New to the site.

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am new to this site. I really like it! It motivates me to exercise more and pay attention to my calorie intake. Any tips or advice?


  • Randonneur
    Randonneur Posts: 28 Member
    once you get into it its a breeze.........
    no more false hopes just yourself to check yourself.

    good luck
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Welcome! Just stick to your goals, stay focused and keep yourself accountable!
    Good luck!!!
  • R222
    R222 Posts: 13
    Hi I am Robin, new to this site. I am 50 years old and trying to get back into the shape I was in back in highshool. I have always been active, so why is there cellulite on my thighs LOL. I just want to have my old legs back without the cellulite! I love running, my goal is to run my first 5K sometime this spring-summer. I want to try my hand at biking too. Please friend me so we can offer support to each other. Thank you.
  • loveandprideforever
    loveandprideforever Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to MFP...your official tracking device. Ha ha. When you have a good day, enjoy it and give yourself some credit! When you have a bad day, don't dwell, but recognize that you will do better tomorrow (and then actually DO BETTER tomorrow).

    Use MFP like you text message (if you do, that is. haha). Every time you put something into your mouth, log it. Don't log until you eat it. Feel free to check on the calorie count via the search base if you are thinking of ordering something that you expect to be high in calories or if you are looking for the lowest calorie option.

    Expect to be surprised by how much you really can stick to your guns about being seriously working towards a goal.

    AND ABOVE ALL ELSE: Believe that you can do this! Work with others to stay accountable! Never think it's too late to change!
  • diet7777
    diet7777 Posts: 1 Member
    Could use daily help. Wish calories were on cell phone.