Hi my name is Dennis and I'm a food addict!

dennisballor Posts: 1
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I quit alcohol and other drugs due to the adverse affect they were having on my life about 8 years ago. Then after losing my job, I could no longer afford the cigarettes so I quit those 2 years ago. My weight was slowly increasing since I turned 40, but after losing the smokes it has seemed to skyrocket to 30+ pounds in these past 2 years. So I would like to get back down around 200 lbs. Thanks for letting me share!


  • mclahey
    mclahey Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome Dennis...this is a great, supportive site. You will discover that!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Welcome!!! Great job on quitting all those bad habits.. I still smoke.. but no drugs or alcohol!!
    This is an awesome site for tips, advice and support!
    You will be down to 200 before you know it!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Welcome! Lots of motivation, encouragement and support on this site. Feel free to add me, I log in almost every day.
  • watchmelose2
    watchmelose2 Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome Dennis! I quit smoking 2 years ago too, And I also am a food addict! So glad to see you here!:smile:
  • mnkarp
    mnkarp Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome - I am so impressed with what you have done. This is a supportive site and I bet you will find others with similar journeys to share and support.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    Your a strong man (obviously with all the quitting youve done) you can do this!!! we are here for you!!!! Good lUck!
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    Your a strong man (obviously with all the quitting youve done) you can do this!!! we are here for you!!!! Good lUck!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Good job on your accomplishments! I also LOVE food. Something about writing it all down here is helping me. I don't have a scale, but I did just buy a smaller pant size yesterday, so something is working. I hope it works for you too.
  • tkaderabek3161
    tkaderabek3161 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Dennis!

    I too have been clean and sober for 7 yrs now and 6 months ago quit smoking:) Over those 6 months I have seen the pounds skyrocket also:( So I feel your pain. Goodluck with your weight loss!
  • dian1227
    dian1227 Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome Dennis! Being a food addict is truly a cross to bear. Of all of the addictions we can have, and the ones we can quit, give up cold turkey so to speak, we can't stop eating. So we truly have a rough road. But with your inner convictions to quit the things that will hurt you, you have the inner strength to battle this demon as well.

    We can do it together!


  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    Welcome! I'm Happy you joined. I'm a food addict too!! Good luck on your jouney
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Hi there Dennis
    Good to have you with us. You will find very fine folks here with all kinds of good advice, support, understanding and motivation. In the short week since I have joined I have already felt encouraged and boosted by the positive spirit that pervades mpf. While I have never smoked (except for the one time when I was 10 and promptly got caught by my mom who told me never to do it again.. I listened:)), I too am a food addict. As a matter of fact I have to admit I EAT every day:). Actually I am lucky that I like healthy foods, except on those stress filled days where I tend to overindulge. Best thing to do is trying to get in shape, Daily exercise of some kind will see the weight go down anyway and you will be healthier and lighter at the same time. You shall prevail.
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