurt you much. As you said, you didn't eat too bad. Just start the day fresh like any other day. One day of high calorie food might actually boost your metabolism. Don't worry about it too much. You need 3500 calories to gain one pound.
  • oshmom
    oshmom Posts: 78 Member
    It is SO hard to see someone so lean and hot as you worry about this. But it makes me realize we ALL have our issues. Please realize YOU are what most of us dream we could NEVER be. Promist to be healthy, strong and happy.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    I second the recommendation on drinking a lot of water. Overeating is usually not the issue's typically the food, which normally contains a lot of sodium. So, go with the water and stick to your usual diet. i personally find that it takes 2-3 days for my weight to get back to the point of where it was prior to the day I overate.

    God bless!

  • reymemo
    reymemo Posts: 8
    worst that can happen is you gain water weight from the extra sodium/carbs, that will go away soon, but your night of dining out doesn't seem at all unhealthy to me. Eat as you would any other day and enjoy your dining out without dwelling on it.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    I usually take a healthy dose of psyllium fiber or ground flax seed in water before. I go to bwd. Then lots of water and.back on track the next day.
  • jsmjboertlein
    In all seriousness though, you went over but the extra was healthy food, so I think you will be fine to drink some extra water and maybe do an extra workout, but and every now and then overage on calories is a good boost for weight loss. If you are trying to maintain and not lose, then I'd say you are safe to go about normal eating habbits tomorrw
  • mfergie889
    Thanks everyone...added some chocolate and cookies to my night. Dug myself a hole!

    Oh well, 4 mile run in the AM and back to my clean diet.