Tell Me Something Surprising About Yourself



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Casualty of abdominal surgery around 15 years ago. They couldn't save it.

    It makes me pretty self conscious around the pool.

    Have you considered tattooing the belly button on? Women with breast surgery leaving them w/o a nipple do this. It's not perfect, but I've seen some pretty good jobs! Might get you back into those speedos!!

    A ZIPPER!! AWESOME! Just ANYTHING to get a speedo view!!

    That's funny, I've thought about having a regular button tatoo'd there. Or a zipper.
  • sweety58
    sweety58 Posts: 22 Member
    I didn't learn to whistle until I was 50 years old. I still can just barely whistle. LOL
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Again, this has been an awesome thread! I woke up in a crappy mood, but now I'm laughing at some of these replies! Thanks, MFP friends! ((HUGS))
  • twinsfan1976
    I have only been in 2 relationships but never consumated either of them... :blushing:
  • allroundthesun
    I forget what it's called, but I have a weird condition (doesn't cause me any problems, it's just odd) regarding my reflexes. Like if a doctor hits my knee to test the reflex, it'll shoot up 5-10ish times (it varies) very rapidly instead of just once, and the same for any other reflex. When I was hospitalised last year the ER doctor discovered it and got all excited because apparently it's rare and was a big opportunity for him to demonstrate it to his residents. :laugh: -He had three of them troop in and test it out for themselves while they all remarked to one another about it. Would have been a bit unsettling if I hadn't been loopy on morphine. :laugh:

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • HeidiM78
    HeidiM78 Posts: 58
    I am a parront to two macaws...

    I am adopted...

    I have ADD - diagnosed at 25.

    I am (potentially) going to be able to take a tiger cruise with my sailor son this summer!! I will be able to shadow my son for 4 days on a working aircraft carrier!! I am so freaking excited I could bust!!!

    I am also adopted
  • cinnamon818
    I sing,I was adopted,my husband tried to kill me and can't remember we are no longer together and i don't trust men or ppl very much i can pretty much tell if u are a liar by our first conversation but because i always give ppl a chance i end up hurt but i have learned alot about myself in the last 2 years through God all things are possible
  • HeidiM78
    HeidiM78 Posts: 58
    This is a REALLY cool thread!!!

    I sell tools and fasteners to lumber yards and hardware stores.

    I can spread my toes so that there is a space between every one. :noway:

    My daughter can open a door with her foot she can turn the knob

    Lol I can also do that with my toes
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    These are GREAT! First thread I've read from start to finish; here are mine:

    I can wiggle my nose two different ways: up and down or wiggle/flare the nostrils

    I HATE fast food hamburgers and have never eaten a Big Mac or Whopper. As a kid, I used to cry if we had to go to McDonald's.

    I had never broken a bone UNTIL I went to xray school. Then a classmate slammed my finger in the darkroom door! I almost peed my pants it hurt so bad.

    I hate touching other people's feet and/or hair...makes it difficult to image feet and skulls! LOL I could never be a cosmotologist ((shudder))

    My husband is colorblind and often asks me if certain items of clothing "go together" or match. Depending on my attitude towards him at the moment (based on whether or not he's been a jerk to me lately) I may or may not tell him the truth! :laugh:
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member

    My husband is colorblind and often asks me if certain items of clothing "go together" or match. Depending on my attitude towards him at the moment (based on whether or not he's been a jerk to me lately) I may or may not tell him the truth! :laugh:

    That is hilarious!
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I can move my ears up and down

    One of my ears is slightly higher than the other one so glasses always sit funny on my face. My dad has the same thing so apparently it's genetic.
  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    I love WOMEN'S feet and porn!

    I was the world's largest cheerleader.
    I was a congressional page.
    I was security for a senatorial candidate.
    I had a bad experience in the Bermuda Triangle.
    I hate blue cheese!!!!

    You had a "bad experience in the Bermuda Triangle" - is that a euphemism? *peurile giggling* :wink:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I love WOMEN'S feet and porn!

    I was the world's largest cheerleader.
    I was a congressional page.
    I was security for a senatorial candidate.
    I had a bad experience in the Bermuda Triangle.
    I hate blue cheese!!!!

    You had a "bad experience in the Bermuda Triangle" - is that a euphemism? *peurile giggling* :wink:

  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    I have never been drunk in my 39 yrs of life!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I dont have a large intestine.
  • sweety58
    sweety58 Posts: 22 Member
    Married at 18
    Had my son at 19 (natural childbirth and he weighed 9 lbs, 7 oz)
    Divorced at 20
    Married at 22
    Widowed (suicide) at 23
    I felt like I was 100 years old!
  • thedogsmother
    Im double jointed in my fingers
    I have epilepsy
    i have 44 pets :blushing:
  • crazymama2two
    I didn't learn to whistle until I was 50 years old. I still can just barely whistle. LOL

    YOURE older tahn 50??!! you sure dont even look THAT age!!! go you!