Fell off the wagon....HHEELLPP!

OK I have fallen off the wagon... I try to get back on but keep losing my footing! I went to Ottawa for my daughter's surgery, had too many calories, barely no exercise... The kids are getting on my nerves, I have worked overtime 3 weeks in a row.... and feel like eating a coffee crisp for supper.. oh yeah I just did. Now I hate myself! Some days are just so crazy! I need a kick in the you know where, and I am sure I am not the only one who feels like this! HHEELLPP!!:sad:


  • Joselem
    Joselem Posts: 50
    OK I have fallen off the wagon... I try to get back on but keep losing my footing! I went to Ottawa for my daughter's surgery, had too many calories, barely no exercise... The kids are getting on my nerves, I have worked overtime 3 weeks in a row.... and feel like eating a coffee crisp for supper.. oh yeah I just did. Now I hate myself! Some days are just so crazy! I need a kick in the you know where, and I am sure I am not the only one who feels like this! HHEELLPP!!:sad:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I just want to encourage you a little bit as best as I can. It sounds like things are very stressful for you, and I can't really relate to that because I am fortunate that things are not quite as fast-paced for me. I guess what I can say is to keep your chin up and remember you CAN do this.

    Take healthy snacks with you when you know you will be out of the house for long periods of time. Buy a small insulated lunch bag, and take Fiber bars, baby carrots, nuts, fresh fruit, 100 calorie packs, even a Slim Fast or two (I keep a case of them on hand in my fridge just in case I am on the run and want to get in a quick meal without having to stop for fast food). And on those days that you know you'll be working overtime and may not get in any exercise, make a conscious effort to stand when you usually sit, walk in place, pace back and forth, take the steps if there are any, park further away from your office and walk briskly to get there...I work at a bank (my job is one of the examples of a sedentary lifestyle when MFP asks you to choose your activity level) and I am almost expected to sit on my butt all day. I do side steps behind my station...I walk back and forth between members...I use the steps rather than the elevator...and when I can't squeeze in anything else...I simply stand rather than sitting. No, these things don't burn hundreds of calories and leave me "feeling the burn" but they are small expenditures of energy that contribute to my overall goal...

    Good luck and best wishes in your fitness goals...you CAN do this!
  • seababe
    seababe Posts: 14
    Hay I fell off the wagon last weekend visiting my friend in Pennslyvania
    but I did good this week, my Beer is my down fall, haha!! but you can
    get right back on track, keep up with execrise it will help!! good luck
    we support you.

  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Don't worry you're not that ony one that feels this way. I've been working overtime lately too, just had my daughter's third birthday and not feeling too good about what I've been eating. It's about time I start to work out again too, I had a few weeks of barely any exercise due to wisdom teeth extraction so I really feel like a turd. But...I'm starting to get back into my workout routine and that's all I can do is start fresh and move forward. It's hard to be a working mom and still find time to workout but every bit helps.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    OK I have fallen off the wagon... I try to get back on but keep losing my footing! I went to Ottawa for my daughter's surgery, had too many calories, barely no exercise... The kids are getting on my nerves, I have worked overtime 3 weeks in a row.... and feel like eating a coffee crisp for supper.. oh yeah I just did. Now I hate myself! Some days are just so crazy! I need a kick in the you know where, and I am sure I am not the only one who feels like this! HHEELLPP!!:sad:

    you hate yourself because you ate a coffee crisp? Come on now:huh: :noway: :bigsmile: .....get back up dust off your butt.....and realize you're worth more than a coffee crisp candy bar!

    Join us and lets get movin on the journey again....figure out how much the coffee crisp candy is and post it to todays foods, it helps to see the carbs/cals/sodium in foods we choice, while in a wagon, near a wagon, on a wagon or under a wagon...........:huh:

    The night is nearly coming to an end.....perhaps pre-plan your meals for tomorrow and go from there....think that something you can do? Might help you get your mind off beating yourself up:heart:

    Consider yourself kicked in the pants....NOW GO.....do some crunches, pushups against the wall...what ever it takes so you feel you've attempted to work off some of the extras you ate today.

    3 weeks of overtime in a row can certainly drive you crazy...but don't let the food do the same!! You can beat this....come on............let's walk to the wall, I'll do 50 pushups against the wall with you....if you're short on time, you can do 10-15 in a row and then finish up a few more in a bit, then do the rest...

    YO! I'm here at the wall.....um, waiting.......:huh: :bigsmile: LOL

    How's that for a kick in the butt?

    Hang in there you'll do fine, posting about it was a MAJOR step in wanting to change:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Joselem
    Joselem Posts: 50
    Gees there sure is a lot of girl power in here! Thank you, everyone of you ! Just got kicked (thanks I needed that.) I just checked out the coffee crisp ...250 calories) planned tomorrow's meals:

    B- cream of wheat, cinnamon apple sauce and coffee
    Snack- Yogourt
    L- tuna salad on open-faced caraway rye bread, baby carrots
    Snack- salsa, cottage cheese and rice crackers
    D-sliced turkey , mixed veggies, apple

    Just did 50 push ups off the wall!

    And I will shake some dust and go out and walk a block - a big one!

    thank thank you girlfriends!!!
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Good job girl! We can't change the past, we can only look toward the future!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    If it makes you feel better......it was thanksgiveing last weekend here in Canada. I fell off big time. I gained two pounds in one weekend. It was turkey day as well as celebrating my sisters birthday too. There was cake, there was pie...i ate them both.:blushing:

    I'll jump on the wagon again with you!!
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    Everyone falls off the wagon, :cry: I have to constantly watch my sugar intake because I go over every day. I have only been doing this for about one week and I was going over by 150-170 on sugar intake :embarassed: . Slowly, i have been making progress and today I'm only over by 31. So YOU ARE NOT ALONE. :wink:

    It's what you do tomorrow that matters. Keep your eye's on your goal and don't deny yourself food. Take a look at what calories you need for the day, be honest logging in your calories and try to plan ahead for days like that. Have healthy snacks just for you stashed like you would "CHOCOLATE" . You will enjoy something sweet with little to no guilt.

    Remember tomorrow is another day but if you fall again learn from the fall, put a bandaide on the boo-boo and look towards tomorow. Leave the past in the past.
  • Joselem
    Joselem Posts: 50
    True it was hard for me to write this.... I felt like a cheat ..... but I thought surely I am not the only one!!!

    I didn't realize how harsh I am on myself.... and way too negative! I had a really hairy week :mad:

    Thanks again gang on the positive cheering up! I love the support we can give to each other! :drinker: