What to go by...the calories on my heart rate or here?

Jbli Posts: 11 Member

So I have a question for those of u who use the exercise diary. If I enter my exercise, say running with the pace and minutes, it is always over of what my polar heart rate monitor states. Sometimes by 200! Does anyone run into this as well? If I get an extra 200 calories...I'm all over that.


  • Nataliethin81
    Definitely go by your HRM, it's WAY more accurate then MFP. MFP always overestimates!
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    I use the heart rate monitor. I have noticed the calorie burns on here are a little more than what I actually burn. That is just me.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    The HRM is more accurate as it calculates calories based on your body.
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I'd say go with your HRM. I'm looking at getting one myself as I don't trust the calories on my rowing machine, and I'm not 100% sure about the calories on here.
  • momofcami
    momofcami Posts: 45
    You should go with your own reading. Calorie burn depends on so many factors that simply cannot be figured into the generic numbers that are listed in the database. I don`t think I`ve ever used the numbers that the database provides - they are always anywhere between 50-100% higher than my actual burn. All of that said, I`m not even sure that my heart rate MONITER is giving me an accurate read!
  • simply_lovable08
    I don't have a HRM but this is interesting. Now i am wondering should I purchase a HRM and go by that. I don't want to end up going over my calories because my info is not accurate.
  • 0flynnstone0
    I just got a HRM, and the 2 times I've went jogging w/ it on MFP overestimated by like 100 cals. I would go with your HRM, becuase it's better to underestimate it than overestimate it.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Go with an HRM...MFP actually underestimates my burn compared to the HRM.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    The HRM which is measuring your specific heart rate as you exercise is going to be more consistently accurate. All of the calculators online are great for a general estimation but it simply cannot account for the effort you are putting into the exercise. While the HRM isn't going to be 100% accurate, it's much closer...and consistent.
  • Jbli
    Jbli Posts: 11 Member
    Wow. Thanks for all the input! FAST INPUT. Only been here 20 some days and first time to post a message! Very impressed!:flowerforyou: