Toning and weight loss - HELP!!

Hi all,

I really need some help as Ive recently joined a gym, but have no idea what to do once im there!! Currently Im doing 30 mins on the treadmill at a jogging pace, on an incline, and 30 mins on a cross trainer.

What I really want to do is burn fat and tone areas such as my inner thighs and "bingo wings", however all i seem to be doing is bulking up in other areas (biceps, calves and front of my thighs)

I need help knowing which exercises best tone up these areas, burn fat without me looking like a body builder!!!



  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Try asking at the reception desk if there's a fitness instructor you can have a chat with to work out a good programme.

    Bear in mind that you can't really burn off fat in specific areas.

    I've no idea how using the cross-trainer and treadmill is causing you to bulk up your biceps!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Yoga will help alot. Weight lifting--I'd recommend a lower weight and more reps, but everyone has their own theory on this, lol.
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    Hi there,

    Is there a service at the gym where they will work out a programme for you. the gym I am at now does it for free and tailors it to what you want to get out of it and the amount of time you have. My previous gym charged for it, but it was worth the £15 fee to get it done.

  • KatyRicky
    I use a machine at the gym (I am not sure what it is called) which sort of feels like treading water, its like the stepper but sideways and is brilliant for toning inside thigh- you can really feel the ache the next day!! Good luck!!
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    First off, you cannot spot-reduce fat in specific areas of the body.

    Second, women cannot lift weights and look like a bodybuilder. The female bodybuilders that do inject themselves with testosterone, so unless you want to look like them it's not going to happen for you.

    Third, you need to arm yourself with knowledge. If you wanted to take a road trip to a certain destination, would you just get in your car and start driving in whatever direction seemed like a good one? Or would you go over a map to find an ideal route to take? This knowledge can come from a book, DVD, or a personal trainer. But you won't get to your destination, let alone efficiently, without a specific mapped-out plan.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Yoga will help alot. Weight lifting--I'd recommend a lower weight and more reps, but everyone has their own theory on this, lol.

  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173

    What I really want to do is burn fat and tone areas such as my inner thighs and "bingo wings", however all i seem to be doing is


    Now that I know what they are called, I am committed to losing my "bingo wings" :wink:
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    Thanks for the helpful posts! My gym do a pilates class maybe this would be better for me?

    What I was trying to say was that, instead of burning fat, i seem to be building muscle on my thighs and arms, which is making me look bulky rather than slim, and Im simply trying to avoid that look. I would rather be slender and toned rather than muscly