The last binge

I binged last night for the first time in awhile and I've resolved to say goodbye to bingeing for good. However, my fall-out last night has reminded me that I might need some help. If you can, when was your last binge and what tips can you give for making it your last one?


  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Action follows attention.

    That said, I would say try not to focus your attention on NOT bingeing, but rather on eating according to your plan.

    And if and when you do binge, simply forgive yourself and resolve yourself to doing better ASAP.

    Old habits can only diminish after new ones are firmly rooted. Continue to practice your new and healthy habits and in time all things will fall into place.

    Always remember, this is a journey and not a destination. Very seldom do we ever truly arrive and when we do the journey is still never truly over. Oftentimes the end of one journey signifies the beginning of yet another.
  • dougstevens
    dougstevens Posts: 208 Member
    Well said audjrey, and kudos to you. I can only add, your last night's binge was the exception, not the norm. Besides its so yesterday, live your plan today. Accept what's happened, and learn from it. (If there was a trigger to the "binge event", then learn to recognize the trigger to prepare yourself in the future.) There's nothing productive in dwelling.

    As for needing help, I think its great that you mentioned that. Anyone who doesn't believe that they need help, in my opinion, is only kidding themselves.

    You asked about other's last binge. Mine was was several months ago; and honestly don't remember. I've been a big guy and binging was the norm for me, part of my lifestyle. However, I do remember wanting to do a ceremonious "one last binge" before starting my weight loss. Then realized, if it had done that, then it meant that I wasn't committed to changing my life on to a healthier path.
  • RZO42488
    RZO42488 Posts: 64
    I tend to work out extra hard on a weekend day (binge day) and reward myself with a large meal instead of just eating unhealthy all day. I usually reward myself once a week with a big meal (chicken wings) on the weekend after an extremely hard workout. Binging is not a terrible thing as long as you stick to healthy eating habits regularly, work out to compensate, and continue to stay positive.

    It has worked for me..........binge eating helps keep your metabolism in check if you do it the right way.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Thanks for all the tips, I think that they help all of us. Here's to moving forward!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I've been binging again. I've not gained any weight, but what I'm doing is still binging (2 cookies can be a binge if those cookies are eaten from 'that place' in myself).

    Instead of trying to stop binging I'm making room for the part of myself who is binging. When I try to squash her and prevent her from expressing herself, she lurks in the shadows and springs into action when I least expect. I'm also observing myself without judgement, staying present in this moment.

    Now that I've made room for her, I'm able to listen to her and I'm learning a lot.

    Welcoming her into my life has not made life an all-I-can-eat-free-for-all, either. On the contrary. Making room for her has allowed me to hear what she has to say. Allowed me to express a part of myself that I wasn't aware I was squashing.

    Now that I know what I was using the binge to express, I can move forward armed with that knowledge and continue to observe myself, learn, grow, love myself.

  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Mine was yesterday and the day before :(
    Just remind yourself about your goals and imagine yourself as thin