I hate water and drinking liquids in general!

Okay, I know I'll probably sound weird and stupid but here it goes anyway. I absolutely hate water and can't even drink much of anything in general. I hate the sloshing feeling in my stomach. I stay dehydrated and most times have dry patches on my face. During one pregnancy I was made to go to the hospital for a few hours just to get hydrated. I know this is unhealthy, but I don't know how to make myself drink liquids. I'm already over sodium everyday so I can't just eat salty stuff to make myself thirsty. Any suggestions for me?


  • Jouquetta
    Jouquetta Posts: 20
    how about crushed up ice? Jello... the sugar free stuff works well plus you kinda get the sensation like you're eating something.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    It's just something that you are going to have to do whether its uncomfortable or not. You will feel so much better once you make a habit of it. Maybe start out small with the water...and then gradually increase it. The health benefits are so worth the discomfort you may feel at first. In my experience the body craves the water after a while.
  • hamsmash
    hamsmash Posts: 41 Member
    Try Hot vs Cold to me a glass full of ice then filled with water tastes best. If you perfer the cold you could try adding lemon to your water or adding sugar free flavoring like crystal lite. If you perfer hot drinks you could try herbal tea. For the sloshing feeling drink your water over time so instead of knocking back a glass all at once just nurse your drink over time. Or you could drink your fluids before you eat to help with the sloshiness as well. Hope you figure out something that works for you.
  • hmm...have you talked to your doctor about this? it just seems so wrong that you would have such a strong aversion to something so vital to your survival. Many people don't like drinking plain water, but they get water in tea, or crystal light or something... Maybe something is off and this is a weird symptom of it. You body is mostly made up of water, so you definitely need it. If you haven't already, you might ask your doctor if something could medically cause this. Hope you figure something out and stay hydrated! Good luck. :)
  • That sloshy feeling will go away, after practice. Took me a bit too to get over drinking "just water". Start out doing it with your meals, the food will help (and the water will make you fuller). I love the jello idea! Wish some one had told me that when I first had to start drinking water too.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    just try and build yourself up to it, a sip at a time, a sip here and there isnt going to kill you... also cucumber is super high in water and low in calories if you absolutly cannot stand to drink
  • manda907
    manda907 Posts: 22
    I don't like water much either, but I will buy bottled and put them in the freezer, I love freezing cold water. I also love drinking Arizona Green Tea - I can drink that easily all day long and it's not too bad in calories for what it is.
  • kitcatnik
    kitcatnik Posts: 25 Member
    My girlfriend faced the same problem. She now fills up a 32 oz cup with ice water in the morning and sips it throughout the day at work (with a straw) . If its not gone by the time she is leaving she drinks whats left. Thats 4 of your 8 glasses right there. She also added soup as her lunch so that ups to her hydration. I don't have that problem but sometimes water gets boring so I will have sparkling water with cherry juice or if you are tight on cal. Crystal light pure is a decent flavor booster. Keep experimenting and let us know what ends up working:smile:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I don't like water much either, but I will buy bottled and put them in the freezer, I love freezing cold water. I also love drinking Arizona Green Tea - I can drink that easily all day long and it's not too bad in calories for what it is.

    Arizona Green Tea is 150 calories/small bottle. For me, that is way too much. Crystal Light = win! Yummy AND only 5 cals/serving! :)
    Or try real green tea with a little splenda/whatever your favorite 0-cal sweetener is. :D Green tea has 30mg of metabolism-boosting EGCG in every cup.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Cut down your sugars. That could be the problem. If that is the problem, right now, water probably tastes like a flavorless, nasty nothingness to you. That is how it used to taste to me. But after cutting my sugars back significantly, things started tasting better - particularly water. I know that sounds weird because it's like "It's water - how different can it taste?" But it's completely true.
  • I don't like water much either, but I will buy bottled and put them in the freezer, I love freezing cold water. I also love drinking Arizona Green Tea - I can drink that easily all day long and it's not too bad in calories for what it is.

