Best workouts for weight loss?



  • i personally prefer cardio classes at the gym. step, turbo kick, zumba. more fun and less boring for me than machines, although i do machines some days too. 10 lbs down in a month... along with watching my calories.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    For weight loss; proper diet & nutrition. For fat loss proper diet & nutrition, along with a strength training program, and cardio.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    To be honest, you can do all the cardio in the world but wont matter if your diet is not good. You will see bigger benefits to your fat loss if you eat good quality foods such as meat, fish, eggs fresh fruit and veg.

    If you want to lose fat through exercise then interval training will benefit you the most.


    what does BUMP mean?
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    I use the Wii Fit Plus, the free jogging on there has helped me tons! I also have an exercise bike, but i ride my horse a lot and walk my dog too - so a few things are keeping me going in the right direction :)
  • k3v28
    k3v28 Posts: 2
    hi alot of the workout does not matter a high percentage is that you have to work in the correct training zone for fat burning you should be working at about 55-70 percent of your mhr (maximum heart rate also combined exercises are good i.e rowing x trainer and are you changing your workout every 4-6 weeks as your body gets used to it and becomes less affective hope this helps :)
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I've heard that cardio is best. I actually use workouts that I watch on Netflix! They are working pretty good for me so far as well as using my elliptical. I can change them up that way as well and am not getting bored with them. I also love my Zumba although I wouldn't be able to do it in public - I'm quite sure I do not look like the people in the video doing it, lol! Good luck!!:happy:

    Oh, I used to do Netflix workouts too! They worked great! But, then I cancelled my Netflix...I have a bunch of videos though...and I like to go for walks.
    Ill have to have a look on netflix! I just started using it and havent seen any workouts on it yet...maybe because I am in Canada and it is only new here?
  • To be honest, you can do all the cardio in the world but wont matter if your diet is not good. You will see bigger benefits to your fat loss if you eat good quality foods such as meat, fish, eggs fresh fruit and veg.

    This is so true... stay away from processed/canned/fast foods... and also make sure you watch your sodium and drink PLENTY of water.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I love doing Zumba!
    I also enjoy walking / running (working my way to this) or the elliptical =)
    Hard part is you have to find a workout that you enjoy
    you also have to watch what you eat & drink lotts of water
    Good Luck to you!!
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    To be honest, you can do all the cardio in the world but wont matter if your diet is not good. You will see bigger benefits to your fat loss if you eat good quality foods such as meat, fish, eggs fresh fruit and veg.

    This is so true... stay away from processed/canned/fast foods... and also make sure you watch your sodium and drink PLENTY of water.

    I will be an advocate for canned tuna and salmon. There is nothing wrong with them in the diet.
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    I really like the elliptical, and definitely a change in diet is the key too. The treadmill is also good with intervals of walking uphill & then jogging too.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I am a runner, plain and simple. I love to run outside (the dreadmill not so much). But every person is different. Ultimately I think it boils down to your heart rate and what you feel comfortable doing. Not doing anything will obviously not help.

    That being said...I believe the best exercise for weight loss is likely any high intensity exercise that gets your heart rate into the right zone. This is why HIIT, circuit training, P90X, 30DS and some other exercises regimens are so effective at burning calories. They JACK your heart rate up and keep it there for a while.

    This is what I have heard and been told by a physical trainer with several years experience...

    For starters, You need to know what your maximum heart rate is (for men it is 220 minus your age, for women 226 minus your age) My maximum heart rate is therefore 180.

    The ideal fat burning zone occurs at 65-85% of your maximum heart rate... so to get the best workout, I should try to get my heart rate to between 117 and 153 to have the maximum effect (and try to keep it there during your workout)

    Hope it helps!
  • To be honest, you can do all the cardio in the world but wont matter if your diet is not good. You will see bigger benefits to your fat loss if you eat good quality foods such as meat, fish, eggs fresh fruit and veg.

    If you want to lose fat through exercise then interval training will benefit you the most.

    ive just recently started interval training and alan is right, its the best for fat loss
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    To be honest, you can do all the cardio in the world but wont matter if your diet is not good. You will see bigger benefits to your fat loss if you eat good quality foods such as meat, fish, eggs fresh fruit and veg.

    If you want to lose fat through exercise then interval training will benefit you the most.

    What are some good interval training workouts/workout systems? I've got a few workout dvds like 30DS and others? How would this be?
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Do what ever you like.As long as you are up moving. The most important thing is changing what you eat.

