Hello Everyone!

As you can see, I'm new to the site..

About Myself:

I am a student currently and a multi-sport athlete aswell. My sports are X-Country, Wrestling, and Track&Field. Possibly Football during my senior year of high school. I was very obese at my younger age. About 4 years ago being 200lbs+ and weighing in during my first year of high school at 225lbs. I joined a sport, seeing if it would make my mom proud of me. And I'll admit, i did quit because it was hard. But went back because I realized, this may be my only shot at changing my life for the better! So I joined again, and stuck through with it. And during the summer entering my 2nd year of high school, I weighed in at 140lbs. I continued wrestling and Track &Field, lifting weights, getting bigger, leaner, taking various supplements. Pretty much I wanted that coveted "Athlete's Body" I wanted those HUGE arms, the HUGE chest, and the defined "abs". This is my 3rd year of High school, going into my 4th and final year, and I can honestly say I've busted my butt enough to be able to say that I did it! I am finally where i want to be with my body, and everyday I'm thinking of ays to make myself feel, look, and live better.

Wasn't really sure as wether or not to sign up.. but since my mother is a member on this site, she told me how I am able to kep track fo my food eaten throughout the day and my exercises aswell...

Now to me, thats pretty handy, seeing as i can also do this from my mobile phone.

I'm not really "on a mission" to lose weight, but rather get leaner through various cardio and weight-lifting workouts.

Seeing as I am an athlete, I am sure this'll give me quite the advantage.

Well just thought I'd post to be more knowledgable as to who is on this site and what-not.

I also have basic and advanced knowledge on various diets, workouts, etc. Basically if anyone is looking for some advice or just someone to compare logs/diaries with, then I'm your guy!

Thanks for reading, well I'm off.


  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    You are definitely an inspiration to being dedicated to your health and fitness at your age. Your before and after photos are amazing! Keep up the great work!
  • Mayorga160
    Thank You sharesb, I appreciate the comment very much!

    From the looks of the forum activity, seems like everyone here gets along very well. Much better than other sites/forums I'm currently a member on.

    And from the look of your Tracker in your signature, It seems your quite close to your goal. Congratulations and good luck to yourself to finish it off!