mrswibbs Posts: 31
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone

My calorie goal for each day is set at 1300 and I want to lose 10 kgs before the summer (i.e. 22 lb. or 1st 8 lb.)
I'm almost a week in now.

Mostly I'm doing great I think.
My BIIIG problem is snacking on highly calorific stuff, especially late at night.
I'm fine with giving up cake, ice cream, chocolate, AS LONG as I can snack on fruit and veg, and stuff like fat free yoghurt.
BUT I am having issues with the fact that fruit (especially APPLES, which I snack on A LOT) are actually quite high in cals, meaning I have been running out of cals before the end of the day…


I'm feeling so hungry, which is the problem that has made me give up on diets before… (In fact I wouldn't call this a 'diet', more of a 'return to healthy eating')
…and this time I really don't want to give up; I'm in this for the long haul, because I know I'm SO much happier in myself when I am 'smaller'/ thinner.

Still, I am really struggling to stay on the right side of my calorie goal.
Any tips on what I can do to feel less hungry…and to not keep running out of calories…!?

Thanks peeps


  • Don't give up! When I started MFP I went to bed hungry for the first couple of weeks. But, overtime, my stomach shrank and now I rarely go to bed hungry. Stay strong and it will get better, I promise.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Veggies! Most veggies are very filling, healthy, and suprising low in calories. baby carrots are my go to snack for late at night.
  • drinking water/fat free soda can help! why not snack on carrot sticks instead of apple? I tend to find i snack a lot on diets as im hungry, maybe better to split your meals into 6, so 6 small meals per day. If youre still having problems then go for a walk to take your mind off it :)
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    i feel the same way most days and most people say veggies fill them up but they only fill me up if I eat a bucket full ... and that is not something I can acheive. I look forward to some of the responses.
  • Try putting peanut butter on the apple. Peanuts have protein that will help you feel full longer. Try and schedule your snacks between meals.

    P.S.- I am starving. I find myself working out more just so that I up my calorie intake. Also try and drink more water. That will help you feel full.
  • FreyaDH
    FreyaDH Posts: 31
    My worst time of day is right before bed. I love having a mug of hot chocolate before bed, it fills me up and it's tasty. Cadbury's do a 40 cal version called 'cadbury highlights' and it tastes like it should be way more than just 40 cals!
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    Dont Give Up!! You can do this. You just have to get pass the first couple weeks so your stomach can shrink. One thing I have been doing, is drink my water . It fills me up.


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  • kimmers723
    kimmers723 Posts: 18 Member
    Make sure you are drinking your 8 glasses of water. Also, drink a protein shake from GNC or Shakeology ( I understand because I am the same way!
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    popweavers light and buttery popcorn. one cup of popcorn is only 20 calories. you can eat three cups of popcorn for the same amount of calories as that apple
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I would agree with veggies being filling and low cal-- I got for steamed broccoli often, and stir fry napa cabbage with a spicy sauce. The spice helps me slow down my eating, drink more water as I eat, and makes the food more filling.

    I love fruits too and I found you have to choose the right fruit. Initially I went for apples, bananas, oranges... all turned out to be higher call than I thought. What's worse are grapes and clementines... OMG so many cals in those little things. Then I discovered strawberries are much lower... a whole pound is only 144cal, which would have been an orange or a large banana. But strawberries make me very happy and they are more filling than the other fruits for me. You do have to like strawberries plain though... which is the way I prefer so it works for me.

    1300 Cals a day was hard for me to do. It motivated me to go workout so I can have more cals to eat, and now my body/brain actually wants to go exercise and I feel listless when I'm too busy to go to the gym. I would suggest working out if you don't already and eating your workout cals. Another option might be to raise your goal cals to start with and then ease into 1300 so your body can adjust.
  • It's hard especially at the beggining... But you can't give up. Try pre planning a day or something finding places you can work in the fruits. Also snack on veggies more less Cals and a whole lot less sugar. I suggest carrots.
  • mrswibbs
    mrswibbs Posts: 31
    Guys thanks for all your replies so far, I'm feeling so much stronger after reading these :blushing:
    With all this support I know I'm gonna DO this!
    Keep it coming xx

    Note to self: drink water - and get carrots - and BE PATIENT. LOL!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Snack on items that have protein and/or fiber to help keep you full. I like salted almonds and popcorn- if you pop it yourself, you can eat a TON for only 100 calories. Good luck!
  • I love strawberries too, and found that plain greek yogurt with a little honey makes a GREAT dip! It also adds protein. Or try Oikos caramel yogurt; I even use that as a dip for a nice juicy apple. Sometimes I just can't resist apples!
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Speaking of apples, I LOVE granny smith apples. I noticed when I logged my apples that g.smith seem to be a little more caloric than other "sweeter" apples like fuji or pink lady. I'm not sure, but I suspect there's more sugar in the g.smith to balance the tartness. Food can be so non-intuitive sometimes. :grumble:

    Oh if you like fish, smoked salmon is surprisingly low cal (but check the sodium). Pair it with a high fiber bagel thin. Regular baked salmon is also pretty good.

    Oh bulk up your soup with ground turkey, nice lean protein that adds a nice flavor (to me anyway). Another good soup trick is to mix in some cooked oatmeal to the soup which thickens kind of like corn starch, but with better nutrition and it doesn't seem to change the flavor of the soup much.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    My calorie goal for each day is set at 1300 and I want to lose 10 kgs before the summer (i.e. 22 lb. or 1st 8 lb.)
    3-4 mths 22 pounds that is roughly 1.8 lbs/wk which is a little high to start with, to achieve this and feel full on that kind of a caloric restriction you are not going to have much choice but to go to a clean eating diet or be hungry all the time. Do not confuse low cal diet + lots of exercising resulting in high fat loss. At that low a number you would most likely be starving the body of what it needs to work for you and not against you. Any diet that restricts fruit intake or carb intake will fail in the end because as soon as you get off of it you will gain that weight back. High protein, low carb, whatever you want to call it do not work long term. The reason why high protein low carb diets work is not the lack of carb but the fact that they cut out a lot of the processed junk we eat. For effective fat loss the liver needs to be free of distractions (processed foods) once you get the processed junk out the body can work at its peak with you to shed the weight. Yes we do need to look at blood sugar, we want it stable and in that fat burning zone, no ones body wants to carry extra weight. Our diets today are laden with sodium, sugar and refined junk. So my advice is to look towards a clean eating diet to make that weight loss practical and if you are hungry you can eat. You need to feed the fat burning machine for it to work not starve it. Here are 2 helpful links you can use to help you on your journey;
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