Starting 30ds for first time- tips???

Hey yall,

I'm starting the 30 Day Shred today for the first time (got it over the weekend but was out of town) and I'm looking for some tips or advice on how to get through it. I'm a little worried I won't be able to get through the workout with how hard everyone says it is. I bought 3lb hand weights after reading thats what other are using. I'm worried about the cardio the most & not being able to keep up/getting frustrated.

Does anyone have advice on my first day/struggling??

Thanks in advance :-)


  • JMM_623_
    JMM_623_ Posts: 68 Member
    L1Day1 will seem like hell on earth, but it gets easier with each workout. You'll notice a difference in your ability to complete the workouts and your strength within the first week. The sore muscles will get better, you'll catch your breath and you can wash the pouring sweat away, but DON'T GIVE UP!

    I made it to L3, but I visit L2 and L3 sometimes to give my workout a mix-up. The vid is great -- enjoy!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I wanna pick it up today too. I'll be interested in the responses!
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    If you haven't been exercising much you may just not want to push yourself as hard the first day or two or you will be extremely sore. After about 4-5 days you will feel better and start to endure more of the workout. I took it easy and did the modified version the first days (the second time I did the 30DS). My first attempt, I was so sore for a week.

    Also, drink plenty of water.
  • momofcole
    momofcole Posts: 18
    When I first started the cardio was actually the easiest part! It's only 2 minutes at a time. The weights and stomach stuff were what was hard on me at first. You will be sore, but that does go away after a few days!
  • sammyjj53
    sammyjj53 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm on day 8 of the shred!! I was very intimidated by it because of all of the feed back I've read. But I over came it and am doing it and loving it!!! Day 1 is hard, but like pple say, just push threw it and move on. I tell ya, by day 2 it already starts to get better. And jus keep telling your self while doing it..... "This is ONLY 20 mins!! You can do this". Stay focused and good luck!!!!

    Remember..... ITS ONLY 20 MINS!!!!
  • judyfurtado
    judyfurtado Posts: 42 Member
    I just finished the 30 day shred last week . For the first few days of starting it I had to keep stopping. I followed Anita(easier) for about a week until I got up my endurance I used 2lb weights though. I was afraid to move on to level 2 but actually ended up loving it. Lots of plank moves. Level 3 was hard but I could get through it. Hope this helps.
  • kstoll
    kstoll Posts: 10
    Yesterday was Day 1 of the 30DS for me. I pushed myself through even though I thought I might die. This morning the kids at school laughed at me. I raised my arm to write on the whiteboard and struggled to write as high above my head as I normally do. I can feel the after burn!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    It is REALLY hard at first, but it gets easier quickly. I thought I was going to die the first few times I did it, but now I do 2 levels a day on some days and I started using 2 of her other dvds on other days. And my advice for good results it to bust your butt every time you do it....if it's getting too easy then you're getting stronger and if you're getting stronger, then you have it in you to push a little harder! Rock it girl!
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    I'm on L1D6 and I'm excited to do it...jjust try to push thru it..even if you HAVE been working out you will still get sore b/c these moves are very typical--but are awesome! I have been working out for 6 mo at the gym...cardio, strength and a few classes (body pump and kickboxing)..and I got sore. It's WAAY better than starting a class at the gym where you are working out with a bunch of strangers in front of mirrors! It's short, easy but intense. Drink lots of water and try taking some ibuprofin an hour or so before you do it if you are sore from the previous day...for some reason both my friend and I find the cardio parts are easier towards the end...we moan thru it..take the pain to punish the fat!! Best Wishes!!
  • mommyof3coj
    mommyof3coj Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you! Since this video is only 24 min I like it when I am pressed for time. Jillian knows how to give an *kitten* kicking thats for sure! The first time I did not have weights so I used 1lb can of fruit. LOL The video is challenging and you may have trouble at first but as time goes on you will find that it gets easier. You made a good purchase though because you can use this video no matter what skill leval you are at. If the video gets to easy then you just use heavier weights and get lower in your lundges and squats. I started running this yr and use this video as a cross training workout. I did not actually do it for 30 straight days. Interested to hear how you like it! Good luck!
  • mommyof3coj
    mommyof3coj Posts: 5 Member
    LOL I agree my first time I kept saying I can do this it is only 20 min, only 15 more min, only 10 more min I am half way there. (I think it is 24 with warm up and coold down)

    I'm on day 8 of the shred!! I was very intimidated by it because of all of the feed back I've read. But I over came it and am doing it and loving it!!! Day 1 is hard, but like pple say, just push threw it and move on. I tell ya, by day 2 it already starts to get better. And jus keep telling your self while doing it..... "This is ONLY 20 mins!! You can do this". Stay focused and good luck!!!!

    Remember..... ITS ONLY 20 MINS!!!!
  • Lyndsay_Love
    I started today as well! I actually just competed it! I didn't think it was to bad, but I've been working out at the gym a lot lately, so that might be why. I'm sure once I hit Level 2 & 3 it'll be much harder.
  • jperrysunlover
    jperrysunlover Posts: 96 Member
    A. It's not that bad. B. It's broken down into a few minutes of Strength, Cardio and Abs and rotates.
    While you are doing the exercises, keep saying, "Only one more minute."
    Do what you can. Don't be upset if you can't do it all. If you only march in place to just keep moving, that's something. Eventually, you will build up and be able to master the entire 30 minutes and you will be surprised how soon that will be.
    Go for it!!!
  • kat_O
    kat_O Posts: 10
    Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement!!! I'm both excited and nervous to start! I will definitely report back with my experience. The "only 20 minutes" mantra is probably going to help me the most. I HATE cardio @ the gym because time just draggggggs and I always feel like I could be doing something else with my time. So thank you again for all of the kind words & encouragement- I'll send positive vibes to everyone :-)
  • agraciana
    agraciana Posts: 19 Member
    I tried it on Thursday night for the first time (but then again, I wasn't really working out much before it). I couldn't walk up OR down stairs, and it took everything in me to be able to sit down and get up for the past few days... I'm feeling A LOT better today, and can actually bend my legs. I think I'm going to try it again tonight and see where it puts me on the agony scale!!

    It was vicious, but, I can see how it works!
  • kat_O
    kat_O Posts: 10
    So I did it when I got home from work yesterday- it was TOUGH and there were some parts that I had to make my own modifications for (after the 30th round of jumping rope, I couldn't jump OFF the ground any more so I bounced on my toes and did the arm motion to keep moving!) but I don't actually feel sore today. Maybe it's because I do yoga, I'm a little bit disappointed that I don't feel it more. BUT it was a great workout for a rainy day and I'm going to keep going :) Thanks again for all of the encouragement!

    Oh!! And my OWN tip for anyone reading this thread that will be starting soon- don't wear yoga pants with too much give in the waist...THEY WILL FALL DOWN!!!! ;) lol