No way! Really???

So this weekend I sat down and wrote what would have been a typical day of eating, prior to March 1st. I assumed all that time that I was eating about 2000 calories a day. 2700-3500!!!!! No wonder my butt is so huge!!! So now I'm eating 1200-1400 a day and the weight just isn't coming off. It's very discouraging. :angry: I drink water all day with exception to the 1 cup of coffee I allow myself. I work out as often as I can, which is at least 4 nights a week, no less then 30 minutes of cardio. I was always told to lose you have to have a deficit of 500 - 1000 calories. So I initially went with 800 as a good starting point. But that was when I thought my calorie intake was 2000. Does anyone have any suggestions or opinions? My food diary is public. For the most part, I eat pretty healthy and I hardly ever feel like I'm starving.
Thanks in advance!


  • clothes_of_sand
    did you just start on March 1st? Because 4 pounds in a month is pretty good, actually.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Well, to be honest, you are not going to see results if you continue to eat highly processed foods (the Nabisco Short Bread, Special K, Yoplait Yogurts, etc). Ditch these and get waaay more fruits and vegetables in there-- you barely have 1-2 servings a day!

    Also, make sure you are eating lean protein at every meal (nonfat greek yogurt, turkey, chicken, egg whites, etc).

    And don't skip meals, it'll only slow down your progress further.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    I didn't notice an improvement in my weight loss until i upped my daily calories to 1550 and then ate whatever exercise calories i earned.

    i also stopped eating after 8pm and forced myself to eat breakfast.

    those items worked for me, as did cooking meals from the biggest loser family cookbook.

    i say keep at it - it'll come. the body learns slowly and holds onto habits so it won't get hat it should lose weight right away.

  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    You should eat your calories from exersise back! on days i know i'm going to the gym, i log my exersie in the morning , then have bigger meals those days!

    This is just a part of it! please read the link above

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle tone, and reducing fat. This means is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode)

    Good luck on your journey
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    So this weekend I sat down and wrote what would have been a typical day of eating, prior to March 1st. I assumed all that time that I was eating about 2000 calories a day. 2700-3500!!!!! No wonder my butt is so huge!!! So now I'm eating 1200-1400 a day and the weight just isn't coming off. It's very discouraging. :angry: I drink water all day with exception to the 1 cup of coffee I allow myself. I work out as often as I can, which is at least 4 nights a week, no less then 30 minutes of cardio. I was always told to lose you have to have a deficit of 500 - 1000 calories. So I initially went with 800 as a good starting point. But that was when I thought my calorie intake was 2000. Does anyone have any suggestions or opinions? My food diary is public. For the most part, I eat pretty healthy and I hardly ever feel like I'm starving.
    Thanks in advance!

    I see no fresh or frozen vegetables or fruit intake and I see lots and lots of processed foods (cereal, yogurt, 100 calories snack packs).................

    Pack your menu with fresh fruit, fesh vegetables, raw nuts, good quality proteins.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Well, to be honest, you are not going to see results if you continue to eat highly processed foods (the Nabisco Short Bread, Special K, Yoplait Yogurts, etc). Ditch these and get waaay more fruits and vegetables in there-- you barely have 1-2 servings a day!

    Also, make sure you are eating lean protein at every meal (nonfat greek yogurt, turkey, chicken, egg whites, etc).

    And don't skip meals, it'll only slow down your progress further.
    I don't completely agree with this. Yes, you should eat more healthy foods if you can but that doesn't always work for people that have kids, jobs, lives, etc. You CAN lose weight eating whatever you want as long as you are within your calorie goals. Please don't try to make people feel bad if they don't eat as clean you think they should. :bigsmile:

    Now, to answer the original question, depending on what you set your weight loss goal at, MFP has already calculated your deficit into your daily calorie intake goal. This doesn't include any additional exercise you do so I wouldn't eat any lower than the daily goal that MFP has provided.

    For more details, go to MY HOME/GOALS and on the right side it shows you how the daily goal was calculated.

