How do I stop eating so much meat?

I love meat. Not only that, but I love ALL meat. I can't taste the difference between a fine steak and something at Burger King. Obviously this is a problem, but how do I fix it?

I've taken to eating meat two times or more a day, and definitely more on the weekends. I know that I should be cutting back, and honestly I'd like to get to a point where I'm eating it maybe 4 times a WEEK, if at all possible (at least red meat). But constantly I'll take more than a good portion of meat. I'll make dinner, and before I know it I've taken most of the meat dish, and the bare minimum or below of my greens.

A little bit of background on me, I'm a single 23 year old who doesn't really know very many people in my area. Money isn't exactly tight, per se, but the less money I can spend on food, the better. I don't really know very many people around my area, so I'm never really in a position to invite people over to my house for dinner, or to go over to theirs. I'm hoping to change that in time, but in the meantime, any advice would be super grateful. Thanks in advance!


  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    I looove meat too - couldn't imagine cutting it out! When I don't want the calories from meat, I like to substitute it! Use mushrooms when you're cooking instead. Cook finite amounts of meat portions for the week and only allow yourself to eat from that stock. For example, cook 3 chicken breasts and 3 portions of pork or beef or lamb or what-have-you. That way, once it's gone, it's gone! You can slowly cut the number of portions down over time. Also, try and find recipes for things you like and take the meat out - replacing it with extra stock or something. Loads of things taste just great with the meat taken out :)
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    meat is great for you, i wouldnt worry. Lots of protien, just not processed meat.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Hey, I can't believe you think BK taste like steak...yuck!!! lol but its ok, If you are on here to lose weight, try not to eat ANY fast food ever!!! The main reason is because of all the processed words that people can't pronounce are in fast food. If you stay away for like a month and go back, you will notice the difference. Plus all the salt in FF will make you bloated and larthgic, it will be hard to workout after eating that.

    Ask yourself before you eat something, will I be able to run or workout with this in my stomach? So that way you eat to fuel yourself and not full yourself. Meat is ok for you to have, but try eating only white meat, and fish. Salmon, is the best fish. Good luck! You can do this!!!!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Have you seen the movie supersize me? That will make you stop eating out!!! lol
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I ate meat every time I ate a salad and lost ALL KINDS of weight. Choose lean chicken and steak or lean ground beef or turkey and put in on a salad, with spritzer dressings and any other kind of veggies you like and also add a little shredded cheese. Eat like that for about 2 solid weeks and you will see a weight loss. It's called. South Beach Diet!! I LOVE IT!!!
  • feliciapeters

    lean protein is GOOD helps feed those muscles especially if your working out. Muscle helps burn fat

    Just make sure itsGOOD protein, instead of McDonald,make a burger at home, or lean chicken, or fish. MUCH less fat & sodium. You dont think fast food uses the GOOD meat do you?

    This isnt about NOT having what you love, it's about working what you love into your life in a way that STILL can keep you healthy & losing weight. If you feel deprived all the time, you wont stick with it.

    I was dying for a burger about 2 weeks ago, so thats what i made for dinner, I had a small one, with cheese, half a bun, & loaded it with sauteed mushrooms & onions & a big salad.

    I was full and burger craving GONE
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Ok, just so you know, BEEF is worse for you than poultry, pork (and by pork I am not talking about bacon or sausage), or fish. If you want to stop eating so much of it, try substituting these other meats.

    To show you the differences.... one serving of cooked 93% fat free ground beef is 160 calories. One serving is 4 oz. For Jenny O, lean ground turkey it is 120 calories.

    One serving (3 oz.) of tri-tip steak is 213 calories, compared to one chicken breast which is 4 oz per serving, is 110 calories.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    This may help too, red meat stays in your body for like 22 days!!! It is hard for our bodies to process red meat, so it will be harder to lose the red meat weight if you keep eating it, bc it will take a month, lol. You don't have to deprive yourself at all, if you want a burger, use white, lean turkey ground and make patties using good condiments and you will never know the difference. Also my one of my favorite meals is pork chops over sweet potatoes!!! SOOOOOOOO yum, just bake your chops and sprinkle some brown sugar over top..soooo good...Good luck again!
  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    Ok, just so you know, BEEF is worse for you than poultry, pork (and by pork I am not talking about bacon or sausage), or fish. If you want to stop eating so much of it, try substituting these other meats.

    To show you the differences.... one serving of cooked 93% fat free ground beef is 160 calories. One serving is 4 oz. For Jenny O, lean ground turkey it is 120 calories.

