Tell Me Something Surprising About Yourself



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I can watch them saw a man's leg off, or open up the chest of a person and think "how amazing" but as soon as they bring out a needle I change the channel.

    I was awake during my heart :heart: surgery, watched the entire thing, including the fluroscope with the threads and occluder being put into my heart..............but nearly passed out the next day when the nurse didn't warn me she was giving me a shot!! :laugh:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    My husband made me a bet on the first night we met that I'd be engaged or married within the year (I was recently divorced...) 11 months later, I lost that bet. :heart:
  • Hair grosses me out (other peoples)....
  • vjles
    vjles Posts: 91 Member
    As a professional DJ I currently make a reasonable living on 8 1/2 hours per week. :-)
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i don't worry about locking my door.
    streetwalking thugs don't scare me (i think the second two are because i used to live in the country, where we had REAL problems like wild coyotes)
    i've never eaten a big mac.
    i fell in love with my husband when i was 15 years old.
    i am the only blood cousin in my generation (on my dad's side) to get pregnant AFTER getting married.
    i am the only female in my husband's nuclear family to get married before having kids (his mom had him and was pregnant at her wedding, and two of his sisters have children out of wedlock)
    my parents and my sister are all college dropouts, but i got my first degree when i was 19 years old. and i want at least 1 more.

    and, of course, my 'claim to fame'. . .i used to work with A'keiba Burrell (MC Hammer's firstborn child) before she did that MTV show, Rock the Cradle. she taught me some harmonies to the sara bareilles tune Love Song.
  • I had a reoccurring dream about Doogie Howser when I was younger. I was completely in love with him and could not wait to fall asleep at night to dream about him :blushing:
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member

    Also, when I am at friends house and use their restroom, if the roll is under, I fix it as it should always be

    LOL!!! I know many a marriage that was nearly ruined over which way the TP roll is supposed to go. And yes, you are correct, it should roll off the top! :D

    TP ALWAYS unrolls from under the roll!

    I've delivered 5 babies and no of them were my children! But I did cut my daughter's cord!
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    i cry when i hear the national anthem.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i cry when i hear the national anthem.

    for me, it's Taps. i bawl. which means i always cry on my birthday, cuz i was born on Veteran's day.
  • i cry when i hear the national anthem.

    for me, it's Taps. i bawl. which means i always cry on my birthday, cuz i was born on Veteran's day.

  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    i hear taps every day, so that doesn't bother me. it's actually a little nostalgic for me. the anthem is like opening a dam though haha
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I cry when I hear Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings. Every time.
  • I'm a natural blonde. No one believes me.
  • The book Bartending for Dummies, that's my Uncle that I have only met a handful of times.
  • Toilet Paper always is over top the roll...always!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member

    If you don't feel anything listening to this, you are made of stone.

    Oh, and toilet paper goes over the top.
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    To the couple in the Air Force (can't find your post): thank you for your service.

    I've worked in L&D for a long time and still tear up when the baby is born.

    If my eyes are grey, watch out, if they are green I'm happy.

    I go to sleep with a dirty kitchen, the little people clean it up, they do, they do, THEY DO.... ! don't they?
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I have this posted on my Facebook page :)

    1. I was born with red hair and blue eyes, they changed when I was around 2 years

    2. I skipped out the entire 2nd grade, I scored very high on an IQ test and spent the whole year taking tests, I must have guessed right.

    3. I didn't learn to swim till I was in my thirty's.

    4. My mother plays about 5-6 hours of video games a day :)

    5. I'm dyslexic, So it allows me to dream in color and visualize things in 3-D but, I cant see any of them dam cool 3-D pictures/ posters either :(

    6. I have drove down Kelly Perkins going 130,*don't try this kids* ***this is a road thats about 5 miles long and has a speed limit of 40MPH****

    7. I have seen Pantera in concert over a hundred times.

    8. I'm one of the April Fools Four (must pm details) :)

    9. Don't know how to roller skate but, been many times.

    10. I do about 95% of the cooking in the house.

    11. My father played golf for about 2 years and within that short time had 2 hole in ones, after the last one he stopped playing, he told me " Ive done more in a shorter time then most have done over years of playing...its boring to me now"

    12. My mother is a Scrabble ninja! she reads books of medicine for fun.
  • suecq09
    suecq09 Posts: 36 Member
    today i put on a pair of paints i bought probably 2 years ago. i removed the tags today - because i can finally fit into them!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    By far, the best thread I've come along in a very long time.

    I can make a T with my stomach

    I fell off an at least 10 ft bridge and felt that my Grampa's spirit cushioned my fall

    I've never broken a bone

    I have been really sick only Bout 5 times

    I'm only 25 and a stay at home girlfriend who's been with her boyfriend for almost 8 years.

    My father tried to kill me when my mom was pregnant with me

    I've always wanted to swim with sharks
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