Getting started

Do any of you have advice on getting started? How did you do it? I was losing weight steadily last year and doing a great job at it. I'm ashamed to say I've gained most of it back. I know I have it in me if I can just START. haha


  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    I had NO idea where to begin when I first started. So what I did was I went and bought a lot of the lean cuisine and healthy choice meals. I HAD to get used to portion size first! Then as I learned what was what I slowly added in my own meals.
  • swells123
    swells123 Posts: 17
    You just have to tell yourself that it is time to diet and exercise and stick with it....I am finding being friends with people here is helping me quite a bit....I am new to this also as I started here back in January and didn't add any friends and very easily just gave up...this time though the words of encouragement and knowing that others can see how well you are doing is certainly keeping me motivated....I will be doing my first weigh in on Monday morning and I hoping for results....You have to remember you can eat whatever you want just keep track and try to stay under your calorie limit for the day....also remember that even cleaning is a type of exercise so track whatever you will see results...sure hope that is some sort of help.....Add me if you wish.:smile:
  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    Hmmmmm baby steps I'm finding is helping the most. If you over do it, you'll give up or find it too hard (well that is me anyway)

    Good luck with it all!! Feel free to add me if you like
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I had a food scale and used it from the first. I knew portion sizes were a problem for me and that weighing was the only way i could get it down. It was and tbh is still a pita but i am a very bad judge of portion sizes so i still do it. The first couple of days i tried to eat as little as possible but ended up starving, i was so hungry so i made sure my portion sizes were enough to satisfy me. i still use most of my calories. I didn't measure sugar, carbs or whatnot and i've found that i've naturally gone for more healthier foods to keep a good portion of food. I've recently started tracking sodium and will later add sugar, but i know that ill be a problem for me to keep on track with so am leavin that for when i start to struggle to lose weight. For me at least takign things step by step has been the best way. I've done loads of diets and eating plans in the past, this is the most i've lost and the longest i've stuck at anything, and really hoping that these are permanent changes i'm making not just a temporary change.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    When I started here, it was sort of on a whim. But I decided to start!

    The first week, I just logged what I ate with no real attention to calories or macronutrients. Figured getting a handle on what I was actually eating was a perfectly fine place to begin.

    Then I started trying to focus on one or two goals a week. Like getting exercise in, or getting veggies in, or cutting sodium, or preparing more food at home, etc. For me, it's a little overwhelming to try to do everything at once so I go in steps.

    Maybe that will work fo you as well?
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I'm finding that by preplanning my next days meals really helps me to stay on track because I don't have to think about it and plus it keeps me from eating something and then when I go to log it, it's way high in calories. And I'm learning that I have to take it one step at a time. Changing one bad habit at a time. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!!
  • karri_rebekah
    Good luck on your weigh in!