Don't get discouraged!

I just completed my 10th week with a gain of 1 pound. Actually, I was very excited it was only 1 instead of the 2 my scales showed 3 days ago. Since that day, I have exercised more and drank more water then I ever have so far.

I am trying hard to not be discouraged. On a positive note, despite the gain I have learned I am more fit then I thought I was because I boosted my walking from 2 miles to 3.5 miles and felt I could have done more. I like the changes I see to my body and love the way I feel.

If you are like me suffering from a gain this week, remember we are in this for the long haul and will always experience peaks and valleys. I am already looking forward to next weeks weigh-in because I know the number will be down.

Stay true to you and have a great week!


  • glendacurrin
    glendacurrin Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I can relate!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Just what I needed to read. Thanks. And congratulations on noticing your fitness gains. It is SO encouraging to be able to DO more, not just weigh less!
  • brandip80
    brandip80 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement....I am proud that you did not let the 1 pound discourage you. GREAT JOB!!!:happy: