I am trying so hard.....

But I feel like giving up!!!

I am back on Atkins, no junk, no refined, no crap....

But I feel like I am going no where.

Why is it so hard to get back on track???

Atkins, Weight Watchers, Counting, Curves, LA Weight loss

Man, I just can't get the ball rolling on anything, so it seems.

I am ging on Vacation to the beach Monday, maybe this is what I need to destress.......


  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    But I feel like giving up!!!

    I am back on Atkins, no junk, no refined, no crap....

    But I feel like I am going no where.

    Why is it so hard to get back on track???

    Atkins, Weight Watchers, Counting, Curves, LA Weight loss

    Man, I just can't get the ball rolling on anything, so it seems.

    I am ging on Vacation to the beach Monday, maybe this is what I need to destress.......
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Maybe just try eating "normal" type food but in a healthy manner, something that you can do for the rest of your life. That's the problem with many of the diets that want to restrict foods of any type--it's difficult to maintain for long periods of time. So maybe trying to simply change the way you think about food and retrain yourself with new healthy habits towards all foods?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Maybe just try eating "normal" type food but in a healthy manner, something that you can do for the rest of your life. That's the problem with many of the diets that want to restrict foods of any type--it's difficult to maintain for long periods of time. So maybe trying to simply change the way you think about food and retrain yourself with new healthy habits towards all foods?

    That's what I was going to say...
    You need to do something you can live with....FOREVER....not just 3 weeks....or 6 weeks... but learn how to eat normal foods (which includes everything) but in a healthy/proportioned way.
    People can still eat burgers and fries and lose weight or maintain weight....as long as it is done correctly and maybe not often.

    I know people get results using specialized programs, but more often then not it's a constant struggle to maintain them and keep weight off.

    Give normal food a try....
  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    I know how hard it is to get on track and back on track once you've fallen off. I too have done Atkins, Weight Watchers, LA Weight Loss, Susan Sommers, Glycemic Index, Cabbage Soup, diet pills, Body For Life....I can keep going. :wink:

    I found I was always looking for a quick fix. I wanted to lose the weight fast. When the results didn't come quick enough or I felt deprived of a food group I would binge then have an even harder time getting back on track. I have been doing this off and on for almost 20 years!!!

    I decide this time to stop all the madness. Losing weight is simple math. Eat less than you expend and lose weight. I have decided to follow this site and watch my calories. I eat all of them and I eat my exercise calories. I am not deprived of any food groups, I can eat what I want within reason and with portion control. This is something I can do forever. I can't eat cabbage soup forever!!
    Yes the weight is coming off slow but I think it will actually stay off this time. I figured 20 years of being unhappy with my weight...what's one more year while I learn to eat right and slowly take it off and for good this time.

    I go to bed everynight imagining I wake up a healthy weight. I picture it in my head from getting out of bed, looking in the mirror and seeing the muscle definition and the smooth lines of my belly and legs. I then imagine taking my morning shower as a thinner healthier person. It is so much easier to reach that tough spot on my back, shave my legs, etc. I imagine this everynight while I lie in bed before I fall asleep. Then Every morning I get up and recite in my head all the things I am greatful in my life until I am ready for the day. I count all of my blessings and ignore anything that I ddon't have at this point. These two things have really helped me put what is important in perspective and also keeps me on track for the most part. I really like what I visualize at night and want it soooo bad. So I'm doing it this time.

    I didn't mean to write a book here but once I get going it's hard to stop!!...lol. :bigsmile:

    I just think you need to re-focus your mind, don't beat yourself up, and everytime you go to put something in your mouth you should think "is it worth it?". Sometimes it will be...but I usually imagine the healthier thinner me and put it back.

    Hope this has helped even a little.
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I agree with everyone.

    Do what you can do for the rest of your life.
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    I agree with the "eat normal stuff" but pay attention to your portions and recommend serving size. For the most part it isn't what we eat but HOW MUCH. We over indulge on a daily basis whether with a bowl of cereal or a bowl of ice cream.

    Stop denying yourself the foods you want to eat. Moderation is the key along with education. Read the lables of the food that you love and try to find healthier alternative. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but it doesn't hur to give it try.
  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    I had a co-worker ask me "how my diet was going" and I shot back at her "It's NOT a diet it's a change in lifestyle" (of course I don't care too much for her to begin with lol)

    But the point being that's how you have to take it and accept it. There is no "quick fix" for long term results.... I've done atkins many times, dropped as muchas 13 pounds in one week but you know what a month later it's back like BAM!

