I'm new!!

Hi everybody...I'm new on here and though not looking to lose a huge amount of weight, i'm looking forward to shaping up for summer!!

Look forward to chatting to people on here. Great Site!!


  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    hi, nice to have you join the site, it is a great tool to help you meet your goals.
  • SwissMaedel
    Hey! I'm pretty new to, have been using since the beg. of the week and love it! I'm not really worried about my weight either..just my post baby belly/back/hip fat!! I'm doing mostly Insanity videos to lose it, but also do pilates, power walking, yard work at home. =)
  • noms30
    noms30 Posts: 4
    I joined on Sunday last week. Its really good to log on here and read about other people having late night snack cravings etc....its a really good support network.

    I've had to put my running to rest for now as i've got back problems, so i figured that i should start eating right and then return to running when i'm fully fit!

    Thanks for all your messages....I feel very welcome!!