What has worked for you?

Hey all! I spent the weekend away and realized form being out of my element that I am not doing as great as I would like. So what I am wondering is what worked best for you all? What has showed you the most results in your weight loss? I am thinking more along the calories. I do work out a little in my home and I intend to do a little more but i am not going to lie and say "oh yeah I am so gonna do px90" or anything like that. I am more a cardio girl..so thanks for your feedback :)


  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    Planning ahead works the best for me. Best of luck to you!!!
  • Lulumaguloo
    Dancing Kinect has worked for me. Dancing in general is my favorite cardio!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I have found so much truth to a healthy lifestyle being "80% diet and 20% exercise"!!

    I run during the week :] love it! And I have found my own version of carb cycling worked amazing for me. 80g carbs for 3 days then 175 one day. repeat. repeat. repeat. :]
  • BlueSkies_12
    BlueSkies_12 Posts: 74 Member
    i agree with planning!! If i want to eat a 'not so great' meal, i will plan my other meals for the day so i will stay on target.
  • iawierz
    iawierz Posts: 65
    Working Out is my key. I don't loose unless I do. I try and get in 2 hours a day. I know that not everyone can do that but anything is better than nothing.:happy:
  • tshaughnessy85
    tshaughnessy85 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with pjfmaui73. I plan ahead to keep my calories under control. Planning your meals for the next day helps put it down on paper and forces you to stick to a plan, usually.

    P90X has great cardio workouts. I've done the 90 day program 3 times and love it! I help people do P90X and make the program work for them. Still not interested?
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I don't work out more than a few minutes a day but I'm still losing 5pounds a week, without ever being left hungry. And I go out to eat 2-3x a week and go out drinking at least 1x too.

    What has worked for me is water. I take my weight and divide by 15. The number that equals is the goal amount of water u need to get to everyday (in cups). My number is 20. I also don't drink more than 100-150cal in beverages a day. Like an hour ago I drank 1serving of my juice instead of whole bottle like normal and then I had milk n my cereal this morning so between the two drinks I've had 113cal n beverages today. I take multivitamins and always make sure mfp says my calcium, iron, vitamin a & c is over 100% and eat as much potassium as possible and low sodium which I struggle with salt.

    I make sure every meal fills me, and that I eat a snack bertween meals. I choose healthy snacks. If I'm really hungry and know I have 3hrs till my meal, ill eat a baked potatoe and put a 1/4cup of cottage cheese on it. Carrots is a good filling snack for me, especially late nights where I shouldn't be eating at all. Or a light string cheese is one I like too, 60cal.

    I don't cook with oil or salt. I season everything with garlic, onion, maybe parsley, pepper, red pepper flakes.

    I eat all the reduced fat, sugar free, fat free, low sodium stuff and it fills me just the same as full flavor but half the cal.

    I try to stay away from white flour as much as possible and eat wheat flours and whole grain items instead.

    I eat a small salad a lot before dinner and wait 15min b4 I start eating dinner, and eat slower, so that the salad has time to fill ur hunger a bit and u won't eat as much.

    Egg whites if I want egg and no yolks.

    A lot of days I'm left with several hundred calories to spare so if I planned my days ahead of time and choose higher cal snacks, etc then id be ok, however planning doesn't work for me. Like Friday I planned everything and then went over my calories when plans changed. It upset me cuz I woulda been fine if I wouldn't have had the higher cal snacks. But if I know in advance I'm going out then its easy for me to stay under cal cuz I can choose lower cal snacks and meals throughout rest of day.
  • LittleMissVintage
    I plan ahead a week and make adjustments to certain things as I go. Sudden changes to plans can be kinda upsetting to this balance so I like to put calories in places I can move them if nessecary I.e. Snacks, dessert.
  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    I agree with pjfmaui73. I plan ahead to keep my calories under control. Planning your meals for the next day helps put it down on paper and forces you to stick to a plan, usually.

    P90X has great cardio workouts. I've done the 90 day program 3 times and love it! I help people do P90X and make the program work for them. Still not interested?

    It's not that im not interested but A. I couldn't afford it if I was and B. If i did have it I know for a fact at this point I wouldn;t be bale to push myself to do it...maybe about 20 lbs from now I will!
  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    You have all said planning ahead is key so I will definitely do more of that and make sure im getting enough water and try to do more cardio. Your advice is awesome!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    A commitment to myself to do this is the absolute best thing that has worked for me :) Everything else is a journey & you can tweak. Good luck!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    a clean eating diet, with that I have not really had to calorie count and I am full at all meals with little to no cravings. lost weight easily and feel great.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Great Post! Thank you
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Every time I want to eat something, I think "Is it really worth it?" The vast majority of the time, the answer is no.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    For me personally, the best thing has been watching what I eat. I started this journey in Oct 2010 and I've lost 30 lbs. All I do is eat1200-1400 calories per day (good calories) and do 30 minutes of cardio 3x per week. I have one cheat day (Saturday). I don't drink soda or alcohol. I eat fish 2-3 per week and I have vegetables for dinner every night. I drink 64 oz. of water daily and ALWAYS eat breakfast. I don't deprive myself from things like chips, chocolate, candy, cookies, etc...I just do so in moderation.

    I'm a firm believer that losing weight is 85-90% food intake...after the weight is lost then the fitness is what helps firm and tone your body. So really it's all about discipline, self control and consitancy...don't get discouraged and be honest with yourself.