    Okay. What do I go by for food? My fiance insists that I eat more than MFP recommends...I'm at 1490 for calories on MFP, but he says I need to be eating 1800 calories a day....I know that I'll probably lose weight on either of those, just one slower than the other.

    I would go by what MFP recommends once you put in your numbers. For foods you should reduce severely or eliminate refined sugars and white flour items and watch you sodium intake (MFP helps with this).

    Whole Grains (i.e. Brown Rice)
    Unsweetened Granola

    Good Fats
    Olive Oil
    Canola Oil

    Lean Protein
    Lean Beef
    Greek Yogurt

    All fruits(not fruit juice) you want the fiber from the fruit to reduce the sugar impact to the body.

    All Veggies

    I did/do cardio at a gym (elliptical) and some weight training. This last week I started P90X and love it. Weight is dropping and I am more sore than I was with a gym workout with a personal trainer. I do not eat the P90X nutrition way, I eat from the things above and do just fine. Again I stress to not listen to your fiance, he is male which means a higher muscle ratio which in turn burns more calories. So what he things might be a good number might be too high for you. Use MFP numbers as a starting point and tweak things after a month if you don't see progress. Start up the P90X again and step up the intensity! Keep in mind if you are not working out your calorie intake should be lower than if you do workout.

    Get a heart rate monitor if you do not have one. They are a huge help in measuring your burn in a workout. If you like to dance, try Zumba, it looks like a lot of fun. As an overweight guy I will not be in there yet. I don't want to look like Jabba the no rhythm fool. :laugh:
  • I agree with alanmonks. Before I gained ny weight back I was excercising, but wasn't eating good. I stayed at my weight loss weight but when stopped all together I gained it back. So eating right and exercise is the best combo.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    You can do allot of running interval training, or weight circuits too, or combining both. I don't have any specific names for these intervals, I read allot of magazines and books and I tend to mix and match exercises. I have a TABATA training app, which has a 20 second 10 second timer. I sprint for 20 seconds, all out and 10 seconds jogging. This lasts for 4 minutes and I do it 3 times. Its a killer but I love it, and I will do it early on Saturday or Sunday morning, to set me up for the weekend.
  • Any cardio is good as long as your putting in the effort (sweat) to do at least 3-4 times a week. Hot yoga (Brikram yoga) is excellent cardio workout and is great for getting your posture correct and toning up. Depending on your weight you can lose anything from 350 cal to 1300 cal per class which is 90 mins long. If you want to lose weight you need to reduce your calories intake to about 1400 and increase your calories to 1800 to maintain your weight when your happy of what you lost.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    You can do allot of running interval training, or weight circuits too, or combining both. I don't have any specific names for these intervals, I read allot of magazines and books and I tend to mix and match exercises. I have a TABATA training app, which has a 20 second 10 second timer. I sprint for 20 seconds, all out and 10 seconds jogging. This lasts for 4 minutes and I do it 3 times. Its a killer but I love it, and I will do it early on Saturday or Sunday morning, to set me up for the weekend.

    Tabata is soo great.. and you dont have to use the concept for running.. look it up on You tube you will find many diff exercises to use and theres a great timer online at
    I agree with previous statements .. your food is a hugh part of your weightloss .. and the ideas listed by Making a choice are great!
    Feel free to add me as a friend.. and def stick to the numbers MFP gives you .. not your husband!! MFP does work.. read the success stories!!
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    Bottom line is calories in vs. calories out.

    You need cardio to start to burn the fat
    You need strength training to continue that burn and to eliminate the burning of muscle.

    Typicall, a healthy diet, with 5-6 days of cardio, and 3-4 days of strength training and you will see the results.

    We have to remember that its not the number on the scale that needs to change, its our eating habits and our bodies. Therefore, I suggest taking all sorts of measurements and then taking them once a month to monitor the changes. Even if the scale doesnt move, that doesnt mean that your body is not getting leaner.

    Good luck on your journey, and finding what works for you.
  • It is my understanding that a combo of cardio & strength is the best. Cardio burns calories but strength builds muscle and muscle burns fat.

    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a good dvd, she covers it all, each level (there are 3) does a 'circuit" of 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio & 1 minute of abs.

    Many people have good success with it. Treadmill & elliptical or bike will probably work very nicely if you do the dvd as well
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