bodybugg accuracy

kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
ok- so i track my calories on MFP and then enter them in at days end on my bodymedia fit. I show on my bodymedia fit that I am burniing around 2200cal/day when i work out average.

is this thing accurate because if i eat bad one day, MFP says I went over by, say 800, OOPS!!! yet bodymedia says i burned 2200 and only have a 60 cal surplus. anyone know if this thing is accurate?
th website claims accuracy in the 90% range? but anyone have one and know firsthand if it seems right? ive only been using it a little over a week now... thanks!


  • JuniorTaitt
    JuniorTaitt Posts: 37 Member
    Key kim, i won't pay much attention in how accruate it is, there is nothing that is 100% accurate. No website, no personal trainer, no diet. All our bodies respond to exercise and nutrition differently, calories are not all made the same, 100 cals from fish wont be treated the same way as 100 calories from sugar. I'd recommend using this website as a base guide only.

    However... i have to say so far this is one of the most accurate tools i've come across and the proof is in the pudding, have a look at the other user posts, everyone seems to be making amazing progress by using MFP.

    I give it 5 stars :smile:

    Tip: stay about 100 - 200 cals away from your daily limit and you shouldnt go wrong.
  • ukq727
    ukq727 Posts: 50 Member
    You can purchase the FT4 to track calories as it measures heart rate and therefor is right on point.
  • dodoodoodo
    dodoodoodo Posts: 101 Member
    i dont know much about the bodybugg, but how does it know you burn that many calories per day? is it a HRM that you wear all day? because lets say you put your activity down as none on this site, then it is going to give you the least amount of calories possible that you will burn, if you just sit on the couch all day. which would be 1200 calories. so if you are moving around doing normal activities throughout the day especially if you exercise then you will be burning a lot more than that. so that is what the difference would be if you wear the bodybugg at all times, go by that then because that knows exactly how many calories you are burning throughout the day. hope that makes sense haha
  • jul21r
    jul21r Posts: 34
    I'm not an expert but I am using the BodyBugg and MFP also. The first week I was getting so frustrated. I have learned that the BodyBugg measures your total calorie burn throughout the day including workouts. MFP estimates what your calorie burn SHOULD be based on your height, weight, etc. and the exercise you log. I now do all my food logging on MFP (I don't like BodyBugg food diary) and at the end of the night I check my total calorie burn. I make sure the I have a 500 calorie deficit between the two. The rule I have always heard is that you need a 500 calorie deficit daily to lose weight. I hope this helps you, it has helped me.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    A friend has it and she said it think it figures your calorie burn based on persperation (sp?) heart rate and body temperature as well as weight. I'm ordering one pay day. Sweat my butt off at work huffing around all day would like to know how much is actually burned.
  • jul21r
    jul21r Posts: 34
    A friend has it and she said it think it figures your calorie burn based on persperation (sp?) heart rate and body temperature as well as weight. I'm ordering one pay day. Sweat my butt off at work huffing around all day would like to know how much is actually burned.

    That is what the website and the packaging states. It is pretty accurate. My husband did extensive research on it before we spent a pretty penny on it and it was noted as being pretty accurate, the most accurate thing around. I love mine and will not stop wearing it. I've also had some ex-trainers now PE teachers recommend it. They said they use it and swear by it.