    You just have to change the style of how you eat as well as what you eat.Opt for turkey and chicken or fish vs red meats or pork, add more veggies, and you can always use salads as a default when you really dont have time to plan or think. I am horrible at planning meals, I like quick simple and small- mainly because I am single and unless the ppl at work bounce on my head to eat I won't during the day. I don't cook except on the weekends because again I am single and it's hard to cook for one. BUt then hey there's always turkey burgers and good ol' George Foreman grill lol so of course eat normal food just be aware of what you're putting in your mouth. Don't get me wrong I have my indulgences often but I make sure i stay within mylimits. Like yesterday I said screw it and had 3 oatmeal raisan cookies for dinner with my subway turkey sammich (yes I said sammich just like a lil kid :) )

    It's just baby steps. YOU and ONLY you control what goes into your body. Set small realist goals to reach your ultimate goal. remember to be positive an remember it's not a diet but a complete change in lifestyle.

    I read the labels on EVERYTHING now before I eat it or buy it. after a while you reall start to question is that certain items worth all the calories and carbs?

    Keep up the good work. And remember you have a great support network here.

    Best wishes!
  • stephanieo78
    You are so awesome!:)
  • stephanieo78
    That was for Shauna:)
  • countrybee
    I have been in the same boat. I decided I needed answers to why I cannot loose weight. I have thyroid issues as it is, but I am regulated with meds. So my doctor did a test on my metolism and found out it is low. The test shows I only burn 1700 cal. in a day, so I am on a 1500 cal. plan. Finally I have answers and hope, I am down 12 lbs. in just two weeks. Maybe you should do this test also. Good Luck!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I know how hard it is to get on track and back on track once you've fallen off. I too have done Atkins, Weight Watchers, LA Weight Loss, Susan Sommers, Glycemic Index, Cabbage Soup, diet pills, Body For Life....I can keep going. :wink:

    I found I was always looking for a quick fix. I wanted to lose the weight fast. When the results didn't come quick enough or I felt deprived of a food group I would binge then have an even harder time getting back on track. I have been doing this off and on for almost 20 years!!!

    I decide this time to stop all the madness. Losing weight is simple math. Eat less than you expend and lose weight. I have decided to follow this site and watch my calories. I eat all of them and I eat my exercise calories. I am not deprived of any food groups, I can eat what I want within reason and with portion control. This is something I can do forever. I can't eat cabbage soup forever!!
    Yes the weight is coming off slow but I think it will actually stay off this time. I figured 20 years of being unhappy with my weight...what's one more year while I learn to eat right and slowly take it off and for good this time.

    I go to bed everynight imagining I wake up a healthy weight. I picture it in my head from getting out of bed, looking in the mirror and seeing the muscle definition and the smooth lines of my belly and legs. I then imagine taking my morning shower as a thinner healthier person. It is so much easier to reach that tough spot on my back, shave my legs, etc. I imagine this everynight while I lie in bed before I fall asleep. Then Every morning I get up and recite in my head all the things I am greatful in my life until I am ready for the day. I count all of my blessings and ignore anything that I ddon't have at this point. These two things have really helped me put what is important in perspective and also keeps me on track for the most part. I really like what I visualize at night and want it soooo bad. So I'm doing it this time.

    I didn't mean to write a book here but once I get going it's hard to stop!!...lol. :bigsmile:

    I just think you need to re-focus your mind, don't beat yourself up, and everytime you go to put something in your mouth you should think "is it worth it?". Sometimes it will be...but I usually imagine the healthier thinner me and put it back.

    Hope this has helped even a little.

    What a great post:flowerforyou: ....very motivating...if we keep it simple....it remains simple....and easy to continue in life doing:drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I agree with everyone.

    Do what you can do for the rest of your life.
    amen SEESTA!:drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    But I feel like giving up!!!

    I am back on Atkins, no junk, no refined, no crap....

    But I feel like I am going no where.

    Why is it so hard to get back on track???

    Atkins, Weight Watchers, Counting, Curves, LA Weight loss

    Man, I just can't get the ball rolling on anything, so it seems.

    I am ging on Vacation to the beach Monday, maybe this is what I need to destress.......

    lots of good points made in this thread regarding eating 'real food' that you can eat for the rest of your life..... eating in a way that can become a lifetime commitment is really what will help us all succeed on this journey.......

    Habits are hard to break but it can be done...it's done everyday here on MFP!

    .....I don't know that if someone told me to not eat carbs that begin with P, Z, R etc, to eat pea soup, cabbage soup, only peaches every 2nd tues of the week that I could stick to that the rest of my life, that's how odd some of those diets now sound to me.

