Frustrated and really feel like giving up

Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been trying so dang hard.. and I keep GAINING!! I dont get it. I have been eating so much healthier..exercising most days until I sweat. Monday and Wed I do an hour weight class followed by an hour of the elptical. Tuesday and Thursdays I run for 30 min and then an hour yoga/pilates. Fridays and Saturdays I run. Yes I see slightly muscles pushing through my abs..but my pants fit no differently. HELP. I keep GAINING. I do have thyroid issues (but those are under control with meds) and Im also on Welbutrin (depression meds)..but COME ONE!
I cant do log on Saturday/Sunday but I do eat healthy. ..want to cry..


  • birdieandkenadi05
    birdieandkenadi05 Posts: 71 Member
    Remember muscles weighs more than fat....I bet you are losing fat and gaining muscle and thats why you dont see a scale difference....I have the same problem....Dont give up!!!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I am currently taking a diet and fitness class. In our book in shows that for women, it generally takes between 2 -5 week to notice change in weight. Also if you are exercising a lot then your muscles are growing and this will cause you to gain weight. Hold on and stick to it....the healthy new you is waiting and we all know you can do it:)

    Hope this helped
  • sculbreath
    sculbreath Posts: 15 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough calories for all that activity. I have fallen into the trap before that I thought I was doing everything right but wasn't losing. I increased my calories to where I never went below 1000 cal per day (allotted cal + exercise cal - exercise cal burned= net cal of 1000) and it really boosted my weight loss. Keep it up!!
  • Certain medications can cause weight gain also maybe your body needs a break. Stress can cause gain maybe just take a little time to relax.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Remember muscles weighs more than fat....I bet you are losing fat and gaining muscle and thats why you dont see a scale difference....I have the same problem....Dont give up!!!

    Muscle doesn't weight more than fat. Please stop saying this.
    A pound is a pound is a pound. And anyone who is trying to PUT on muscle knows that it's very hard to put on muscle.

    I would suggest talking to your doc.
    They might have some ideas with the meds that your on and why you aren't seeing a loss.
    Good luck!
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    Please dont give up and dont beat yourself up. We all have those days. Meds are tricky, so it may not all be 'you'.

    Add me if you want. I will support you :-)
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    How long have you been doing this? If a couple of weeks, or a month, I've been there. It sounds like you're doing everything right. Please don't give up. You for sure are getting healthier. You may not see the progress in the scales as soon as you will see the progress in yourself. Please hang in there.
  • kittybitz79
    kittybitz79 Posts: 213
    Don't give up we all have felt that way. But you are stronger then that.
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    Have you measured your body yet? I measured and took a before picture. You should probaly measure 1 a month. I dont know your diet but things that also affect my body is my sodium intake. I make sure my sodium is below 2000 everyday. I shoot for 1500 mg on most days but sometimes i don't. just never every go over 2000 cuz i will affect your scale from moving at all. Drinking at least half you body weight in water so if your 150 you drink at least 75 oz of water.....Don't give up worth every single second to never give up no matter what the scale says....just keep fighting, YOU will feel so good about yourself keeping up the fight! Good luck and God bless!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Looked through your diary and I see several things:

    1. Consistency - You skip meals, have fast food too often, and under eat often
    2. Not much in the way of fresh food (again, either fast food, meal replacements, etc)
    3. Probably have your settings incorrect

    You are already relatively lean - this means that to lose the last 20 lbs you will need to be more diligent in quality of food and eating enough to let the body know it's ok to release the cushion of fat that it prefers to have. You need good protein, good carbs, and good fats.

    I'd recommend reading this threads that can help determine healthy, realistic goals and how metabolism works. Good luck to you!
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey sweetie,

    Viewed your diary. You're not eating enough food. Which means you are not gaining the muscle you might be otherwise. It also means that your body is holding on to every calorie you take in and turning it into fat in order to keep your body running.

    Remember, 1200 calories per day NET. Your body needs 1200 calories per day just to survive--unless you spend the entire day in bed, you need to get those calories. And when you exercise, you need even more calories to survive.

    If you miss by 100 every once in a while, it's no big deal, but your body is most likely in starvation mode. Eat more food and you'll see a difference. I know you will.

    I did this same thing when I was first working out. And I was so discouraged. But I met a few great ladies on MFP and they really pushed me to eat my exercise calories and to drink my water and it really really worked.

    You'll probably gain a little more at first by eating those calories back because your body will still be in starvation mode, but it will come off and you'll be very happy with the results.

    Add me as a friend and get to know me and my buddies. We've built a great support group on here for each other and we always love new faces!
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Looked through your diary and I see several things:

    1. Consistency - You skip meals, have fast food too often, and under eat often
    2. Not much in the way of fresh food (again, either fast food, meal replacements, etc)
    3. Probably have your settings incorrect

    You are already quite lean - this means that to lose the last 10-15 lbs you will need to be more diligent in quality of food and eating enough to let the body know it's ok to release the cushion of fat that it prefers to have. You need good protein, good carbs, and good fats.

    I'd recommend reading this threads that can help determine healthy, realistic goals and how metabolism works. Good luck to you!

    Right on, girl!
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    Get the EatSmart™ Precision GoFit Digital Body Fat Scale!!!! It measures EVERYTHING. It will show you what YOUR muscles percentage is, including your fat and your water. It even measures your bones! You will be able to see how fit you are and your fitness progress. Your *weight* is just a number. Don't let that dictate how healthy you are. I felt discouraged too by the number, but as soon as I hopped on my NEW scale and it told me how fit I was, I wasn't so focused on the weight anymore :happy:
  • styllpyt
    styllpyt Posts: 3 Member
    Don't give up, it takes twice as long to lose pound when you are dealing with thyroid issues. Just keep up the good work, and don't give up
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