craving something sweet

ok I have a small amount of calories left but I am really craving something sweet. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Small piece of dark chocolate, or a Yoplait Delights Parfait yogurt.. the chocolate raspberry parfait is delicious, and about 100 calories!!!!
  • SophiaKL
    SophiaKL Posts: 1
    Don't know how many calories it will be, I'm new here, but try graham crackers, and melt some choc. chips. There you have it--sweet, chocolate. Now, if you find out how many calories are in that, let me know!
  • TargArcade
    Otter pops! Only 15 calories for a bar. A great little after dinner treat that doesn't cost you a whole lot. :D
  • isobel2010
    Hmmm...try cereal or orange. My fave treat - 1/2 banana microwave with 5 dark choc. chips and a couple pieces walnut. Taste like banana split. Add dollop non-fat vanilla yogurt. Or jelly beans. Frozen blueberries or grapes.
  • SeaShell33
    SeaShell33 Posts: 141
    peanut butter =)
  • horetta155
    I keep fat free cool whip for such occasions. If you have the points eat it with fruit if not it is good by its self.
    I also like mixing it with a tbsp of low-fat peanut butter.
    York mini pattys are a good thing to keep on hand too.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    I like dove dark chocolate (70%) cocoa - it says 150 cal/ 4 squares so that is about 37.5 cals a square...
    ITSSODAMNHOT Posts: 121 Member
    Yoplait Lite Yogurts - 100 calories a piece
    Weight Watchers Ice Creams - 130 - 160 calories a piece
    Fruit Chillers (By Del Monte) - 30 calories (My favorite are Cherry and Black Cherry)

    That's just a few things I found that are low on calories.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I like the mini rice cakes. Yum!
  • itzamos
    itzamos Posts: 24
    Stretch Island Fruit Leather. I get it at costco and it's only 45 calories per piece.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    chapmans black jack cherry frozen yogurt 120 cal for a 1/2 cup satisfies any sweet tooth.
  • v2Fireko
    v2Fireko Posts: 27
    Really loving isobel2010's idea, though it's really hard to fit into my meal plan.
    I have enough trouble already as it is, in keeping within the recommended daily sugar intake :(
  • marybullock
    marybullock Posts: 2 Member
    My favorite coffee drink is to make a pot of coffee. Pour yurself a cup. Add 1 tablespoon of Hershey's special dark cocoa. That is only five calories. Next add 1 package of equal or your favorite sweetner. Top it off with some Reddi Whip 5 calorie whipped cream! You will feel like you are have a calorie filled chocolate speacility drink for less that 15 caloies, depending on how much whip cream you add!! Verry very good!
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Here are my favorites:
    1) Skinny Cow dark chocolate truffle ice cream bar (100 calories)
    2) Vitamufin (my favorite is dark chocolate, tons of fiber and vitamins)
    3) Sugar free pudding (60-80 calories) and fat free whipped topping (15 calories)
    4) Blue Diamond 100 calorie cocoa roasted dark chocolate almonds

  • amberwootan
    My favorite is a frozen go-gurt. Only 70 calories and it's like having ice cream.
  • MomofTyler
    Try sugar free jello (strawberry is my favorite!) and some fat free cool whip.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Frozen grapes. I'm almost addicted.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Want something that will KILL your sweet craving? Try eating a serving of frozen cranberries. Works im tellin ya! 5g of fiber and 50 cals :] will get rid of any craving
  • samonaellie
    These two things have been suggested already but I agree, I keep these ALWAYS in my freezer, any skinny cow dessert treats (they are no more than 150 calories) or frozen yogurt ( my fav. is vanilla!) when im craving somthing sweet, I take like three bites, so i can savor it for a couple of weeks. i also like red vines... ohhh I'm about to have me some red vines right now... lol
  • BerniceB
    BerniceB Posts: 44 Member
    I am eating a fruit bar. 45 calories. I let it set out for 3 or 4 minutes and juice is lusious.