tired of not feeling well

amydalderson Posts: 3
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
today, I am starting a fitness journey to a healthier me, in the past I have always tried to lose weight to look good to others, today, I want to look and feel good for myself. I weigh more now, than at my top pregnancy weight, I am really amazed I did this to myself, but, I dont blame anyone but me! I have not been feeling well for about 6 months now, by well I mean, tired, no energy, kind of lathargic, etc. I dont have a specific time line to lose this weight, 20 lbs by summer would be great, but if it does not happen, thats okay too! I have to keep my mind focused on the long term goal, and that can sometimes be hard, losing weight is hard! I have to realize, I dont have the same body as I did 20 years ago, when losing weight was as simple as just cutting back a few calories. but, times have changed, I am older now, and losing weight has gotten alot harder! I know God will give me the willpower to do this, but I have to do my part as well! Pray for me, as I know this journey will be hard, but well worth it!


  • Good for you! This is my third round of weight loss....I've had about 60 lbs. to lose each time (my kids weren't kind to me when I was pregnang). And you're right, it isn't easy...BUT it is totally do-able. I'll pray for you, that you will begin to feel good enough to take that first step! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! :smile:
  • thank you, I need all the support I can get!
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