    Good luck to you! Some times you have to find what works for you. Don't let anyone tell you that there is only one right way to lose weight. That is wrong...every body loses differently! Find what works for you! :drinker:
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    Well, to be honest, you are not going to see results if you continue to eat highly processed foods (the Nabisco Short Bread, Special K, Yoplait Yogurts, etc). Ditch these and get waaay more fruits and vegetables in there-- you barely have 1-2 servings a day!

    Also, make sure you are eating lean protein at every meal (nonfat greek yogurt, turkey, chicken, egg whites, etc).

    And don't skip meals, it'll only slow down your progress further.
    I don't completely agree with this. Yes, you should eat more healthy foods if you can but that doesn't always work for people that have kids, jobs, lives, etc. You CAN lose weight eating whatever you want as long as you are within your calorie goals. Please don't try to make people feel bad if they don't eat as clean you think they should. :bigsmile:

    Thank you so much for "sticking up" for "us" unclean people lol. I'm a busy mom and sometimes I don't eat the best things for me and I know that but it's life. I do try to eat good most days but hey things come up. i got a lot of harsh words from people on this site that being said my diary is now private. Also I agree with you saying people can still lose weight as long as you stay within your daily allowed calories. That is what I do and i am down 72.2 lbs since June 24, 2010. So good luck. You can do this!!
  • Dormouse85
    Whilst I understand that for busy people processed food such as yoghurts and Special K bars can a life saver, I don't understand how they are any quicker to eat than, say, a banana or an apple. And fruit & vegetables give you loads of stuff (I'm no nutritionist, but fibre/vitamins/minerals etc) that are often not contained in the more processed foods. I don't want to knock those who find it difficult to watch their diet, but to me it's obvious: the more raw fruit and lightly cooked veggies you can eat the better. I'm no saint, but I do make an effort to eat 5 fruit or vegetables a day - if only because it's GOOD for me!

    If you're so concerned about your weight and your health that you're on MFP then why not actually try to eat as healthily as you can. Don't jump on me. I'm only giving my opinion.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Whilst I understand that for busy people processed food such as yoghurts and Special K bars can a life saver, I don't understand how they are any quicker to eat than, say, a banana or an apple. And fruit & vegetables give you loads of stuff (I'm no nutritionist, but fibre/vitamins/minerals etc) that are often not contained in the more processed foods. I don't want to knock those who find it difficult to watch their diet, but to me it's obvious: the more raw fruit and lightly cooked veggies you can eat the better. I'm no saint, but I do make an effort to eat 5 fruit or vegetables a day - if only because it's GOOD for me!

    If you're so concerned about your weight and your health that you're on MFP then why not actually try to eat as healthily as you can. Don't jump on me. I'm only giving my opinion.

    ITA--- I'm a full time student with 2 jobs: I'm at the gym from 630-800AM, class until 4pm, gym again until 530, then work/library until 10-11pm. There is no grocery store in my immediate area, so I can only go grocery shopping 2-3x/month, on top of the fact that, after a $50K/year tuition, I am dirt-poor broke. I totally agree with the statement that fresh fruit and vegetables take NO more time to eat than a special K bar or whatever. It takes 3 minutes for me to throw together a salad or tupperware with mixed veggies and protein in the morning to take for lunch, and the same goes for dinner. My mother, who had two kids, two jobs, and an active social life taught me that it is totally possible to be very busy and still be very healthy.

    Sure, you can definitely lose weight eating only processed foods. But honestly, it's not really doing you much good in terms of life long health and wellness. I know plenty of girls who are "skinny-fat"-- those who stay under the amount of calories needed for maintenance, but their body comp is very high in fat. It think it's a shame that if you are going to make an effort to be healthy, why not give it your all, so that you can be as healthy and fit for life?
  • Rollyrover
    Rollyrover Posts: 68 Member
    remember muscle weighs more then fat. Don't be too hard on yourself! any loss is good