I NEED support!

I am new to this site and I feel very confident about my success through the site! I need some friends who can give me support on a daily basis...I am using all the tools...but I need some further support! HELP! I need friends!


  • bcirelli
    bcirelli Posts: 1
    Hi there!
    I guess that makes 2 of us, then.
    I'm in! ;)
    Good luck!!!
  • joybuzzer2000
    I'll help in any way I can!:happy:
  • Illuminate
    Hi! I need support too! I guess we can help each other.
  • RStorz
    RStorz Posts: 2
    I want to encourage you. I started about 2 months ago and have lost 19 pounds. I have been overweight since my children were born (the youngest is 23) and never really felt motivated. I kept hearing all the comments that it is impossible to lose weight after 50 so I just kept eating and getting bigger. Finally, I had some high blood sugars and decided to make a change. I had joined a web diet thing last year but all they did was send out articles and stuff on dieting. Heck, I know how to eat right and exercise, I just don't DO it. When I found the app on my Droid for MFP I wasn't convinced (I've tried other apps that offered no real help). This site is different, I can see how many calories, fat, carbs I'm eating at an instance. I can choose how to spend my calories and see that exercise really works. My motto - MOVE MORE - EAT LESS & HEALTHY.

    You can do it!

    RStorz, San Jose, CA:smile::wink:
  • pinksoldier
    hi! this is a great place for constant motivation and support!! feel free to add me if you'd like!

    the only suggestion i have is to make your diary public to at least your friends so we can see what you are eating and how you are exercisinig so we can offer suggestions and helpful advice. i was so focused on calorie count, i had forgotten all about protein, fats, and carbs and one member pointed that out to me......that my calories wern't coming from healthy sources, even tho i was always under my alloted calorie count. once i slapped myself on the forehead and made the adjustment, my weight started coming off quicker! anyways, my point being.....let us view your diary and help you! its the best way to keep yourself accountable!

    you can do this! good luck to you!!!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! I'll help you in anyway that you need, just send me a message of what you need me to do for you! Good luck!!
  • cdemumbran32310
    cdemumbran32310 Posts: 102 Member
    I am in the same boat. Need friend to support me! I know we can do this ladies! Its just a matter of setting a goal...small or big it doesnt matter!
  • AlexLanni
    We are all with each other so together we will succeed:flowerforyou: .
  • jen1516
    jen1516 Posts: 77 Member
    I joined last Sunday, so feel free to add me as well if you'd like. Feel free to read my diary and jump on my case when I go way over on my sugar and sodium (I'm trying hard to get those down). Hahahaha.
  • jess_ellen
    I've been at it for nearly 3 weeks now and would love to have some friends to share the journey with. Feel free to add me.
  • Bethany1202
    I need friends and support here as well. I am just getting the hang of managing the foods I eat and need to become more active.
    I have searched for people and sent out some friend requests but am still friendless here. : (

    I will add some of you here who posted in the forum, hope that's okay!
    Best wishes to everyone. : )