Food and Fibro ~ Eating badly = pain

Some day I will remember that when I vary from my pretty low carb diet too much that I will pay for it even after.....Every time I eat badly for a day or two, I hurt more with my Fibromyalsia pain for at least 3-4 afterwards. There are certain foods that can cause it to "flare up", and they are also the foods I know I should stay away from, Sugar, Junk Food and alcohol. Of course these are my 3 fav food groups, and once and a while I splurge. Not only does the scale tell me I cheated, but then my body does for a few days too....
I wish my brain would engage before I put the food in my mouth and scream at me ~ IS THIS WORTH IT????? Do I really want to eat this?? It will taste good, but is it worth the "fluff" it puts on my body and the pain it will cause me.

Does anyone else out there have Fibro? Do you find that food affects it?? Does your brain yell at you? Do you eat it anyway and ignore it??


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Im sorry to hear that you have this.. I dont have this problem thankful.. but I do tend to binge from time to time and my stomach pays the price.. not just gaining.. but with gall bladder issues.. Try putting a note on your fridge as a reminder.. if you eat this it will cause pain.. sometimes although we know this we seem to forget it in the moment!! Hope this helps!
  • mnkarp
    mnkarp Posts: 38 Member
    I do have autoimmune disease - and yes, my body does tell me when I've been "bad". Migraines, joint pain, stomach pain, etc. And yes, sometimes I cheat and pay for it but the longer I coexist with my condition the less I cheat (unless by accident - gluten is so hard to avoid when eating out). For me it is usually nostalgia items - something I ate as a kid and haven't had in years (last time it was butterscotch krimpets - can't get them in the south). Do you cook/bake? I'll try to re-create some alternatives that are safe for my body sometimes.
  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    Yes, note on my fridge! Great idea....I used to put my before pictures there too to help me not to cheat LOL....Never going back to that person!
    My stomach too hates me if I eat too badly....the price we pay.....
  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    I do modify most everything I cook to low carb, or I eat a smaller portion or make soemthing totally diff for myself. Problem is I LOVE wine LOL....and sugar has always been a weakness....
    I am for sure better than I used to be! Being aware helps...sometimes my brain just doesn't pay attention till it is too late...

    Sometimes I even think to myself ~ this is not good....don't eat it.....~ yet I do anyway LOL!!!!
  • speculardaisy
    Oh my, I know this is an old post, but had to respond. I too have Fibro, and since joining up on MFP, I have noticed the exact same problem.
    Junk food and alcohol in particular, and my body gives up on me... The exercise and healthy eating has really made a huge difference to my condition, but the minute I eat junk or drink I'm straight back down again... interesting stuff.... :smile:

    Unfortunately when i'm eating/drinking it, I 'forget' what its going to do to me... :(
  • rdmchugh
    rdmchugh Posts: 76
    I have had Celiac all my life. I have cheated badly during those "difficult" times in my life. It has trained me to look at the "bad" foods and feel pain. Bread/cake/cookies/donuts = PAIN. Took a while but once that association has been made, it sticks! When the will power gets weak, I just try to remind myself of what it feels like the day AFTER the indulgence.