random question for the ladies



  • casandra_Garcia_37
    I'm seriously obsessed with arms and shoulders, but I don't like them built to the extent that his neck starts to disappear.
    As far as abs are concerned, mildly to moderately defined is my favorite type. Hard bodies are NOT fun to cuddle with.

    But honestly, in a mate, I don't mind if he's overweight. As long as he can make me laugh and is fun, confident and kind, I'll give him a chance!

    I definitely agree! I like defined calves and forearms. weird? yes. lol
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Six pack or no six pack, don't wax!
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    I agree with some of the ladies here. I don't really care for the bulgy muscular look. I told my hubby that as long as he can lift me if I break a leg without breaking his back, I will be content. I'm losing weight so that should make it a little easier on him. :wink:
  • musicoflife08
    I like strong arms. A six pack doesn't do anything for me. You have a six pack, cool. You don't, cool. Lol. Really, I think its gross when guys guys have bulgy muscles.
  • musicoflife08
    I think it's a biological thing for women to look for strong arms on a guy. I think I read that somewhere....
  • HeidiM78
    HeidiM78 Posts: 58
    I would say a toned body, but not the veiny muscular type who can't reach his back because his muscles are too big(I know someone who cannot do that!) .
  • michelegbowman
    My favorite body type is the swimmer's. Long, lean muscles, flat tummy, broad shoulders, narrow hips. Graceful. Hairless.

    However, I fell in love with a short stocky guy with a great sense of humor and a beautiful smile and I married him.

    For me, a healthy body is what's most important. A guy who cares enough to prepare a healthy meal for the both is very sexy -- insteead of a guy who pours a can of protein powder in a glass so he can "bulk up."

    Your eye muscles and face muscles -- smile and look us in the eye. Listen to what we say. Wrap it up in a healthy body.

    For me, that's very very sexy...
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I agree with some of the ladies here. I don't really care for the bulgy muscular look. I told my hubby that as long as he can lift me if I break a leg without breaking his back, I will be content. I'm losing weight so that should make it a little easier on him. :wink:

    DITTO, I am not a small women even when I was at my lowest adult weight. That and standing next to a skinny guy makes me feel fat.
  • chrish1981
    chrish1981 Posts: 156
    Do what YOU want, and the rest will fall into place. The majority of the women I know wouldn't be turned off by a six-pack, nor by a "keg." The woman who'd reject you based on some superficial prerequisite ... that's not a rejection. That's a bullet dodged. :wink:

    Totally agree.

    To me, the attractive part about a guy is confidence; knowing that he's comfortable with who he is and won't need constant reassurance. I mean, get to the point that you feel comfortable and whoever you meet will respect that (if she's right for you).
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    knowing that he's comfortable with who he is and won't need constant reassurance.

    ^ Exactly...and of course as corny as this sounds, don't pay so much attention to your abs that you neglect your other muscles
    (= brain + heart)!! :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    knowing that he's comfortable with who he is and won't need constant reassurance.

    ^ Exactly...and of course as corny as this sounds, don't pay so much attention to your abs that you neglect your other muscles
    (= brain + heart)!! :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    ^^^^ took the words right out of my mouth...!!!!
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I really believe that if you feel comfortable in your own skin that you will shine from the inside out... how YOU look and feel about yourself will be the determining factor how others will perceive you in the end.... healthy and happy!!

    So let your heart shine through..... :happy:
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    its not that simple LKM and Fesse....guys get just the same hang ups as girls ! fact of life
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    its not that simple LKM and Fesse....guys get just the same hang ups as girls ! fact of life
    / \ this / \
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    its not that simple LKM and Fesse....guys get just the same hang ups as girls ! fact of life

    Well....Same goes Lee...

    We are told we are beautiful and look hot when we look at ourselves and see the complete opposite.!! Perhaps we should all learn to take compliments and start believing that we are all beautiful..!!!

    Muscles are great sure....but that doesn't do it for me......the beauty inside...a person's personality and their outlook on life in general is what does it for me luv!!! But thats just me :smile:
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I will admit, I do enjoy a well built, strong hard muscle man. But that said there needs to be more than that. He has to come with a personality and sense of humor, (super important, I love a man who can make me laugh) too. Looks can draw you in but there has to be something there to continue.
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    its more and more common for guys now. it used to be girls saying that they feel pressure cos of seeing the size zero models........... the guys feel that now too.

    I think everyone and i underline everyone would love to change things about there body and very few will be totally happy cos if we were............i guess we would not be on this site.....

    Body dismohpha i think its called
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    its more and more common for guys now. it used to be girls saying that they feel pressure cos of seeing the size zero models........... the guys feel that now too.

    I think everyone and i underline everyone would love to change things about there body and very few will be totally happy cos if we were............i guess we would not be on this site.....

    Body dismohpha i think its called

    thats what its called..........
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    its not that simple LKM and Fesse....guys get just the same hang ups as girls ! fact of life
    I don't fall in love with people because of there muscles... it's their hearts, compassion and how they make you feel that counts....

    I never said the guys doesn't feel the same way as we do about body image, of course they do but the question was do we like "as women" that sort of thing and my answer was in response ! So to clarify... my answer is no, bulging muscles are not a determining factor wether I'm attracted to someone or not! That's just my humble opinion.