
Okay folks I am a smoker and my problem is that when I am home at night and/or the weekends my snacking is very minimal, however, Monday thru Friday, 9:00 -5:00 I am a snacker and I know the reason for this is I can't smoke at work, so all day long I am snacking to cut the urge for smoking. (Once I lose my weight, I do plan on stopping one goal at a time) I need some healthy snack ideas to stop me from picking on candy (chocolate and fruity) chips, soft pretzels, etc. Any advice would be great. Note that there are times when I bring in celery sticks and light ranch dressing to pick on but just doesn't fill the void. Thank you all


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am not a smoker, so I can't speak from experience, but I think you are doing this backwards. I think you need to stop smoking first, deal with the fact you eat to compensate. then think about your weight. If you lose weight now, you'll gain it back once you stop smoking, which will be counter productive. Stopping smoking is the biggest lifestyle change you can make right now, so I would start with that.
  • RZO42488
    RZO42488 Posts: 64
    I am not a smoker, so I can't speak from experience, but I think you are doing this backwards. I think you need to stop smoking first, deal with the fact you eat to compensate. then think about your weight. If you lose weight now, you'll gain it back once you stop smoking, which will be counter productive. Stopping smoking is the biggest lifestyle change you can make right now, so I would start with that.

  • katietigar
    I would echo the comment that smoking is a bigger threat to overall health than weight. Chantix is the most effective method to stop smoking with little to no weight gain. If you are not ready to stop consider some non-food alternatives like flavored toothpicks or nicotine gum. Apples can be a good choice - low in calories and high in fiber. Some use peppermint sticks (including sugar free ones) in order to satisfy the craving to smoke. And last but not least a full glass of water with lemon. Hope this helps!
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    what they said. (coming from an ex-smoker.)
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    I'm a current smoker but I have cut back a lot. I also can't smoke at work so I choose to snack on lots of fruit and veggies. Also I eat the Special K cracker chips they are a nice replacement for chips. I will also bring cottage cheese and yogurt to work. The added protein helps me stay fuller longer. Oh and water, water, water. I drink tons( like 12-16 glasses a day). It helps me feel full also. I plan on quitting smoking once I meet my goal and I still have about 30-40 lbs more to go. I'm hoping that being thin and fit will help but for right now I'm not ready to give up smoking. I only have like 2 a day since I don't smoke at home or around my daughter so it shouldn't be all that hard lol. But good luck and I hope this helps. Feel free to friend me if you would like. I'm always looking for more supporters.
  • chic_mama_25
    I used to smoke, and I agree - you need to stop smoking first. Good luck!

    Just think - it's not that you cannot smoke, it's that you are choosing not to smoke, 1 cig at a time. It will make it heaps easier for you to exercise and therefore lose weight faster.

    You will just put all the weight back on if you quit smoking after - you need to overcome replacing cigs with food. This site has helped me a lot as I can' snack loads without using up loads of my calories, so I am so much more careful. Before, I was eating 3000+ calories a day, smoking about once a week and hardly exercising.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I definitely agree. I, too, was a smoker. When I made the decision to get healthy, quitting was a MUST. You definitely recommend that you get healthy in every area of your life ALL AT ONCE. You'll feel soooo much better! I know I do!
    Some healthy snacks that helped through my day were fruits, veggies, cottage cheese, yogurt, string cheese and I couldn't live without my almonds! Snacks high in protein keep you fuller longer! Also! .... I just found some Blue Diamond Almonds that are covered in DARK CHOCOLATE! They are low calorie, fat, sugar with good protein. Obviously, moderation is the key with dieting. Too much of a good thing, if you know what I mean.
    I know that smoking is so hard to quit, but when it comes down to it... you just have to decide. Life is nothing but a bunch of decisions. Stop robbing yourself of life! It's far too wonderful. : ) Good luck and I hope this helped.
  • beccafertig
    beccafertig Posts: 61 Member
    From one smoker to another, you are in the midst of an uphill battle girlfriend, but is it absolutely do-able. Keep that at the front of your mind. What has worked best for me is to increase my activity levels. When I'm active, my body wants to eat better. Also, prepare yourself ahead of times with a little arsenal of healthy snacks at work. Snacking every two or three hours is a completely normal thing.

