Skip the gym - pay a fine?

velix Posts: 437 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
so many discussions about motivation and things that get you moving - saw this article and thought I would share

What do you think?


Skip The Gym And Get Lighter -- In The Wallet
Wednesday, March 23 2011 3:52 PMWritten by: Erica Orange

Sometimes it’s just plain hard to motivate yourself to get to the gym. There are so many reasons to stay away: sleep, work, friends, weather, traffic … did we mention sleep? And the incentive for working out is long-term, while the reasons for avoiding the treadmill are very tangible.
But what if missing a workout hit you where it really hurts – in the wallet?

Gym-Pact is similar to a site like Groupon in that it offers customers (currently in the Boston area only) deals and discounts on yoga studios and fitness centers. That’s nothing new. But if the customer misses a workout, he or she pays a fine (referred to as a “motivational fee”). The system uses a text-message-based password system, so that the customer has to check in via text in order to get credit for going.

When signing up, you make a commitment to attend one of Gym-Pact’s fitness centers for a certain number of days per week (with a minimum of one day a week). You agree on a weekly schedule, and if you miss a session…you pay $10. Ouch. So basically, one of two things can happen: 1) You can fulfill your commitment, take pleasure in the discounted membership, and bask in the glory of attaining your fitness goals; or 2) You’re pretty much made to feel like a complete and utter slacker. And a slacker with a lighter wallet, at that.

If you think Gym-Pact is draconian and mean-spirited, just look across the pond to the system it’s modeled after. A gym chain in Denmark offers free membership, so long as you show up at least once a week. Fail to show and you are charged full price for that month. Yikes.

But is financial motivation an effective-enough way to get people off the couch and into the gym? Sure seems like it. Because if there’s one thing that’s more unattractive than a soft body, it’s an empty bank account.


  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I love this!

    $10 is a pricey fine but having no excuse to miss the gym makes it waste of $10.

    I wish we could set this up via mfp!
  • britlew
    britlew Posts: 19 Member
    i read it yesterday and to me it is outragious.. life happens and sometimes people cant make it to the gym when they say they are going to.. do if they dont go at theit alloted time they have to pay $10.. that is so stupid to me. not ony that.. you have to remember to send a text message when you get there to check in!
  • mssugarca
    mssugarca Posts: 75
    I dunno because you can sign up for a gym membership pay the $30-$80 per month and still not I dont know if it would work as motivation...
  • Mimigurken
    Mimigurken Posts: 27 Member
    my insurance pays $20/ month for going to the gym 12/ times a month. Motivates me! I don't think fines work but incentives do!
  • remembertheharddrive
    remembertheharddrive Posts: 133 Member
    I looked over the website and it seems to have built-in measures/passes for times when you're sick or on vacation. For frequently business travelers, it would be great if you could get some kind of hotel-gym credit. Or attend a sister gym in another city once it gets more widespread. It also seems flexible, since you choose how many times you go per week, so if you get busy early on, you can throw in your sessions at the end of the week. Plus you can change your commitment days at the end of each month if you know the next month you'll need to cut down or ramp up.

    I think it sounds like great motivation.
  • MereRae
    MereRae Posts: 39
    My employer pays for our office to have memberships at the ATC fitness in our building. We had to sign agreements to workout a certain length of time each week (i.e. mine is 3 hours a week). If we do not meet this minimum we must pay our membership fees back. It is great motivation!!
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I guess the idea is that if the gym is going to give you a special discounted rate to enter that program, they want to make up the loss at the other end ie) get the commitment from you, or your $. I can understand the policy, but I sure wouldn't sign up for that, unless the discounts were DEEP. Even then, I personally am motivated enough to get to the gym, and I don't need the threat having to "pay extra" if I don't go.
  • I think this is awesome!!! I should start a jar in my house.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I don't think this is beneficial to me. I pay $25 a month for full access and it is open 24 hours a day Monday-Thurs, until 11pm on Friday and 8-8 on Saturday. If I had more than two days that I did not get there I would have already paid for my membership.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    i read it yesterday and to me it is outragious.. life happens and sometimes people cant make it to the gym when they say they are going to.. do if they dont go at theit alloted time they have to pay $10.. that is so stupid to me. not ony that.. you have to remember to send a text message when you get there to check in!

    I agree with this poster. People have to be allowed to be sick sometimes, go on vacation, have emergencies etc.

    Besides, studies have shown that most people give up on their gym attendance, and often pay for months of not showing up before cancelling.

    I don't think the gym is out to "motivate" people - I think the gym is counting on people NOT attending in order to increase their revenue.

    Now if they wanted to pay $10 to those who fullfill their contract and attend as scheduled.....well that would be different.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    A gym chain in Denmark offers free membership, so long as you show up at least once a week. Fail to show and you are charged full price for that month. Yikes.

    Sign me UP! Once a week is cake. Of course I assume they have stipulations in place for week or more length vacations. :laugh: MANY more people would be using the gym is it was free. We should be using government subsidies to have free gyms, it would be money much better spent than throwing it into health care to treat the impact of poor health and fitness. Sounds like a business opportunity to me. :smile: You would start seeing gyms pop up like Starbucks if this was the business model.:laugh:
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