Struggling Slightly



  • megancx3
    megancx3 Posts: 17
    I'm having the same problem right now, as you know, I can't even sleep right now because I'm so scared about all the food I'm probably going to eat tomorrow.

    We just need to stay strong, if you every need to talk/vent whatever I'll listen.
    Don't forget how far you've come, you are going to beat this. I have faith in you <3
  • SortaBadass
    SortaBadass Posts: 46 Member
    I feel for you all who have overcome ed or are struggling with it now. *hugs* You guys are so strong! I know you can do it.

    EJ, if you have rituals surrounding your eating, maybe you could try to break those by using healthy food? For instance, if you always eat alone, you could try eating something healthy that you normally would eat by yourself with a friend around. If you never eat past a certain point in the evening, you could try eating something healthy later. The idea would be that if you break your rules in ways that you don't consider "bad," it will (hopefully) lead to a more relaxed attitude about food overall.