I am changing my life!

rockbentley Posts: 9
edited September 25 in Success Stories
I am writing this to remind me why I am changing my life. It has been a little over 2 years since I decided it was time to take control again. I was working in outside food sale and had been for about 7 years. During that time I gained almost 70 pounds. I was eating with reckless abandon. There were days, the best I can figure, that I was consuming around 7500 calories. I would eat 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches,have a large dinner and drink 6 to 8 20 ounce soft drinks 5 days a week. The only time I didn't double up on meals was the weekends. I had gone from 180 to 249 pounds (I am 5'8" tall). My heath was horrible, although I did not realize how bad. Like most, I think I had entered a state of denial about how I looked and felt. Driving home from work one night after a food show I had to pull off the road because I thought I was having a heart attack. I decided then and there that I was going to do something about my weight. I started going to a weight loss clinic weekly for B-12 injections and phentermine pills. That worked for a while and I lost down to 205 pounds. But as soon as I stopped going to the clinic my weight rapidly returned. I had not had a physical in years. At the urging of my wife and family I went. At the time I was about 230 pounds. The doctor, of course, told me that I needed to lose some weight but otherwise i appeared to be in pretty good health. The next day she got the results from my bloodwork labs. My cholesterol was 465; my triglycerides were over 1800 and my fasting blood sugar was over 300 with an A1C of over 10. My doctor told me I was a massive heart attack looking for a place to happen! In one day I went from being okay to being diabetic and taking an oral diabetes medicine, 2 different insuline injections, 2 cholesterol medicines, a triglyceride medicine and a blood pressure medicine. Unbelievably I still did not change my eating habits until some months later. I was still eating well over 5000 calories a day with little to no exercise other than my daily routine. What is even worse is my wife had adopted some of my eating habits and had also gained weight. In August of last year we made a pact with each other and I with myself to take my life back. I was a slave to the medications and a slave to food. I have 2 small children and I realized that if I didn't change now I may very well not live to see them grow up. We began to eat healthy and exercising. I had lost about 5 pounds in a months time and was beginning to get frustrated because it was so hard for me to stick to my promise. When I found this website I was 215 pounds. This site has made all of the difference in the world for me! Since registering on here in September of last year I have lost almost 30 pounds. To date I am right at 60 pounds below my highest point of 2 years ago. I am off all of my blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride medicines. At last check my cholesterol was 135, my triglycerides were 93 and my A1C was 6.1, all normal levels. Unfortunately I still take 1 insuline injection and an oral diabetes medicine every day. The doctor thinks if I can reach my goal of another 20 pounds that I may come off of those too. My wife has also lost over 20 pounds and has gone from a size 10/12 to a 6. I know my story is nowhere near as inspiring as some. I know my weight gain was not as high or my weight loss as dramatic as a lot of people here. But I feel like I stared my fate in the face and changed the outcome of my life. There is no doubt in my mind had I not changed when i did that I would not be here to write this today. I am thankful for this website and the motivation it gives me to keep going toward my goal! Thanks for reading!


  • I wish you success within your journey! Stay strong and work towards your goals!

    Little goals will lead you to the longterm goal of a healthy life!
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    You've come to the right place!! This is a great forum for accountability and support. Congrats on taking the first steps toward health!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Accepting the need to change and accepting help are two of the strongest things you can do.

    You have work ahead (we all do here). Coincidentally my first marathon was run for Team Diabetes on behalf of my brother and nephew who are both diabetic.

    If you need a support, feel free to add me!

    Keep up the hard work! Sounds like you have an amazing story to tell and are hard at work writing a happy ending!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    that is awesome and so close to home. my husband went through unexpected open heart surgery for a 6x bypass and was told he was borderline diabetic and went from no meds to six- i hit menopause and high cholesterol at the same time. about 1 yr ago and it took me a while longer to realize we had to do something. i started a few months ago but he had to go back for angioplasty before his doctor would ok exercise. now we are both working towards a healthier lifestyle. congratulations on the loss and good luck with more. you can do it. thank you for the motivation i needed a good swift kick.
  • izzys1mom
    izzys1mom Posts: 51
    "I know my story is nowhere near as inspiring as some. I know my weight gain was not as high or my weight loss as dramatic as a lot of people here."

    You saved your own life....that is pretty damn inspiring!

    Great Job :)
  • Losershawn
    Losershawn Posts: 152
    "I know my story is nowhere near as inspiring as some. I know my weight gain was not as high or my weight loss as dramatic as a lot of people here."

    You saved your own life....that is pretty damn inspiring!

    Great Job :)
    I think I have to agree!
  • Absolutley inspiring and one thing you didn't mention....

    the role model you are being for your kids.

    So like you I want to lose weight and I want to do it for health reasons. What our kids see us doing is what they will do.

    You are being a healthy dad and lasting longer because you're healthy. That's good for the kids -- you'll be alive and well. They will also live like you because you set a good example.

    That's inspriing to your kids and inspiring to me as a parent

    Wonderful post. Very well writtnen. I appreciate all the details and you spoke from your heart.

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    You may not think your success is all that dramatic but to your family I'm betting it is! I'm the wife of a man who was 260 pounds and can tell you I understand how your wife felt! It's very scary to look at your husband and wonder if he's going to be with you for very much longer! (My husband has since lost more than 30 pounds and is still working his way down.)

    Congratulation on recognizing what you needed to do and doing it. Don't discount the hard work you've put in just because you think others have done more. I'm sure it was a huge sacrifice and lots of work to stick with it! And bringing those HUGE numbers down to healthy ranges is phenomenal! Excellent work! Now go hug your wife. :smile:
  • Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read and for the great comments and support!
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    I think that inspiring is just what your story is.I have to take medication for a long term condition and I know how hard it is to fight these mutiple battles.You have done an amazing job as has your wife too.I wish you both the best of luck and offer my best wishes in achieving your remaining targets and enjoying your children growing up.
  • GrayJohn
    GrayJohn Posts: 74
    I don't know you.... but I'm proud of you. Keep going pal - you can do it!!
  • ngolston
    ngolston Posts: 159 Member
    You've done a GREAT job taking control of your life and having the support and encouragement of your family. You are an inspiration!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks for sharing..
  • Koki4e
    Koki4e Posts: 3
    What a story...it is interesting how we all have our wake up call. Keep up the good work!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Yup ... that's definitely inspiring!

    Thank God for second chances ... and thirds, fourths, fifths ...

    This site is amazing!
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    You have a really nice writing style, it was easy to read and very enjoyable!
    Its crazy how you can turn your life around, isnt it? I agree with you, this site is exactly
    the right place to be, its really helping me stay on track too.
    Im really happy for you and your wife and wsh you both great health and long lifes!
  • Thanks again to everyone who is piling on here! Your comments are motivating and inspiring to me! I went almost 6 months on here without reading or posting to anyone's topics. I never really considered posting a topic myself until I decided it was a good way to remind ME of MY promise to myself and my family. Now I am becoming more motivated and inspired by other stories and the comments to mine. Thank you everyone!!!
This discussion has been closed.
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