random question for the ladies



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    It's not fully about the body for me...but physically...I love a strong jaw, beautiful eyes, and some muscles. I want a guy who is comfortable in his own skin...and can make me laugh...and blush. There is nothing sexier than a man who is comfortable being himself. I don't want a guy to put on an act for me....total turn-off.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I like bigger boys. I like them a bit "thick". I appreciate a toned man but I am not attracted to it. Nor am I attracted to the shapeless "average" build and never ever ever ever ever skinny(that looks like a little boy). I always have had a thing for heavier men(not biggest loser big)

    Same here...I can't be with a skinny guy, I feel like I'll break him. I don't prefer overly muscular, but i like someone "thick" too, strong and solid. I'd prefer bigger over smaller. But that's just the outside. Who knows, maybe I'll meet a skinny guy and fall madly in l:heart:ve with him. :laugh:
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Oh, and the waxed look is a big turn off.
    SO agree!!
    Me too (from an older gal if it matters)
  • allroundthesun
    Well, I'm not attracted to men very often (I'd say 90% of the time I'm attracted to women, and the other 10% of the time to the occasional man), so keeping that in mind, when I *am* attracted to a man, I'm attracted to slim men who are reasonably fit (not a fitness nut, that's actually a turn-off, just some awareness of a healthy body), but slender in a lean, healthy way, not skinny and out of shape, KWIM? Thats's not attractive to me (and I think it's an often neglected fact that being skin and bones and out of shape is just as unhealthy as being overweight and out of shape) and to a slightly lesser degree, I'm also attracted to men who have an "average" body type (as in neither slim nor overweight, somewhere in the middle of their healthy weight range). Truthfully, I have never been physically attracted to an overweight/very out of shape man, and muscular men (the more muscular, the worse) are a huge turn-off for me. That's not to say I'm so shallow that I couldn't look past a man being moderately overweight (by 40ish lbs. or less; if I'm being honest, I don't think I could get past it if he was more overweight than that) if he's awesome and we click, and especially if he's interested in fitness; if I developed an emotional attraction to a guy like that, I think I'd come to find him attractive physically over time. To be brutally honest, though, I don't think I could ever be attracted to a muscular man, no matter how great he was or how emotionally attracted I was to him. I feel bad for saying that, but I'm trying to be totally honest in my answer.

    As for women, same thing, *healthy* slim/slender (and again, when I say healthy, I don't mean *obsessed* with working out and fitness, that wouldn't work for me in a relationship) is most attractive to me, but I'm still significantly attracted, albeit a bit less, to women with "average" (and healthy) body types. I hate to say it, but I'm just not attracted to women who are more than 10ish lbs. overweight, or muscular, and no matter the emotional connection, I don't think I'd be able to develop an attraction. I guess I'm pickier about women than men, shallow as it is :embarassed: . I'm most attracted to medium-sized breasts (a C cup is most attractive to me), but I can be (and have been) attracted to women with anything between an A and a D cup.

    I'm also most attracted to shorter people, both men and women (perhaps because I'm only 5'2" myself). It's definitely not a deal-breaker by any means, but my ideal for a man is 5'8" or less and 5'5" or less for a woman (but again, I wouldn't discount someone taller and have dated several people who were).

    All that said, I've noticed that I'm much fussier about body type than facial features, hair colour/styles, etc. - I think my taste in both men and women as far as that goes leans toward somewhat unconventional standards of attractiveness, actually.

    :heart: -- Juliet

    ETA: I replied about appearance because that was the question you asked, but I absolutely agree with others who have said that with reasonable limitations (I do think one needs to be attracted to their partner, but as I said, I don't think that means a partner needs to be conventionally hot), personality and character are more important in a partner than looks.

    I also agree that you should do what makes YOU happy with your body, and the right partner will be attracted to that - a good partner should be someone who thinks you're great for who you are, including your preferences regarding your body type. :smile:
  • chaugberg
    chaugberg Posts: 34 Member
    I wouldn't complain if a man had a six pack or more but it isn't required. I think it really all depends on what kind of woman you are trying to get as well. I would just aim for making yourself happy and then the women will show up.

    I usually like men with lean muscle...meaning some build but not large...a six pack is nice but not required. I agree with the above post though. Make yourself happy and the women will show up. It's not about how chiseled your body is. If you are confident but not arrogant and happy and you exude that you'll be more sucessful when you are trying to ask someone out.