Need friends and motivators

Rero79 Posts: 10 Member
Im 32, mother of two who needs to be accountable. I joined this on my phone because a coworker said that it would help me with my diet and exercise log. But I didnt know I could do all of this. Please feel free to add me. I need all the help I can get. My goal is healthy first, but 50lbs lost by this time next year. No more quick diets or fads. Im going the old fashion way, DIET and EXERCISE!
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

have a wonderful monday :)


  • jjrichard
    jjrichard Posts: 22
    Welcome, and you will find this site wonderful :)
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Just added you. welcome aboard. You will find alot of great supporters here.
  • mrstrouty
    mrstrouty Posts: 15
    Welcome!!! You've made the right choice....fitnesspal is wonderful ! I joined the beginning of March, and along with logging my foods daily, I've been working out to Leslie Sansone's walk at home dvds. So far I've lost 11 lbs. It's been a life saver. Good luck...I'm sure you're going to enjoy the site.:happy:

  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Weclome... This site is great... There a plenty of people on here to lend you support.
  • Rero79
    Rero79 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! I accepted your friends request and Im ready to get this show started! Again, thank you so much. Its hard when you are the only one ready to get started and everyone brings roadblocks :) But Im barreling through them.