I'm new to MFP and was wondering if anyone else is on a low carb program and what your successes or stumbling blocks are. Also looking to build a support network... so add me as a friend if you'd like.


  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I generally follow a low (grain) carb diet, but that's just my personal preference. I still eat grains, but if I do, it's in the AM and try and go with Gluten free options. Lots of veggie's and fruit to get the needed carbs from my workouts. If you have questions, shoot me a message.

    Wishing you luck!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I am! I'm also a noob, been here since March 3. I have always done low carb, because a LOT of carbs, make me sick. I am a gastric bypass patient and still can't eat too much. So what fits in my little tummy is limited, so I go high protein. (doctor's orders) I stay away from really greasy meats or any processed meats, think bacon, sausage or lunch meat like bologna. I eat pretty clean and it works! I just make sure my carbs are good ones, like whole grain, fiber and brown rice.
  • Larode
    Larode Posts: 22 Member
    Low carb is the only thing that works for me.....I am extremely careful. I began dieting last May @ 239 lbs. I'm at 193 now. I swim at minimum every other day 40 laps and do water aerobics two nights a week as well. The swimming I believe has really helped me get in shape. I want to get to 170 and stay there a while, I think. I will need plastic surgery on my stomach and thighs, but my arms are shaping up okay, from the swimming, I'm sure.

    I don't eat any bread or sugar - I use the La Tortilla factory high fiber, low carb wraps for sandwiches. I eat a lot of fiber as well as protein as it keeps you full. I do miss pasta and good California sour dough bread - Good luck to you!
  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    I use to try and stay away from carbs totally but that was killing me & is not a really good idea.

    Since starting MFP I am trying to eat the amt of carbs I am allowed on my 1200 cal plan. Fruits and veggies and with the inspiration of people on this site I have introduced some new foods (new to me at least) like couscous, millet and quinoa (whole grains).

    There is a pop up that comes up while on this site and I recently checked it out - it is titled "5 foods to fight belly fat". I am now trying to stay away from whole wheat anything (except for last night I had rye/pumperknickle toast). I have only done this for 1 wk and sure hope I get results.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Yes. I am doing South Beach and am in phase 2, and so far it is working for me. I have found that I am way under on my carb goals and over on my fat most days (but better fats like olive oil and nuts). I have seen posts where you can change your goals, but I haven't tried that yet.

    How are you doing on low carb?
  • ladyshills
    Don't go too low... I did a low carb diet in 2009 & lost like crazy, but as soon as I stopped I gained it all back plus some. This site actually gives you a carb target which is what I shoot for. You need carbs for energy & metabolisum. I think mine is 165 carbs (not sure exactly without looking) but that is lower than the average person eats, but not too low. Good luck!
    YCARTLEE Posts: 7
    Thanks for your responses, everyone! Low Carb works great for me. But you're right Bev.... once you're off the weight comes right back. It just has to be a way of life and not a diet for me. My body doesn't react favorably to carbs! I'm careful to keep my carbs at a level where I am still able to run 13 miles a day... so I must have enough energy. :) I've been up to 235 and down to 135 a few times now! My latest setback came as a result of a stressful couple of years (a divorce and two nasty car accidents) but I can and will recover! I just need the right tools and support. Thank you everyone!
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    After I watched the documentary "Fat Head" (I highly recommend it!!), I've been watching my carb intake at a general level. I've heard so many times that if you go super-low carb, that it's almost inevitable that you'll gain it back if you go off that sort of diet, so I've been working on changing parts of my diet (always having a very carb-heavy dinner) to lower carb options that I can hopefully sustain. It's super hard though, cause I love me some carbs! I also love to eat fruits and vegetables in amounts that really add up in carbs when I enter them into these trackers /sigh.
  • deverez
    deverez Posts: 34 Member
    Keto dieter here!

    Check out this thread for more low-carbers: