how much are trying to lose?



  • Congrats on the first step to you journey! My name is Stephanie and I am trying to lose 60 lbs. in about 5 months. So far I feel like this is the best support system for losing weight I have ever had!
  • DnaDiva
    DnaDiva Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to lose about 20 lbs more. I was 202 lbs at my heaviest and 189 lbs when I started MFP. I'm at around 180 lbs now, so 10 lbs on MFP took me 2 months. Good luck!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I'm not sure anymore as I've switched my focus to strength training. I'd be fine if the number on the scale goes up or down or stays the same at this point so long as I get muscular and my fat goes away resulting in a smaller, sexier me! :bigsmile:
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Im down 26 pounds and I'd like to lose 40 more pounds.
  • Myra, welcome and congrats on the first step!!! We can do this!! Wooooooo!!!!

    Hi everyone!!! I just joined too, and I hope to lose about 120 lbs (which I thought was nearly impossible until I saw all the success stories! You all are truly inspiring!!)
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome. I have about 175lbs to lose! I know its alot but I am in this for the long haul. I started about 2 weeks ago and lost 20.5lbs already. I know alot of it was probably water weight. I have totally changed the way I eat and started working out with Zumba Fitness on the Wii. The app for my phone is the best thing ever. It helps me hold myself accountable for what I am eating. I definatly think twice before I eat something. Before starting this I NEVER looked at the back of the box of something.. now I do it without thinking about it! Good luck! Feel free to add me :)
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    I sent you a reguest. I need to lose 130 to be at the high end of what my ideal weight for height should be.... I will be happy losing 80 though! good luck on your journey!
  • my original goal was 20 lb.s and I've only lost 1 lb.s so far but i've only been on here for a day.
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome. I have about 175lbs to lose! I know its alot but I am in this for the long haul. I started about 2 weeks ago and lost 20.5lbs already. I know alot of it was probably water weight. I have totally changed the way I eat and started working out with Zumba Fitness on the Wii. The app for my phone is the best thing ever. It helps me hold myself accountable for what I am eating. I definatly think twice before I eat something. Before starting this I NEVER looked at the back of the box of something.. now I do it without thinking about it! Good luck! Feel free to add me :)
    AWESOME JOB!!!!!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hi Myra! I have 182lbs to lose so I can relate to you in that capacity. Feel free to add me!!
  • new_wife
    new_wife Posts: 7
    i am going for 80 ish right now but more would be better! feel free to add me if you'd like. i am alway happy to add a friend:)
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I'm 22 and I've got about 25- 30 lbs left to lose, I started my journey May 2010 found MFP a few months later :)
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, I have 110lbs at least. I'm not sure what my ideal weight should be since i've been over weight my whole life. Wish i had stuck with this when i was still in my twenties! Good for you doing this now! Good luck! feel free to friend me if i can be of support!:smile:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • twilks11
    twilks11 Posts: 29
    wtg everyone..I just started and only down 7 pounds and looking to lose 50lbs by august..
  • I just joined MFP too. I decided that it was time to buckle and take control. I have only been using MFP for 2 days and already noticed a change. I realize that having to actually right down and acknowledge what you eat makes you want to make better choices. Who knew eating an entire pizza was a weeks worth of calories??! :laugh:
    My goal is to lose 40 pounds by November. I have started the "Couch to 5k" schedule 3 days a week and am taking a Zumba class once a week. I am hoping the the food journal will make me more conscience of what I am putting into my body and will help making a life change easier.
    Good luck everyone :drinker:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have lost 28.5 pounds so far and i have 80 more to go ! I am sending you a friends request !
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I want to lose 30 or 40 pounds. I'll know when I get there. I want to be fit but don't want to lose all my curves...
  • I'm trying to lose 25 myself, and I'm new.. I wish you the best of luck....:wink:
  • AvieC
    AvieC Posts: 1
    Hello all. I'm new to MFP. I heard about it from a friend today. I'm trying to lose about 65 to 75 pounds. I want to lose at least 4 pounds a month, but would prefer closer to 8. At this point, I think I'd be happy with any amount of loss! good luck to all of us!
  • I am trying to lose between 60 and 90, depending on whether I look like a skeleton when Im that I have never been thinner then 188 since I was eleven.
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