Just had baby number 3... still trying to lose #2 :)

asingler Posts: 3 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,

My name is Annie and I just welcomed my third baby into the world 5 weeks ago. The doc has cleared me for take off and I'm ready to get rid of this extra poundage. Anyone out there in my boat??

Hope to get to know some of you soon.


  • Hi Annie. Congrats on your new bundle of joy! I have 2 kids. A 1 year old and a 4 year old. I have lost the weight I have gained from my second child but not my first. I weigh 157 right now. When I got pregnant with my son I weighed 145. So I know how it feels. Maybe we can help each other along the way:smile:
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi sister :)
  • asingler
    asingler Posts: 3 Member
    I'm at 166 right now... Was 140 when I got pregnant with #3 but still carrying 10 lbs from #2. I'm aiming for b/w 125/130. If only I could get exercising again and avoid the naptime destress binge I'd be alright!
  • hols_blue
    hols_blue Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. I had my baby nearly 6 months ago and started this diet plan about 10 weeks ago (couldn't face it before then!) anyway I'm already back to my pre pregnancy weight of 140lbs woo hoo but I'm still going as was a few pounds over my happy weight before I got pregnant. It's so easy to follow and as I've said in a previous post having your food diary public really helps you stick to your calorie goal (otherwise you just look like a greedy pig!!!)
    Congratulations on your baby and good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me if u want.
    Oh and If I can't get to the gym I go for long walks or do a DVD or exercise bike in the house when babies sleeping!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Congrats on the new baby!

    Me too trying to work off my twin boys! + the child I had before that! Good luck!
  • asingler
    asingler Posts: 3 Member
    our food journals are public??? lol So, i guess everyone knows I was 28g OVER my fat intake today? Stupid German sausage Festival.
  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Welcome!! Congrats on your baby. I had baby #3 five years ago and baby #1 almost 11 years ago. i am still trying to get the weight off from little darling #1. Feel free to friend me if you like. I hope you have a great success on your weight loss journey.
  • I'm with ya, girl! DD is almost 8 months old and I still have 40 pounds to lose (50 to be at goal weight). Good luck and don't give up!:smile:
  • starryeyedsnoozer
    starryeyedsnoozer Posts: 89 Member
    Hi! I had 3 pregnancies very close together and now I've got my head around not having any more babies :0( I'm consoling myself with getting my figure back! Plus my "baby" is nearly 2 so I cant keep using the poor boy as an excuse for being blobby anymore!! I started last week and have lost 2lbs through calorie counting and excersising (Just DVDs) I've got another 12lb to go.
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