Foods you absolutely can not keep in the house?



  • Jbwilson0708
    Donuts or cupcakes hmm id eat sight ... They are not allowed
  • v2Fireko
    v2Fireko Posts: 27
    Sweet Potato Fries.
    Peanut Butter.
    I know they're relatively healthy, but they're also very calorie dense- once I start, I cannot stop.

    Ice cream or any dessert alike.
    Tiny Teddies. <-- You can buy the packet of 10 .. which I would consume in a day. :T
  • jheat1122
    jheat1122 Posts: 7 Member
    jet puffed marshmallows
    most candy
    pasta (don't buy much, because i'll cook it too frequently, and i get plenty of carbs anyways)
    ice cream (i don't miss it if I don't buy it/avoid it, but it won't last more than a week if I do cave at the grocery store)
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    tortilla chips and salsa is my HUGE addiction.
    Also, fruit drinks.. healthy but I drink to much of it.
  • iiskipsabeatii
    chicken nuggets. i love them :[
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    Girl scout cookies!
  • shiggity
    shiggity Posts: 35 Member
    Pizza is my main one. Ice cream and peanut butter sometimes though I'm okay if I hide them from myself.
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    One of those chedder cheese balls with sliced almonds on them and wheat thins. Those together are dangerous! And everytime I go shopping I look at them and will myself not to get it. I wish I had will power so I would only eat an oz, but ill eat the whole thing, so they are not allowed anymore. That's no one thing that gets to me
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Ugh vanilla bean ice-cream! and everything bagels (i can eat them all day). white chocolate, cheetos! (i miss cheetos:cry: ). pasta and alfredo sauce, sun chips (i can eat a whole jumbo bag). Hot pockets and pizza. Gosh how im hungry and craving rubbish :ohwell:
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    Cheesburgers from Carl's Jr. And freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Cheese. I can & have in the past eaten a full block in one go.
    And Bread from the organic bakery in town.
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    ......Chocolate, lollies, cheeses, biscuits,soft drinks, and worst of all CHIPS even flavours I don't particularly like!!
  • miscje1985
    to be totally honest i keep a little portion of everything "bad" that i would crave in the house. if I know its there, i don't go hunrting it down, I eat it in little bits and then the craving is soothed. If you deny yourself those foods, you crave them even more and then you splurge and all your hard work goes down the gurgler. :smile:
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    pretzels or goldish crackers! mmm..
  • staceywoo
    staceywoo Posts: 56
    For me it's olives! If I buy a jar for a recipe or something then the jar just can't survive the week - they call to me!
  • lmk224
    lmk224 Posts: 41 Member
    Tortilla wraps when there is sour cream, avocado and chicken around (always have the other ingredients to make Mexican dishes) I cannot restrain myself. I'll make LOADS, pig out and deliberately have left over food which I will have to go mad with the next day too... I also have a gluten intolerance so it left me in pain every time but oh so tasty!
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    Icecream, cookies, cake, chocolate of any kind, chips. I can't resist anything lol.
  • CrystalRules
    CrystalRules Posts: 18 Member
    Any kind of bars--granola, fruit, cereal. Even the so-called "good for you" type is bad, because I can't stop eating them. By the way, if you were wanting one of the FiberPlus bars, you should stop and pick up another box at the grocery :)
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Peanut and almond butter. Just today I asked my friend to please take my as yet unopened jar of peanut butter off my hands.
    Maple syrup.
    Cheese. Namely cheddar and havarti.
    Soft breads, english muffins, pita.
  • leasah
    leasah Posts: 107 Member
    Anything fried or baked goods (cake, bread, cookies), but besides those no temptations at all for me!~