Women Only Please - TOM

What's your opinion on weigh in's during TOM???? My weigh in is scheduled for today and I was petrified because I felt like I gained back the 3 lbs I lost and THEN SOME because I'm so damn bloated. I weighed anyway and thank goodness it says I only gained 0.5 lb since my weigh in last Friday. But do I post it and weigh in on MFP??? Or do I just wait till TOM is over and weigh again?? Because typically in the past when I wasn't watching what I ate or counting calories I could gain anywhere from 2-5 lbs throughout TOM but the next week it'd usually be back to normal...Am I being too hopeful to think that I actually could have lost a bit more weight but right now am just holding on to water weight??

Thanks everyone, I know I'm a bit obsessive and am overthinking this way too much, I'd jus really prefer not to log in a 0.5 lb weight GAIN :cry:


  • ashley085
    ashley085 Posts: 22
    I was on my TOM during my last weigh in and I still managed to see weight loss on the scale but I was super worried too! If you get really bloated and retain alot of water during TOM then you may not want to weigh in until the next week because you may see water weight and get discouraged! If you feel uncomfortable doing it then simply dont do it! Wait until youre ready!
  • flutterqueen04
    I wouldn't log it. Just wait til its over and then weigh in for here. Do you drink a lot of water during that time? I would suggest totally upping your water intake the week prior til midway through to help with the bloat and water retention. Also try like crazy to watch your sodium intake as well.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I had TOM during the end of the week last week and this week and I still got a loss in. I think I would wait until you were done and weigh. I really would not want you to be discouraged if there was more of a increase.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I don't weight at TOM, too disheartening lol. I wouldn't add it on MFP, its probably just water so not a real gain. Wait and see see what your weight is next week.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    WAIT. The TOM gain can drive you nuts. Then again, so can keeping track of weight! :smile:
  • blessed9993
    blessed9993 Posts: 21 Member
    If your able to weigh in after I would. Where I work that wasn't an option and to me that is unfair since the men don't have the same problem as we do. I thought that should have been an exception.
  • mcjen0442
    I log it. Makes me feel good knowing the possibility of a bigger number is there :) Mind Tricks I know....but hey whatever works :)
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I say log it! If anything you will see the loss the following week. We all like to see that right? :flowerforyou:
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    If you're on your period, I woudn't weigh yourself. Everytime I do, I gain. So, I decided that I would weigh-in a few days after my period -- so my body could recover from all the water retention. I also don't log in a gain, the tracker is for weight-loss after all.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I do.....I can then know what to expect. I don't get all freaked out about what's on the scale though....I would also weigh in when you're down again to reset the baseline correctly even if it's not a regular weigh in day
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    As bizzare as it sounds, i have been in a pattern of seeing barely any weightloss durning a 3-week span, then start TOM and WHAM a weight LOSS! I know! Weird! But i seem to LOSE weight when i've weighed in on day 2 or 3 of TOM (i only weigh in 1x a week or so).... This has happened to me several times in the past few months...

    IMO, if you have a small gain and its your time, just skip logging it and record a loss when you see it. :)
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    Wait until next week. Don't let yourself get discouraged.
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    I always weigh in AFTER... TOM has many different affect on me, so I'm always a good 5lbs heavier... unfortunately, but I know it's only temporary!
  • LittleMissVintage
    I never weigh myself during TOM cause I just end up hating myself. I bloat like crazy so if I feel bad bout how I look I blame it on the water weight and drink a gallon. Then when I start weighing myself again if I have maintained I do a victory dance and renew my motivation. If Ive gained I don't like to get down and out about it, gaining gives me a new reason to work hard. I'm kinda competitive even against myself and mother nature.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I may sometimes weigh myself during TOM, but I never actually record it because it is not a fair measure since I am unable to see what I weigh without that extra water weight. I want to see how my body fat changes, but by measureing when I am bloating I am not going to see that reflected on the scale.
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    Thank you everyone!!!! I decided not to log it this week, I'll wait till next weigh in when TOM is officially over, that way I won't be so incredibly depressed all week :tongue:
  • HannahPastoor
    I don't log my weight during TOM...But I do log it if I gain on other weeks....I am normally very happy the week after TOM to see that I lost a ton! Because it hadn't shown up the week before. Last time it was about 6lbs!