    Side note: Increasing activity has also really curbed my appetite for smoking. I've gone from about a 1/2 pack a day to maybe 1 or 2 cigs a day. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Well since healthy snacks are something everyone looks for, here are my go-tos:

    Veggies of all kinds!!!!! Don't just go for carrots and celery. Try pea pods, peppers, grape or cherry tomatos, broccoli, cauliflower- pretty much anything you can cut up! Personally I like them with hummus rather than ranch- but go for what's tasty. Often i don't have any dip, and sometimes I mix them up (kind of like veggie version of trail mix)

    Greek yogurt- Chobani or Fage (don't bother with yoplait or dannon- they are too thin to be filling) 150- 200 cals yes, but Delicious, nutrious fillingness that you can savor slowly.

    Mellow cereal- I've become moderately obsessed with Honey nut cheerios- I have 1 serving or less, but eat each piece 1 at a time. It's tasty, muchy and takes me a while to eat (and makes me feel like im having dessert)

    Unsalted nuts- I like almonds, my roomie prefers walnuts. Great source of protein and necessary fats

    CHEESE!- most people don't just eat cheese for a snack but I like baybell mini cheeses. They make my day happy.

    The key is to prepare your lunch ahead of time- that way you have plenty to pick at on hand all day.

    Good luck!
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    I am a former smoker, I smoked for 9 years and quit at the beginning of November 2010, so almost 5 months ago. I started this whole eating healthy/working out business at the beginning of February, three months after quitting. The last thing I want to do is be one of those people telling you to quit, because I know first hand that you really can only quit when you're ready. (The fact that you're saying you "will quit" leads me to believe you're not quite at that point yet.) However - I do agree with the posters above me that it is easier to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle with the smoking addiction out of the way... especially because you do get snacky when you first quit.... I will also say the more you exercise the less you'll want to smoke!

    As far as snacking goes, what has worked for me is to have a 200-300 "snack" (or light meal) every 3 hours or so. Ex: I have breakfast at around 9 am, lunch at noon, second lunch at 3pm, dinner at 6ish, then sometimes I'll have a small snack (100-200cal range) in the evening, but I also work late so it works with my schedule. (MFP has me set at 1470 cals a day).

    Some examples of snack/small meals I'll eat in a day:
    - Clover leaf 85g tuna --> just eat with a fork, the tomato onion is pretty good so is lemon pepper, with a veggie (carrot sticks, cucumber slices) or a fruit
    - a granola bar (nature valley crunch, or i recently discovered kashi granola bars) with a veggie or fruit
    - sunflower seeds with a veggie
    - hummus with either crackers or veggies to dip

    Anyway.. Hope this helps
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    After 10 years, I decided to quit smoking cold turkey 28 days ago.
    Because of health issues it was causing me, I really didn't have much of a choice.
    I kept saying I was going to quit, and had even attempted it a few times before using Chantix, and the gum, and the patch.
    Always failed because I wasn't truly committed.

    28 days ago I quit for good.
    What I quickly noticed was that I was using food to compensate for the smokes.
    Before you know it I had gained close to 10 pounds.

    I have decided I need to focus on my health, not just the smoking habit.
    I joined MFP on a recommendation from a friend that I should monitor the foods I have been eating.
    The thought was that being conscious of what you eat will naturally lead you to better choices.
    Not to lose weight or eat great right from the get go, but just to raise my awareness.

    The result of joining MFP and documenting my food choices is that for the first time in my life I am aware of what I am eating.
    I am amazed at the amount of calories, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt I used to consume.
    The calorie counting and meal planning has actually made quitting easier because I am less focused on the cigarettes and more focused on what snack I should be eating, am I getting enough water, or planning my next meal.

    I feel so much healthier already.
    The coughing has stopped. The tight feeling in my chest is gone. I don't stink of smoke anymore. (I never thought I did before, but now that I smell other smokers, I can only imagine how bad I stunk). I wish I had done this a long time ago.

    I have a long way to go, this is the beginning of a major life change for me, but I am happy to have begun my journey.
    I wish you the best of luck quitting the smoking habit and with your diet.

  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86

    I feel so much healthier already.
    The coughing has stopped. The tight feeling in my chest is gone. I don't stink of smoke anymore. (I never thought I did before, but now that I smell other smokers, I can only imagine how bad I stunk). I wish I had done this a long time ago.

    Congratulations on quitting, it only gets better! :) The stink factor was one of my primary motivators in quitting LOL. Just wait til you can take super deep breaths past where you used to be able to breathe in... feels soooooo good
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member

    Congrats to you too!!