6 week challenge??



  • jessski
    jessski Posts: 24
    Hey guys... day one was a success for me :) Stayed under my calories and did my 60 minutes of cardio. I did make a work out plan for the week and am making myself stick to it.

    Also big milestone for me today I gave away 10 pairs of jeans and 30 shirts that dont fit anymore.. goodbye fat clothes:) feels absolutly amazing. I will take before pictures before I go to bed tonight :)

    Hopefully your day went fantastic and tomorrow will be the same :) talk to you all then

  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hey everyone. Day 2, so far so good, Day 2 of INSANITY DONE!!!! my body is still revoering 2 hours later. this is NO JOKE. already have 20 ounces of water in so bring on tuesday!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Well, in all the studying and my bf wanting to take me out to eat dinner, I forgot to take my pictures. How do you add them to here anyway? Will take some before I go work out tonight. Gonna try to be good all day. This is probably my only break before hitting Zumba tonight. How it is a good workout and I burn lots. Good luck to everyone today :D
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay, so I created a photobucket account just for this... I have never added pictures so please be patient... and they are sure to make you lose your dinner! See, I'm helping with your weightloss already!

    Okay... well they are HUGE... so I have to figure out how to make them smaller. :D
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member

    Know this: I don't wear outfits like this... it was what I could find that would show the most actual skin without being inappropriate.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hello Ladies, Hows you're day 3?

    I must say I had a horriable day yesterday. and I did NOT turn to food for comfort.....That is so amazing for me. When I left work I thought ugh....ice cream I could go get some ice cream that would help me feel better and before the thought was even finished I dissmissed it knowing it would only make me feel worse in the long run....don't get me wrong there is NOTHING wrong with having icecream from time to time, but turning to food for me for comfort was always a weak point, and it the dark moment I passed it up!! BL was on last night, and at 930 I shut it off (30 min before it ended) to go to sleep! Missing the last 30 min's was torture but getting the sleep i need was more important. I did DVR it so i'll be watching it tonight :D

    Day 3 of INSANITY done!!! I REALLY did not want to get up this morning, despite going to bed at 930, I cried ALOT yesterday and that seems to drain me more than any work out EVER but I got myself out of bed and did Day 3 of INSANITY. Tomorrow is Caridio Recovery. I am looking forward to that.
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    I'm in! I'm going for a loss of six pounds. My starting weight for this challenge is 124.2. My goals are to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, workout 5 days a week, be within 150 calories of my goal, and to not emotionally turn to food!

    I've had a hard week due to a family emergency that happened on Sunday, but I made today a good day. I ran a half marathon on Sunday and then rested till today (Thursday). I did 30 min cardio and 30 min weights. Ate healthy early on so I could splurge for Mexican tonight!

    Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow, finally Friday!!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay... so after two cups of coffee this morning I'm weighing in.... 167.4 ... so I am counting it as 166.8 to take away a little for the coffee weight... Hope everyone is doing well... How did the first week go for everyone? What are your plans to stay strong for the weekend? I have a charity crawfish boil tonight between getting off one job and going to another... so that is some extra sodium for sure. Gots to drink lots of water today.
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Hello Ladies!!!

    Hope everyone had a fabulous Friday. I ate pretty healthy today and was able to squeeze in a 20 min cardio workout today. That was just enough to let me have Chilis for dinner and stay under my calories!

    ComfortFoodAdd: crawfish boil sounds delish! Totally jealous!

    Sassy0913: congrats on not engaging in emotionally eating! I def have that problem. I used to make chocolate covered strawberries when I was down and eat the whole thing!

    I successfully resisted eating pizza tonight because I knew that I didn't have the self control to stop when I needed to. One day I'll get there!

    I'm thinking of doing Skinny Saturday tomorrow! I'm going to try and drink 10-12 glasses of water as well as work out and stay aroud a net of 1200 calories. Any other suggestions are more than welcome!
  • jessski
    jessski Posts: 24
    Hey guys just checking in. Yesterday was a right off I ate a donair and then popcorn at the movie but on the bright side that is all I had. I have got to do better. I started fresh today and am going to be going to the gym right away here. It is weigh in day tomorrow :)
  • mcramer1
    mcramer1 Posts: 4 Member
    Im going to join you guys on this challenge. My goal is 8lbs in the next 5 weeks! Good luck to everyone.
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Hey everyone!

    I had a good day. Had McAlisters and Chillis today but stayed in my calorie range. Actually finished right at a net of 1200. I had margarita grilled chicken and grilled shrimp with broccoli and mashed potatoes for dinner. Totalled up to 880 calories. I had around 290 left from lunch and burned around 600 exercising today. I've had 8 cups of water abd looking to have 2 more before bed.

    Funny story: the county I live in was under a tornado watch, warning, and a severe thunderstorm warning while we were at dinner. Well because of the weather, the power went completely out in Chilis. Thankfully it came back on.

    Work out was good today. Did 30 min on the elliptical and then 20 min doing weights. Went up 5 pounds on weights so it was a good workout.

    Doing the same tomorrow but I'm thinking up of some stuff for Motivational Monday!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hello! How was week1???

    SW was 157.8
    CW is 155.2
    I finished week 1 of INSANITY- Sunday is a rest day. I will start a new thread for us on monday. Hope all is well.
  • kerenvaknin
    kerenvaknin Posts: 169 Member
    Can I join now??

    SW: 143

    Goal - lose 9 lbs (GW: 134)

    good luck! :)
  • shorty702
    shorty702 Posts: 57
    SW: 154
    CW: 148
    Next week's goal: 144
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    SW: 124.2 (Friday)
    CW: 124.0

    About to go work out. Thinking pizza for dinner since I'll have like 1000 calories to eat back. I'm thinking up of goals/challenges for Motivational Monday!
  • Hey all- wondering if I could join in for the rest of your challenge? I am doing a few others but I forget to check in! :)
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Hey Everyone!

    Not many people have been posting so I hope more people participate!! I know it can be time consuming to log in and post though!

    For Motivational Monday:
    I'm going to work on my core, since that is something that I hate doing. I'm actually going to do it tomorrow since today is my rest day. Otherwise I am going to be drinking 8-10 glasses of water today. I've already logged my food for today and am only 150 calories over, which is within my 150 calorie range. I try to NET at least 1200 and I'm ok if i go over by 150.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member

    Heres our week two link. hope to see y'all there :D
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member

    Heres our week two link. hope to see y'all there :D
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