Serious Sugar ADDICTION!

So I'm new to this website and as of today am getting back on track with an eating plan I started months ago.
I found quite a bit of 'healthy' success with Tosca Reno's 'Eat Clean' last fall, however compounding issues led me to fall off track. So I'm starting out from ground zero again which basically means my sugar addiciton is in full swing again.

I literally have to have sugar at some point in my day or I get a headache and feel awful. With so many people eat packaged foods, we don't realize we get a TON of sugar everyday. So 'eating clean' wipes a number of those sugars from my diet because I'm mostly eating fresh fruit and vegetables and lean meats.

SOOO, to ween myself off sugar (because if I just go cold turkey I transform into a MEGA B*T*H) I'm looking for healthy, natural sugar suggestions. Example, Carrot sticks, Apple slice with organic peanut butter, etc.

Anything you've found that gives you that hit of sweetness without being bad for you?


  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    So I'm new to this website and as of today am getting back on track with an eating plan I started months ago.
    I found quite a bit of 'healthy' success with Tosca Reno's 'Eat Clean' last fall, however compounding issues led me to fall off track. So I'm starting out from ground zero again which basically means my sugar addiciton is in full swing again.

    I literally have to have sugar at some point in my day or I get a headache and feel awful. With so many people eat packaged foods, we don't realize we get a TON of sugar everyday. So 'eating clean' wipes a number of those sugars from my diet because I'm mostly eating fresh fruit and vegetables and lean meats.

    SOOO, to ween myself off sugar (because if I just go cold turkey I transform into a MEGA B*T*H) I'm looking for healthy, natural sugar suggestions. Example, Carrot sticks, Apple slice with organic peanut butter, etc.

    Anything you've found that gives you that hit of sweetness without being bad for you?

    you have to go COLD TURKEY with the sugar..... you will be will get HEADACHES....after 4 to 5 days, it gets better...after a week, you will be FINE, just an occasional craving...mostly revolving around ToM

    when I crave sugar, I drink apple cider, I make hot apple cider or herbal tea...I use Stevia instead sugar.... I put applesauce in my oatmeal instead of sugar...
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    Dove Dark Chocolate Promises. I uually have 1-2 per day to satisfy cravings, and I just let it sit in my mouth and melt--- it lasts much longer that way. Plus Dark Chocolate is much better for ya w/ antioxidants etc.! :o)
  • Charrisse
    Charrisse Posts: 163
    I had to do it cold turkey when I did SB Diet yrs ago.. I was a mess for about 5 days and I mean stark raving mad lol My husband told me to go stick my face in a sugar jar!
    But after about 5 days I was ok, and I didnt crave it (I cut out all sugar and bread)
    I added a little back in eventually.. now Im feeling like I should do it again, I have gotten back to eating to much sugar.
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    Been there. I absolutely understand where you are coming from. I have a baby in August and craved sugar during the pregnancy. Try using Agave syrup. Good Luck!!
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    I TOTALLY understand. Unlike the previous poster, I haven't gone cold turkey. Couldn't do it with cigarettes, can't do it with sugar. One of my favorite snacks is a salt-free rice cake with a smear (about 1/2 serving) of Smart Balance peanut butter and another smear of polaner's all fruit with fiber. It's just enough. Then if things get too bad I'll have a small piece of Dove dark chocolate. Another option (for me) is the jello chocolate sugar-free fat-free instant pudding. It's not as good as eating clean, of course, but I prefer to be realistic and not cruel to myself. Also heads off pizza and salt binges.
  • ryzola
    ryzola Posts: 51 Member
    Just got to worth through it. Hit the sweeteners if you have too. Sure, not the best choice, but a better alternative. Perhaps eat high sugar fruit instead? Mango perhaps?
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I have cut waaaaaay back of processed/added sugars. I eat about 3-4 servings of fruit per day, though and that really helps stop any cravings I might have. IMO, having sugar in the form of fruits is not the same as eating Oreos and Hershey's Kisses throughout the day. I haven't cut sugar completely, just gone from 1-2 sweet things per day to 1 every few days. For me, it's just not realistic to cut it completely, I love sweets too much.
  • daves1grl
    daves1grl Posts: 26
    I'm a very all or nothing sugar eater. It causes me to have major inflammation, so I only have it on special occasions. My trick has been an herbal tea. The brand is Good Earth Original Spice. It has cinnamon and other natural spices, and helps for me. Sweet Leaf stevia also has several flavors of stevia you could try. It can be bitter. Some people swear by taking a chromium supplement.
    If you do research on sugar and the negative effects it has on your health, immune system and has medically been proven to feed cancer, maybe it will help you to have the mental endurance to stay off of it. It's helped me to decide it's just not worth it! Hope it goes well for you!
  • daves1grl
    daves1grl Posts: 26
    Oh one more thing, when you get off of it for a while, the sweetness of fruits and vegetables will satisfy you. A pink grapefruit taste like an orange to me now. :-)