Does anyone out there binge like I do?

I had the most terrible day I've ever had food wise on here yesterday. I ate five, yep FIVE, krispie kreme donuts and went like 1000 calories over. Does anyone else randomly binge crazy like that???


  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    Oh I have. Maybe allow yourself a donut a couple times a week, or some snack you really enjoy. I have found that helps me not binge
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I do. I find my days like that spiral quickly. If I am over by 100 I go right to well I am over already so why not then the 100 usually turns to 500 over. I am not proud but it is life. It is usually a turning point too for me like either I give up for awhile or get super serious again.
  • jap0621
    jap0621 Posts: 4
    Ive been so good but I decided that a drunk burger king run was a fabulous idea... clearly was not
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    I haven't for a while.I try to keep temptation in the house at all times.I have a three year But around my TOM I have to keep myself very busy....Otherwise I'm all up in his snacks:(
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Yup! There's a "Support for Binge Eating Disorder" thread:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Yep--me. :blushing:

    I have done it three times since starting in January. Once with pizza, once with chocolate and once with everything I could cram in my face for three whole days.............ugh. Took me a week to get the scales back down after that one. :grumble:
  • mochasmommie
    mochasmommie Posts: 24 Member
    I am also a binger (sp?), but I find myself doing that when I am alone. If I keep myself busy or have people around me, I generally have more control. You are not alone!!
  • locomotion
    I do. This is my second week and I'm already realizing for some reason I lose all willpower and end up binge eating during the weekends. :frown:
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I did last week, but this week, whilst I plan on having exactly the same as last week to eat, I've allowed for it with my food and exercise.
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    yep! It sucks, I hope I can learn to stop it.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I thought it was just me.. I am glad there are others out there who have this.

    I also know that Chick Fil A # 2 or # 5 (8 piece) with a large sweet tea and 2 chick fil a sauces is not the best thing, but I can't leave it alone.. I was out of civilization for so long and hardly ever had chick fil a but apparently it's my weakness.

    I have an issue with eating when I am stressed, bored, hungry, tired, etc. Right now I am sooo stressed.

    I really wish I had a personal chef to cook and prepare for me.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I think most people have days like that. Some of it is probably that when you're working on a healthy life style, you try to cut out all of the bad for you things (that all taste so darn good!). You go for weeks of not having these evil treats, and then one day you break and eat yourself sick, lol. Some of it with me is, I'll do really great for a week or two. Have awesome days, be under my calorie count every day, get at least 30 mins of cardio in, the whole nine. Then, one day I have a 'junk day'. I log everything I eat, but am not at all surprised when I go over on my cals, and just kind of shrug it off. I lost four pounds last week (I weigh in on Fridays) and now have to bend my neck over to see my belly under my chest (which is a big improvement, lol), and that was even with having a binge day last week. All in all, I think once in a while having one of those days where you eat terrible things and don't really get in much exercise isn't a bad thing, as long as it's not too often and the rest of the time you try to be really good.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I had the most terrible day I've ever had food wise on here yesterday. I ate five, yep FIVE, krispie kreme donuts and went like 1000 calories over. Does anyone else randomly binge crazy like that???

    I can't say that I have, but than I do not crave donuts either. I allow myself an occasional 'bad' thing like a burger from the baseball concession stand. Since I have a 1,000 calorie a day deficit it is not a big deal if I have 1 day that is over by around 500. The biggest reason I do not crave sugary stuff if I have eliminate nearly all refined sugars from my diet. I have found any sugar cravings just went away once I cleaned out my system. I used to have a major sweet tooth too. I really never thought I would get to the point I am at now. When I hit 350 lbs though I finally reached the 'I'm done' point, so it as much a mental thing as a physical dependence thing.
  • HelenTheKitchen
    I don't know if this is normal for you, but binge-eating is considered to be an eating disorder. I'm by no means saying that you do or do not have an eating disorder so please PLEASE don't think that I am labeling you. But I used to do this horribly, all the time, and just thought nothing of it. Turned out I needed therapy. I've gotten it under control now, but it's definitely something I have battled with and I think a lot of people on this site battle with it too. Again, I'm only sharing my experience with binge-eating, not labeling you or diagnosing you or anything like that.
  • Lynne30
    Lynne30 Posts: 7
    I do. This is my second week and I'm already realizing for some reason I lose all willpower and end up binge eating during the weekends. :frown:

    Same here... I went to Mc donalds for lunch, & I am now eating a bowl of reese puff cereal... I am so full, but yet keep stuffing my face!!!
    I hate hate hate weekends, All week I clean, the weekends I want to take a brreak from leaning, so I relax, but I eat eat eat!!! It's way too cold for walking outside today? i guess thats all i have to do is clean to keep busy? :(
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    Ive been so good but I decided that a drunk burger king run was a fabulous idea... clearly was not

    lol! that's why I cut out drinking.. nothing good comes from it!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    I have them too. They're fewer and farther between than they used to be, but I'll still have a really bad day (or days) every once in a while. They're almost scary.
  • susancelli928
    I just did on Wednesday... Fried potatos and bacon for breakfast, 2 slices of sausage pizza for lunch and a cheesesteak wit wiz for dinner, along with some pretzels and lemon cake... It was so worth it and I am not going to say it won't happen again because I know it will...You have to give yourself a day like this every once in a while or you will go off track and regret it... Just remember, even the skinnest people in the world binge too
  • Bethany1202
    I do binge sometimes but I am getting the hang of managing the foods I eat. I am vegetarian, and didn't realize I was actually eating too much protein -- who'd have figured? LOL
    Anyway, I am trying to plan my foods a little better and be more active, but I just started here, so I think it takes a week or so to adjust.

    Good luck to everyone and best wishes!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    My roommate made a delicious cake and said I could have the last piece. Hopefully today I won't give in to temptation and I will eat it tomorrow! We'll see...