    I think I'll stick to the freedom plan.....real life eating, real food in moderation, clean eating, & lots of workouts that make a person feel GREAT about themselves.:drinker: with WATER WATER WATER

    E-if you don't feel good about what you're doing....why are you doing it?? perhaps it's not right for you, well or anyone!? :noway:

    Ah Is there any reason you're not eating regular food, and just eating it in smaller portions but 'dieting' instead? I agree those are all 'diets' that you've tried and noone can mantain weightloss for long periods of time 'dieting'....as the very word indicates temporary fix. It can also mess up a persons body quickly as well.....and make it even harder to lose weight.:huh:

    Perhaps it's time to give up 'dieting' and simply eat? I think folks start those for a quick easy fix .....some call it a jumpstart.... I think eating healthy and excercicing (sp..lol it's late) is a jump start in itself!!:drinker:
  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    That was for Shauna:)

    Awww thanks. :blushing:
  • LovelyLady1977
    ...Perhaps it's time to give up 'dieting'...

    Bingo! In the words of Weight Watcher's "Stop dieting. Start living!"
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I know how hard it is to stay on track. When my husband came back from deployment in December I did really good till we went on vacation in February then I totally fell off the wagon. No matter what I did I couldn't get back on, but I don't think I really wanted to either. So it took 7 months and 31 pounds heavier to knock some sense into me and get my butt on that wagon. I think it is a complete mind set. Do you really want to lose the weight and become healthier? If not there is no point in trying. Your not ready till your really ready you know what I mean? Since September I have lost 5lbs only 38 more to go and I'm ready this time to get it off and keep it off. This website helps so much. It really keeps me motivated. If your ready to lose the weight and change your lifestyle then just do it and keep at it! It will come off.
  • LovelyLady1977
    Very good points here!

    I did Atkins last year while my hubby was deployed to Iraq and lost a lot of weight. However, deep down in my heart of hearts I knew that I wasn't going to be able to do it for life. It just wasn't going to fit my lifestyle after my hubby's return. It was more of a quick fix. As a result, I've gained back all I'd lost. Like the others have said, it's all about finding a way of eating you can live with. Weight loss is nothing if you can't keep it off. If you can find a way to actually enjoy the food you eat and/or the way you eat and still manage to lose even half a pound a week, that's a great thing.Good luck!
  • jamainicole
    Hi everyone I'm new but boy has anyone ever had trouble when you first started losing weight getting yourself to go to the gym the first time? I had a baby ( Hayden) 5 months ago and I'm 60 pounds heavier than I was before I had him. I just get sick looking at myself. I don't even take pics of myself anymore and i used to LOVE taking pics. I had some family in town and they got pics and when I saw them I couldnt believe them, I then realized okay wow I need to go to the gym. I keep making up excuses but I really need to do it!! I just need the motivation... :(

    I found this site and I couldnt believe it was free!! I'm amazed by the food and exercise things its soo cool! Better than the weightwatchers site by far and again free!!

    I'm really gonna try hard I just need some inspiration :)
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new but boy has anyone ever had trouble when you first started losing weight getting yourself to go to the gym the first time? I had a baby ( Hayden) 5 months ago and I'm 60 pounds heavier than I was before I had him. I just get sick looking at myself. I don't even take pics of myself anymore and i used to LOVE taking pics. I had some family in town and they got pics and when I saw them I couldnt believe them, I then realized okay wow I need to go to the gym. I keep making up excuses but I really need to do it!! I just need the motivation... :(

    I found this site and I couldnt believe it was free!! I'm amazed by the food and exercise things its soo cool! Better than the weightwatchers site by far and again free!!

    I'm really gonna try hard I just need some inspiration :)

    I think many have a tough time at first.....but then you just GO....realizing it's what you really want/need for yourself to make changes. Most folks at the gym are thinking about themselves in that they are contentrating on what they are doing, their routines, not watching someone else's every move.

    But I know what you mean...I was a bit uncomfortable when I first joined but once I went....it was like 'Home' to me....folks were great and I haven't looked back....I love how it feels working out, the wonderful things it does for my body and everyone is there for the same reason to get or stay in shape.

    Sometimes you just have to push your self through things.......
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    After the first time that I went to the gym I kept wanting to go back. I have never felt like that before when it comes to exercise. I want to be at the gym. And the thing I love the most is wearing my HRM and seeing how many calories I burn. I love to see the calories get higher and higher. If you need a reason to go to the gym get one of those.
