What is ridiculous?



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im not spending 15 extra minutes driving around looking for one and I park far back in the lot where there are none.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Driving again - People who drive at top speed to a RED LIGHT. Running to stand still.

    People who complain about how long the elevator is taking and when it finally arrives, they get off one floor away.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    When some one, who is quite possibly a size 00, is occupying two seats on the train and even after you politely say excuse me they stil won't scoot over. Seriously? You're like the size of my 3 year-old.
  • a few things...

    1) at my job i need a specific word from customers to assist them, its a 5 letter word which i repeat to them often ( not the word but the amount of letters ) and they say something like oh i dont know UNICORN5734 ????? seriously?? um no try again this time with 5 letters.. " oh ok its ELEPHANT!!!!

    2) When a skinny ( like size 5 or less) friend, family member , stranger sits next you you and complains about being fat. in my case my family members... will nit and pick about how "fat " they are when i am clearly double or triple size of them. and when I make a comment they say "" oh stop you are not fat." ...... hhmmmm are we not seeing the same things here??

    3) When a child is trying to get a parents attention, and the paren brushes them off and then gets in trouble for something they were trying to tell their parent 10 mins earlier
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    OR when they come in and bring everyone's sales papers and want the prices from the sales paper then have coupons and are writing a check. I want to stab them.

    I AM that person! LOL. I go through the sales ads from other stores every week. I save about $25-$30 dollars a week on that NOT counting my coupons. I'm sorry. Please don't stab me. :)
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    Here are mine:

    When someone asks for your suggestions/advice then gives you 1000 and 1 reasons why any of your well thought out solutions won't work when it all boils down to the fact, they want things in life that you have to work for handed to them with little to no effort on their part.

    Bad Grammer. Speaking of, the aforementioned is a horrbily bad run on sentence.

    People who interrupt you while you are speaking to talk about themselves. Or, when you say you have a really bad cold, this same interrupter has to try to one up you. No matter how bad your illness is they have not only had it, but it was 10 times worse than yours.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    This thread makes me realize how much I dislike people. :happy:
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    people who think their 4 wheel drive makes them invincible in a snow storm (see ya in the ditch a mile up the road!)

    people who yell at cashiers for an error in the computer system

    people who allow their children to scream in a store without showing them any concern

    people who allow their children to run around like banshees in stores/restaurants/any public place.

    people who leave frozen goods on a store shelf because they are too lazy to take them back when they change their mind.

    I'd like to add the customer who is very well aware of what time the store closes but still chooses to walk in a minute to closing then gets p*ssed off when after waiting on them for 20 minutes we ask them to leave. Also the people who seem to think that my standing at the register in the shoe dept must mean that I'm a medically trained podiatrist and therefore I can not only diagnose their foot problems but can custom fit any shoe to whatever ailment they have. Oh, and lemme add the ones who blink in disbelief when you tell them you don't have any coupons to give out. They for some reason feel that if they repeatedly ask for a coupon I'll be able to magically pull it outta my butt :/ lol obviously I just got off work an hour ago lol....
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    People that feel the need to swerve all of a sudden into the lane to the right of him/her just prior to making a u-turn....c'mon, people?!?! You're driving a car, not an 18-wheeler!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What is ridiculous? Crappy tippers. :ohwell:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What is ridiculous? Crappy tippers. :ohwell:
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Ridiculous? The skinny blonde at work who keeps lamenting her age and the size of her rear end to me and three other colleagues, all of whom are older and significantly heavier than she is. I had to attend a social event with her and realized she only has fat friends. Seriously - I'm a good 50 lbs over weight and I am the skinniest of her friends. I think she collects us fatsos to make herself feel better. Subtle she's not.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    Oh, and people who go to the emergency room for NON emergency reasons and then complain that they aren't being seen fast enough. Really?? I'm urinating blood, sweating buckets, and vomiting every 10 minutes (severe kidney infection) and this person is whining because they've been waiting 45 minutes and no one has come to see their shoulder and tell them why it aches when they do this: (starts swinging their arm vigorously)? Pop a tylenol and get out. Geez....
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    Ridiculous? The skinny blonde at work who keeps lamenting her age and the size of her rear end to me and three other colleagues, all of whom are older and significantly heavier than she is. I had to attend a social event with her and realized she only has fat friends. Seriously - I'm a good 50 lbs over weight and I am the skinniest of her friends. I think she collects us fatsos to make herself feel better. Subtle she's not.
    Sounds like you're onto something there, detective!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Those people who drive around a parking lot for, literally, 15 minutes looking for the closest possible spot to the entrace. Or those who will sit and wait for someone to load their 2 carts full of groceries and buckle in their 10 kids just because it's a couple of spaces closer! Just park and get out and walk the 10 extra feet! And this has nothing to do with size/weight either! I want to throttle these people for causing jams in already busy parking lots and for not realizing they could've been inside and had half of their shopping finished by the time they nab that second spot in the row!

    Also, and it's probably the same aftorementioned people, those who can't put their carts into a cart corral! UGH!!! They'll stack them in an empty spot, leave them huddled around a trash can or one of those islands with the grass and tree. They'll even put them up against the car next to them! JUST WALK THEM TO THE CORRAL!!!!!!!!!

    :) I hate going to the grocery store! :)

    my daughter goes in the car in her car seat before the trunk gets loaded,if im not near the cart corral,i am not leaving her alone in the car to put the cart up.I dont care what anyone thinks of that lol.in fact the last person that said something to me about it got a one finger wave and I was on my way.
    the reason I put my kid in the car first is because when my son was a toddler he was sitting in the cart while i loaded the trunk and some idiot backed into the back of my car and the shopping cart.he was ok but I learned my leasson and the saftey of my children means more to me than if someones going to get pissed that I left my cart out

    Yeah, I have two kids and won't leave them in the car to deliver the cart back halfway across the lot. I learned with the first one that it's easier to just park next to or close to the corral. That way I don't have to go searching for a cart in the first place AND I can keep other people's cars from getting beat up by putting it back there when I'm finished.

    I'd have no problem leaving my kid in the car for 2 minutes putting the cart back. That being said, I always park next to the cart rack even if it's all the way at the other end of the parking lot. Who cares if I walk a little further and then you just drop your cart when you're done. I think super duper overprotective and paranoid parents and "mommies" are ridiculous.
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