Boobs. Blunt, I know.



  • namrettik
    namrettik Posts: 127
    This is so unfair. They are the very very last thing to go on me. It's always legs first, which is the last place I need to lose weight, they are thin already.

    Now I *know* someone's playing a cruel trick on us. My legs are the last to slim down, and that's where I have the most to lose!
  • MickyMo
    MickyMo Posts: 48 Member
    hilarious but I agree with you! I don't want to lose um either but they do go buh bye :ohwell:
  • jilaneeaf
    jilaneeaf Posts: 38
    Probably depends on your body type. But I always lose weight in my chest. =/
  • Carissa83
    Carissa83 Posts: 33 Member
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    I find when ever i lose weight my boobs are the very last part of my to lose the lbs, grrrrrrr unlike you i wish they were the fist to go....
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    I've lost about a cup size, but I really agree with some of the others that it's in proportion to your new body size. I was a D and now a full C. I'm happy with it, big busts run in my family so I was never going to lose all of it. It's a lot better now for me anyways, easier to exercise for sure lol! I think whatever you had before the weight (for me it would be young teen plus some maturing) and that's where I'm at now. So pretty much a return to start lol!
  • BlindFaith
    I think I'm the only person who actively WANTS the Twins to be a bit smaller :laugh:

    Seriously, I am hoping that they go down a size (or 2!) once I've lost weight.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I've gone from a 42DD, to a 38D. I was a 36D at 12 :frown:

    One of my reasons to starting to lose weight was to avoid a breast reduction. :smile:
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I have been blessed to not lose much so far!! In fact, due to the rest of me getting smaller, they actually are appearing larger! I started out a full 38 DDD and i am at 34DD (which it's impossible to find bras at that cup and band size!)
  • Ruffles20
    Ruffles20 Posts: 88 Member
    Bye bye "Fat" boobs - Hello fake boobs!
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    I'd give some away if I could!!!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I lose band size, but not boob size, so end up going up a cup size as I go down a band.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I have been blessed to not lose much so far!! In fact, due to the rest of me getting smaller, they actually are appearing larger! I started out a full 38 DDD and i am at 34DD (which it's impossible to find bras at that cup and band size!)

    If you have a Nordstrom Rack, go there! Nordstrom carries small band/large cup bras, so Nordy Rack has those bras but cheaper! Also, check out It is a UK company that has gorgeous bras and clothing for gals who have smaller rib cages with larger boobies.
  • allroundthesun
    Yes! I swear the first 7-8 lbs. I lose seem to come directly from my breasts. I know it's not all coming from them, but they're definitely the first place I notice weight loss. Ugh.
  • Toridactyl
    Toridactyl Posts: 19 Member
    There's also the consideration to be made if you've had children already or are planning to have children in the future. My mother told me it was one of the biggest changes in her breasts. She also told me that her breasts continued to grow until she was nearly 30. SO! Before you go under the knife, just think about all of the life ahead of you. It worries me when 18 y/o girls get breast implants. There are so many more changes in store for your body.

    At 27, I can tell you that mine are still in flux. Not just from weight loss or weight gain, but I think just because of hormonal changes in my body.

    I am sad though, because I picked up 3 beautiful INCREDIBLE bras from Victoria's Secret during their last semi-annual sale... and, I'm now swimming in them. QQ

    My fiance is a "breast man" as well. And let me tell you - he's still as interested in the breasts I have now as he ever was before. I think you'll notice as you get smaller your man may become a "hips, butt, legs, arms, waist, all over you man." /wink
  • Fatbully
    Fatbully Posts: 9
    Sure you will lose some. They are mostly fat tissue so it's to be expected. As you workout you will walk taller with more confidence, your abdominal wall will be leaner too. You won't have a shelf under your breasts so the line between your abs and breasts will be more defined. Also, walking taller with that added confidence can add a full breast size (per the viewer) so don't fret; with larger breasts there is more fat tissue...something I'd be glad to get rid of.

    I read on here some women have back pain. Back pain bras = higher prices at the lingerie department. I'd also rather pay less for a bra and be leaner than the $40 + a friend of mine was used to dropping for a bra just to hold up her endowments. I'd rather have smaller breasts since it comes with a leaner 'me'.

    Leaner muscle also points them up instead of to the south pole :) I'm just saying...