Thyroid Problems..Anyone else??



  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I have had thyroiditis since I was 18 (I'm now 28). First it started out as hyper then a couple years later switched to hypo. I have had my levels checked every 6 weeks for most of that 10 years. Only recently did I go 6 months with out a dose change. It can be very frustrating but knowing that my doctor is watching everything closely makes me feel better. Plus since I got pregnant with my first child 4 yrs ago I have been seeing the same endo and love him! I also found that if my T4 is in the normal range my T3 wasn't so I am now taking synthroid for T4 and cytomel for T3.

    I have been trying to lose weight since I had my youngest and she is now 2. I found that the best diet for me is The Zone. Even my doctor recommended it to me. So I try to stay within my calories but also make sure that my protein, carbs, and fat ratios are in The Zone.

    I also have hypoglycemia which makes it hard to work out for long periods of time. I recently took up running but have to make sure I eat a snack before and have energy jelly beans with me so I can last. Does anyone else have this problem?
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I have Hashimotos and I am trying to get my doctor to go the Armor route....I heard it's wonderful. I have an appointment with a new and supposedly very informed endo next month.....I am trying to figure out though, what kind of affect my thyroid has on my base metabolism and if I should adjust my calorie intake accordingly. Have you thought about that?

    Have you thought about Cytomel? It is a T3 drug and you can take it with Synthroid. I have had very good luck with this for my energy levels. I currently take 5mcg twice a day - once in the morning and then another does around noon. It has been fantastic! Plus if my levels are off it's usually my T4 so I don't have to change my T3 dose.

    Remember that T3 is your short term energy (4 hours) and T4 is longer term (6 weeks). Good luck!
  • jansus
    jansus Posts: 58 Member
    Anyone on this thread want to add me as a friend? Just been diagnosed today with under active thyroid with hopefully explains why I have been struggling ,so need some support.

  • I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's after 9 years of random symptoms. It took an allergist to finally order the right blood test! (I was covered in Hives!) My thyroid levels were still in the normal range, but a new doctor put me on levothyroxine. It took awhile for me to finally wean off the antihistamines, but I haven't been having the problems with the hives lately. I still feel "out of whack" and somedays still do not want to get out of bed (with reason, I am currently in grad school). How do you all find the motivation to go work out when you'd rather stay in bed? Also, have any of you experience more hormone issues (PMS, cravings, cramps, etc) when you're on your period? I have too much riding on losing weight and getting healthy...I've been totally screwed genetically (both sides of the family have tons of health issues). Any help, suggestions, etc. would be greatly appreciated!
  • Fu09
    Fu09 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Branuant! Just in case you didn't know, Wal-mart has levothyroxin (the generic Synthroid) for $4/ 1 month, $9/ 3 months. It's the same price whether you have insurance or not. I believe a lot of pharmacies have added that to their $4 generic list.
  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    It took forever for my levels to get straight and it took my nutritionist to explain it to me. you have to have a balanced diet the right about of fruit veg and protein. also when you get your blood done make sure you fast 8 hours prior no matter what dr says. this should help you. I wish you luck if you need anything just write me
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid which caused me to gain about 14lbs - have lost 5lb so far but it's real slow. I'm currently taking L-Tyrosine and sea kelp (herbal supplements) which seem to be working. I'm sleeping better, hair and nails aren't as brittle and I'm not gaining weight.

    My Personal trainer also advised me to eat every 3hrs with some protein at each meal. It's a pain but it seems to be working. All the best and feel free to message me if you need any more info.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have Hashimotos and I am trying to get my doctor to go the Armor route....I heard it's wonderful. I have an appointment with a new and supposedly very informed endo next month.....I am trying to figure out though, what kind of affect my thyroid has on my base metabolism and if I should adjust my calorie intake accordingly. Have you thought about that?

    Have you thought about Cytomel? It is a T3 drug and you can take it with Synthroid. I have had very good luck with this for my energy levels. I currently take 5mcg twice a day - once in the morning and then another does around noon. It has been fantastic! Plus if my levels are off it's usually my T4 so I don't have to change my T3 dose.

    Remember that T3 is your short term energy (4 hours) and T4 is longer term (6 weeks). Good luck!

    Just curious, but why would anyone want to add on another synthetic medication when Armour is complete including TSH, T3 and T4? And Armour is natural due to being pig's thyroid.

    If I can help it I will never, ever take any synthetic drug again. I got on Armour and started eating healing foods and I am nearly off the Armour too. My goal is to get completely off any medications.

    Don't let any Doctor tell you that once you get on any medication that you will be on it for life..............The body can heal itself with proper nutrition. It's not about the calories, it is about nourishing our bodies!!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have Hashimotos and I am trying to get my doctor to go the Armor route....I heard it's wonderful. I have an appointment with a new and supposedly very informed endo next month.....I am trying to figure out though, what kind of affect my thyroid has on my base metabolism and if I should adjust my calorie intake accordingly. Have you thought about that?

    Have you thought about Cytomel? It is a T3 drug and you can take it with Synthroid. I have had very good luck with this for my energy levels. I currently take 5mcg twice a day - once in the morning and then another does around noon. It has been fantastic! Plus if my levels are off it's usually my T4 so I don't have to change my T3 dose.

    Remember that T3 is your short term energy (4 hours) and T4 is longer term (6 weeks). Good luck!

    Just curious, but why would anyone want to add on another synthetic medication when Armour is complete including TSH, T3 and T4? And Armour is natural due to being pig's thyroid.

    If I can help it I will never, ever take any synthetic drug again. I got on Armour and started eating healing foods and I am nearly off the Armour too. My goal is to get completely off any medications.

    Don't let any Doctor tell you that once you get on any medication that you will be on it for life..............The body can heal itself with proper nutrition. It's not about the calories, it is about nourishing our bodies!!!

    Yes, Armour is a complete combination of TSH, T3 and T4, but if you have a problem with only one of these hormones, you can not reduce the dose of Armour because you will be also altering the doses of the other three.

    I had to reduce the dose of T3, so Cytomel tablet ( or its generic), has to be cut in half. Besides, most Health Insurance do not cover Armour, and even not being a very expensive drug, not everybody can afford it or want to increase their medical expenses.

    Just like RA and Lupus, Hashimoto is a autoinmune desease. Very hard to cure itself even with proper nutriion.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I'm determined to lose the weight, with or without a thyroid problem! :)

    And it's very possible....I am living proof. :wink: Don't let having a thyroid issue deter you from your goal or be an excuse as to why you aren't doing it!

  • Same thing was doing well taking my synthroid stopped taking it for about 6 months put on 40 pounds while doing cardio daily and a low cal no diet. just started back on synthroid dr says wait it should come off easy if you keep working hard, without synthroid have no materialism so will not lose weight without drugs. take in morning wait 1 hour to eat and no dairy for 4 hours.
  • gained 40 plus pounds from my low thyroid unfortunately carry it in my stomach which is pressing on my wind pipe esophagus causing severe shortness of breath and extreme gerd. doctor says keep working out weight will come off, give medicine time to work, so fatigued, hair thinning, terrible migraines , abusing Zantac 150 tablets heartburn so bad. working out daily is helping mt SOB, i went from gasping for air to really uncomfortable shortness of breath fat pressing on my organs so gross
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