    Arizona Green Tea is 150 calories/small bottle. For me, that is way too much. Crystal Light = win! Yummy AND only 5 cals/serving! :)
    Or try real green tea with a little splenda/whatever your favorite 0-cal sweetener is. :D Green tea has 30mg of metabolism-boosting EGCG in every cup.

    The Diet Green Arizona tea is awwesome!
  • jen1516
    jen1516 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I can't drink cold stuff due to my teeth sensitivity and can't chomp ice since I'm in the process of getting some porcelain crowns put in, but maybe after the work is done I will be able to. I do usually live off of lemonade crystal light (but still only 16-20 oz a day) but have been avoiding it the past few days because of the mouth ulcers I got after I bit my tongue after some dental work on Monday. I do like the jello idea! No, I haven't mentioned it to my regular doctor but maybe I will next time I go. I've always been this way and have made an effort in the past but it only lasts for a few days. I'll keep trying though. Thanks gals.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I'm not really a fan of water either, but I love ice cold lemon water.
  • jen1516
    jen1516 Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah I'm trying to figure out a way to get my sugar down (as well as my sodium). This is my first week, so once I start logging in more different foods I should be able to see where I can replace some of my usual foods. Hopefully lowering my sugar will help with the taste. Thanks again.
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    I understand. I loath water and Drinking most anything besides black coffee. I hate the slochy feeling I hate cold shivers and most of all i hate having to pee. I have given myself bladder infections in the past because i wouldnt drink water and go to the bathroom when i had to.
    what i have been working on doing is.
    Drinking warm almost hot water with my morning pills and vitamins.
    Tea with every meal
    The heat relieves that slochy feeling and drinking with food. but there is nothing i can do now about how often i pee. I dont know if that will help you but good luck.
  • Try and focus on the fact that when you pee, fat is taken out with it.

    Think how good it feels when eating fruit and veggies. You know that's doing you great. Well apply this when drinking water-tell yourself that not only are you hydrating yourself but when you get rid of the water hopefully a little bit of fat goes with it.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I can't drink cold stuff due to my teeth sensitivity and can't chomp ice since I'm in the process of getting some porcelain crowns put in, but maybe after the work is done I will be able to. I do usually live off of lemonade crystal light (but still only 16-20 oz a day) but have been avoiding it the past few days because of the mouth ulcers I got after I bit my tongue after some dental work on Monday. I do like the jello idea! No, I haven't mentioned it to my regular doctor but maybe I will next time I go. I've always been this way and have made an effort in the past but it only lasts for a few days. I'll keep trying though. Thanks gals.

    Jell-o is good, but you can't get a day's worth of hydration with it - sodium levels are crazy.

    If you are the independent type, I would suggest hitting up the decaf teas at the groc store and/or your local health food shop. Experiment with the different flavors until you find some blend of tea that you adore. Think of it as your own secret hydration recipe. :-)

    I find that if I make something myself that I am more apt to use it.
  • manda907
    manda907 Posts: 22
    You can always try tea like some suggest, or sugar-free apple cider packets. I drink them at work and I consider that a glass of water since it technically is water intake.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Try drinking through a straw. Really, it does help. I have issues getting my water in for the day too, but for some reason drinking it out of a big mug through a straw has helped. AND drinking through a straw eliminates the issues of sensitive teeth!!!
  • jen1516
    jen1516 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks for the advice again everyone. I do currently drink through a straw and finding drinks I like isn't really the problem, it's just the drinking. Even the drinks I love I can't drink much of. I drank a measely 8 oz. of water last night over a period of 10 minutes and I just felt aweful afterwards. Heavier drinks like a yoohoo or a milkshake when I have them don't bother me though. I physically feel bad after drinking liquids. Can't explain the feeling exactly. Don't laugh, but I've never even been drunk because I can't drink even to get drunk (no I don't do shots).