HAHAH people still think there magic in this weight loss gam



  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    So true.

    My mother in law actually said to me last night "You are the only one that I know that can lose weight" I was like huh really? I said for her to come here and see that all it takes it hard work and dedication. Her and my sister in law both have tried every pill, shake and program to find out the only thing lighter at the end of it all is their purses.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I actually had a co-worker roll their eyes at me when I said, "Calories in vs calories out". She said, "really? that's all?" WTF? haha I just smiled and walked away.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    love. this. thread.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Love it!!!!
  • farmbaby
    farmbaby Posts: 7 Member
    Recently, I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance and as a result I have begun losing weight slowly because i am unable to eat dairy foods which includes ice cream and other fattening foods with dairy in them. try cutting out ur dairy products and you might start losing weight faster..?
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    And Wow! How well you've done!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    OMG I hear u, I was one of those ppl though, always looking for the easy way, never putting any effort in, not even willing to THINK about putting the effort in , and always whining about being fat hahaha, literally dreaming about waking up thin and gorgeous , it's rediculous!!!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    we've all been there song brid. the real question how many of us will get it???
  • takingbackalison
    LOL thats like my mom. She tried MFP and said that it "wasn't for her".. Lol in my head I was like "well what is for you then? Its simple, you count calories and you exercise.... You're not gonna find some miracle thing that makes you lose weight without having to do anything." It takes workkkkkk and a change in lifestyle choices. Simple as that.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I know people like that!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    lol, I love it, its just funny that they all want to believe there is a "secret" the only secret is hard work and proper diet. As much as it may suck its that simple.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Exercise and diet - it really isn't Rocket Science is it! I have an really obse friend who drinks diet coke and eats eats eats and no exercise (she can't do much really because she is so bif) but she doesn't even try! Then she wants simpathy when she has a bad back! She thinks I'm just thin but at 50years old and four children - I've been at this a really really long time!! I love this site!!
  • imgettinphat
    Lol wow so very true. Wow I even think I had an aha moment.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    i get you!:drinker:
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    You are exactly right. Just like joining a gym after New Years doesn't make you lose weight. You actually have to go! Making payments doesn't burn calories! :)

    Nope! but it probably burns great big holes in your pocket...lol
  • JeffK627
    JeffK627 Posts: 11 Member
    Really only 1 thing makes you lose weight and that is YOU! When you're finally ready to stop making excuses and get down to it, the weight will come off - because you'll have the commitment to quit fooling around with fads and pills and make the life changes that will get rid of the fat.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    OP, you are so right! So many people don't want to put in the hard work and time to lose weight gradually and permanently. It took me a year to lose 40 lbs and hopefully I'll lose the other 40 to hit my healthy range this year. When people ask how I do it I tell them I practice mindful eating as opposed to mindless eating. If they are brave enough to ask for more details then I give them my full speech, lol.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    So true! I love/hate the "what are your doing?" question.... I mean really?! If you have to ask me that then you don't know what you SHOULD be doing for your body ;) But I gadly OVERshare my leared info over the journey. :-D
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I was like that for a long time - tried diet pills, shakes and just about every diet program out there. And guess why they didn't work? Duh, because I didn't really put the work in and/or I'd give up after a few months because I had to give things up and would feel deprived.

    Took me about 20 years but I finally figured out that the only way this is going to work is if I put some hard work in and think of this not just as a way to lose so many pounds but as a change in the way I'm eating for the rest of my life.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Why are you lying??

    Make with the magic pills!! :laugh: