Losing weight with thyroid disease..

ladyshills Posts: 58
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Anyone here with thyroid disease? I have been on Weight Watchers since July 2010 & have lost over 25 pounds, but losing is difficult. I had been on a plateau for 4 months when I found this site 10 days ago. I am now doing a 1200 calorie plan & in the last 10 days have finally started the scales moving again & am down 4 pounds! I have about 18 more to reach my goal of 135 (I'm 5'7"). Just wondering if anyone has found any tricks or foods that tend to help when dealing with low thyroid. I have Hashimotoe's.


  • I have hypthyroidism and I'm not medicated. Its hard very hard and belly fat is the worst to rid of.
    You will have to eat under 1200 cal. a day in order to lose the weight and do a lot more cardio.
    Small, very small meals, nothing over 300cal. in a seating. I cut sugar totally out expect natural raw fruit.

    Its good (hard) habits to adjust too but it works and you will be a little hungry, until you shrink your stomach.

    Nothing over the size of your hand if you can't count calories.
    40min of cardio (even walking) everyday is what I do.

    It sucks, but it works.
  • SusieB01
    SusieB01 Posts: 89
    I have thyroid disease-actually I don't have a thyroid, and I'm 5'7" tall and overweight. I'd say we have a lot in common. I just started losing this time around, though. You're ahead of me on that!
  • It isn't healthy to eat below 1200 calories per day as MOST people have a BMR of 1200 calories. Please consult a doctor or nutritionist before doing anything that drastic.
  • i also have hypothyroidism. i'm being treated for it and my doc is still adjusting my meds. they say that's what makes me sluggish all the time. it's very frustrating. but i am also insulin dependent so the whole losing weight thing is an uphill battle for me. it's good to know there is hope.:smile:
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Anyone here with thyroid disease? I have been on Weight Watchers since July 2010 & have lost over 25 pounds, but losing is difficult. I had been on a plateau for 4 months when I found this site 10 days ago. I am now doing a 1200 calorie plan & in the last 10 days have finally started the scales moving again & am down 4 pounds! I have about 18 more to reach my goal of 135 (I'm 5'7"). Just wondering if anyone has found any tricks or foods that tend to help when dealing with low thyroid. I have Hashimotoe's.

    Hi! So, it sounds like we have a lot in common! I have Hashimoto's as well...I am not on medication. I have posted a lot about this :)
    It is very difficult to lose but it can be done and we are doing it! I also lost NOTHING on the new WW program for 11 weeks (& averaged 1/2 lb. loss per week for 2 years before that), came here and have lost 3 lbs in 4 weeks. I NEVER go below 1200 calories as with thyroid disease that would tend to sllooowww your metabolism down even more and I always eat all my exercise calories. I powerwalk 5-6 days a week and am taking an exercise rest day the day before weigh in. I'm trying to eat less processed foods and make healthier choices (fish at least once a week, lots of fruits & veggies, etc).
    Since you have less to lose and are close to goal, many people on here would advise you to set your weekly loss goal to no more than 1 lb per week. Good job! Send me a friend request if you would like to... :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Guys, thanks for responding! Coco, I think eating less than 1200 is very dangerous- are you actually eating less than that? Why aren't you medicating? I don't mean to be nosey, I just can't imagine feeling like I felt before I started taking thyroid medicine! I am on 1200 calories but I do make sure I hit it every day! Just1forme- I sent you a friend request. We do sound alot alike. I also have been power walking, it helps so much with my energy levels. Isn't it strange how the old WW plan worked for us & the new one didn't? I was so excited when it first came out but I didn't go crazy on the fruits/veggies- I knew some people who were eating 8 to 10 fruits a day. I was probably eating around 300 extra (free) calories though which does add up! I've had Hashi's for 5 years & when I was first diagnosed I had gained 18 pounds in 6 weeks & was sleeping anytime I wasn't at work. I was actually relieved when I was diagnosed. I thought by taking the thyroid harmones that I was going to get super skinny & feel like my old self....lol! That's not the way it works unfortunately. Anyway, I started the old WW plan on July 17, 2010 & lost 25 pounds by Halloween & then for some reason I just stopped losing. Actually I would gain & lose the same 2 pounds for the next 4 1/2 months. I am part of a fantastic group of people on WW on facebook & if it hadn't been for their support I probably would have given up months ago! Then 10 days ago when I had my weekly weigh in I had a 4 pound gain. I was in tears & just so frustrated & sick- I knew I had to do something. I decided to go back to the old WW plan (instead of the new) and that same day I found this site & started doing all my tracking here. I knew that I had had good luck in my 30's dropping a quick 10 pounds by counting calories & figured I'd give it a try, even though everyone said the Points Plus program averaged about 1200 calories a day. What I found was that I was averaging around 1500 calories a day on it. By switching to 1200 calories my scale is finally moving in the right direction again!
  • DahnaLane
    DahnaLane Posts: 97 Member
    Same here.. I have Hashimoto, was originally diagnosed at age 11.
    I too would be interested in anything people have to say about losing weight with this.

    Question, are you on synthroid?
  • Dahna, I take Levothyroid, but it doesn't help at all with weight loss. All it really does is help me get through the days ..I really think I need a new doctor & a change in medication. Does Synthyroid work for you?
  • I had my thyroid removed in 2008. I recently started seeing the body changes during the holidays. I started the 1200 plan on Thursday. I've been exercising, but not really paying attention to my calories. Seeing the calorie count is rather shocking. I'm not one for journaling, but I see I'm going to have to do so now.
  • I'm a bit different. I started out hyperthyroid, though I never had the weight loss symptom. Doc did radioactive iodine therapy about 2 years ago, and put me on Synthroid in January. Weight has always been a struggle, but apparently this is going to exascerbate the problem. He sent me to the nutrition clinic at the local hospital, and they have put me on a fairly aggressive, highly restricted diet (at least to start). I'm finishing up Day 4, and I've not tried exercise yet as I've been adjusting to the food stuff. Have a "date" to start walking with a friend of mine on Tuesday. I'm looking forwward to seeing the results, but I've got about 200 pounds to lose, so it's easy to get discouraged. If I can help cheerlead anyone, though, I'll be first in line to do so!
  • Any of you who haven't already, feel free to add me as a friend on here. I would really like to see your success stories & what does work! To those who have just recently been diagnosed get ready for a roller coaster ride! It takes the doctors awhile to figure out your dosage & they tend to increase it very slowly. After 5 years I am on 88mcg of Levothyroid. My boss, who has less symptoms that I do & was diagnosed less than 6 months before me is on 125mcg. I've also found that doctors who don't specialize in thyroid issues often don't diagnose correctly.
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