    One serving (3 oz.) of tri-tip steak is 213 calories, compared to one chicken breast which is 4 oz per serving, is 110 calories.

  • groomsmother
    I just beggun cutting meet out and the way I did it was substitution. I started chang meat for chicken....then for least one day at a time. This will help you reactivate the tastebuds for that speacial steak once or twice a week.

    Keep it simple!

  • feliciapeters
    I can't taste the difference between a fine steak and something at Burger King.

    BTW tou start eating better and you WILL be able to taste the difference
    And you'll FEEL the diffference too
  • feliciapeters
    Ok, just so you know, BEEF is worse for you than poultry, pork (and by pork I am not talking about bacon or sausage), or fish. If you want to stop eating so much of it, try substituting these other meats.


    but if your craving something, you should endulge yourself once in awhile with the healthiest option.

    If you always feel like your deprived you wont stick with it
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    This may help too, red meat stays in your body for like 22 days!!! It is hard for our bodies to process red meat, so it will be harder to lose the red meat weight if you keep eating it, bc it will take a month, lol.

    Do you have a source for this information?
  • deafmom4
    deafmom4 Posts: 6
    Have you seen the movie supersize me? That will make you stop eating out!!! lol

    I heard!! My daughter watched it in her high school class. She said it was an extremed eye-opener!!
  • Nomoregut
    Nomoregut Posts: 39
    Meat is a good source of protein but make sure it is lean meat. How many ounces of red meat are you eating. If you are eating 12 oz or more of red meat at each meal that is a lot. It takes your body a day to digest red meat. Do you like seafood? If so start off slow but substitute one or two of your meals for seafood. If you want to discuss it further you can email me
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    right on, my trainer is very high on protien including good lean red meat. She has knocked 100 off me so I believe her.

    lean protein is GOOD helps feed those muscles especially if your working out. Muscle helps burn fat

    Just make sure itsGOOD protein, instead of McDonald,make a burger at home, or lean chicken, or fish. MUCH less fat & sodium. You dont think fast food uses the GOOD meat do you?

    This isnt about NOT having what you love, it's about working what you love into your life in a way that STILL can keep you healthy & losing weight. If you feel deprived all the time, you wont stick with it.

    I was dying for a burger about 2 weeks ago, so thats what i made for dinner, I had a small one, with cheese, half a bun, & loaded it with sauteed mushrooms & onions & a big salad.

    I was full and burger craving GONE
  • TargArcade
    Thanks for such a large response!

    I think I'm going to give cooking my meat portions for the week a go. I notice a lot of the time my problem is that I've just come home from a long day at work, and just can't be bothered to cook for myself, which leads to me going out for food.

    Also, for people that like Supersize Me! which is an awesome movie, you should definitely watch the documentary Food Inc. Where supersize me makes you never want to eat fast food, Food Inc. shows you the horrors of just the regular food industry, and some of the thoughts behind the obesity problem. It's on instant watch on Netflix, too, so super easy to check it out!
  • rmadams1
    rmadams1 Posts: 6
    Don't eat fast food a lot! Which comes back to the cooking part. Meat is very good for you (even red meat). It just about portion control. I agree with others, limit the amount you cook therefore limiting the amount you can eat. Don't cut it out too drastically though. You body is used to it and if you stop eating it all together, I feel like it will have an adverse effect on you. Work gradually to decrease the meat and use things like mushrooms. They soak up flavor very well and have a meaty texture. YUMMY!! :happy:
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    meat is great for you, i wouldn't worry. Lots of protein, just not processed meat.

    This shoudl be qualified a bit, not ALL meat is good for you. Look for lean protein, not burgers that are 20% fat. The reason is a burger with 20% fat is 380 calories and a burger with 5% fat (won't find this at fast food) is 190 calories. The saturated fat difference is huge too. Protein is good, but stick with lean beef, chicken, and lean pork. If you do not find this filling than you need to include more good fats like nuts or olive oil in your diet. Fiber from whole grains helps too, not that white bread bun crap that fast food gives out. Get the whole wheat or multi-grain bun.

    To solve your 'can't be bothered to cook' issue, try preparing multiple pre-portioned meals at one on the weekend or when you have time and freeze them. Then you can just pop them in the microwave without the 'hassle' of cooking.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I too am a meatatarian!! I like my vegies too, but not as much as the beef.

    Anyway, maybe you could try this; the next steak you have, filet it almost through stuff it with what ever green stuff you like and maybe a little mozzarella. Pin it shut with toothpicks and bake it. Works for me.

    ...or stir fry?